Archive for April, 2011
Monday, April 18th, 2011
Imagine a day without email, teleconferencing, online videos, Google or cell phone access. In today’s world, broadband access is critical—especially to business growth, economic development, education and telemedicine—as we become more reliant on digital communication, from email to teleconferencing and social media.
How State government, municipalities, businesses and providers can work together to expand and improve broadband access throughout New Hampshire will be the focus of the 2011 New Hampshire Telecommunication Summit, which will be held on Wednesday, May 11 at the Radisson Hotel Manchester Downtown. Sponsored by the NH Division of Economic Development, the NH Telecommunication Association (NHTA), HEADNetworks and NH Business Review, the summit will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn from leaders in the industry and see the latest in voice and data technology.
According to Carol Miller, Director of Broadband Technology for the State of New Hampshire, “This represents the first time in several years that providers, municipalities and businesses will gather to share information and resources about telecommunications. While we’re justifiably proud that New Hampshire ranks second in the nation for households with broadband access, we still have a lot of work to do to expand broadband to rural areas. Businesses tend to locate where broadband is, so making broadband, including wireless, available in rural areas is important to our economy.”
On the agenda will be an address by Scott Valcourt, UNH Adjunct Faculty Member in
Science & Technology Division, Computer Information Systems Program, who will speak on “New Hampshire’s Newest Broadband Initiative.” A panel discussion by New Hampshire service providers on “Statewide Broadband and Business Expansion Incentives” will be moderated by Matt Cookson, executive director of the New Hampshire High Technology Council.
Three breakout sessions—“Wireless/Cellular Technology Today,” “Where’s My Broadband?” and “Telecom 101 for Businesses and Municipalities”— will be offered, as well as lunch and ample time to meet with exhibitors.
Cost to attend the summit is $75 per person, which includes lunch. Registration begins at 7:45 a.m., with the program running from 8:45 a.m. to approximately 2pm. Register online at For more information, call NHTA at 1-800-400-NHTA (6482) or email Sponsorship opportunities are still available.
Lodging is available at the Radisson, which is located at 700 Elm Street in Manchester. Call (603) 625-1000 and use “NHTA” to receive the attendee discount.
Tags: Carol Miller, HEADNetworks, Matt Cookson, New Hampshire High Technology Council, New Hampshire Telecommunications Summit, NH Business Review, NH Division of Economic Development, NH Telecommunication Association, Radisson Hotel Manchester Downtown, Scott Valcourt Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Businesses, Government and Providers to Gather at Telecommunications Summit
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011
With over 95% of the world’s consumers living outside of the United States, there has been no better time to develop an international business plan.
Recognizing that fact, the New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center, in partnership with Dachser USA and RBS Citizens, will hold an “Introduction to Exporting” seminar on Thursday, April 21 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, 172 Pembroke Road in Concord.
The seminar will cover researching international markets, developing an international business plan, international pricing, taxes and tariffs, logistics, financing, complying with export regulations, the reasons for going global and much more.
Registration is priced at $95 per person and includes breakfast and lunch. Those interested should visit
Administered by the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development’s Office of International Commerce, the ITRC plans, develops and administers programs for international trade promotion and foreign market development. For more information about the ITRC, call (603) 271-8444, or visit their website at
Tags: Dachser USA, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center, RBS Citizens Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Intro to Export Seminar to be Held in Concord
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011
Managing the Generations at Work
Wednesday, June 8
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (registration begins at 8:30, lunch is provided)
Public Service of New Hampshire, Five Rivers Room
780 North Commercial Street; Manchester, NH
Do you remember when Jackie Robinson entered the major leagues? Were you at Woodstock? Was the expression “get real” part of your lingo? Or do you use “texting” as your primary form of communication?
Individually, these are elements that define different generations but collectively, they represent the rich mix of generations in the workforce. Are you able to identify your own generational strengths, weaknesses, and biases to maximize communication with your colleagues, employees or customers?
Generational differences in the workplace can lead to frustration, conflict and poor morale. But businesses that are able to build an “age-inclusive” workplace — one that supports real communication and understanding across all ages and builds on the unique values and strengths of each generation — will see a positive impact on their bottom line.
This session will address how the multigenerational workplace phenomena changed the traditional landscape of work and how we can work to eliminate intergenerational conflict on the route to organization success. In this session we will:
• Define the unique qualities of each generation including how the seminal events of the time affected them, compelling messages from their formative years and the technology of the times;
• Explore how the session participants’ own generation affects how they interact with the world; and
• Learn the varying approaches to both lead, manage and interact in a multigenerational workforce.
To register visit:
This free session is brought to you by AARP New Hampshire, New Hampshire Business Review, and the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development.
Tags: Jackie Robinson, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Public Service of New Hampshire Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Managing the Generations at Work Focus of Seminar
Monday, April 11th, 2011
Gov. John Lynch today unveiled a new Web site designed to better connect New Hampshire manufacturers with New Hampshire suppliers and buyers. The Web site is an outgrowth of a suggestion Gov. Lynch received from businesses during his Job Cabinet Roundtables.
 Governor John Lynch unveils the partnership between the State of New Hampshire and
The State is partnering with, the largest global sourcing marketplace for the manufacturing industry, for this first-of-its- kind partnership. The unveiling took place at Burndy LLC, an electronic components manufacturer in Londonderry. Alan Beck, Burndy LLC Vice President of Application Tooling, made the suggestion for a better way for New Hampshire businesses to connect during the Manchester Jobs Cabinet Roundtable.
Gov. John Lynch joined representatives of several Granite State manufacturing firms and state economic development officials in unveiling the new site.
During Gov. Lynch’s Jobs Cabinet Roundtables last year, the Governor heard from business leaders who said it is a challenge for them to easily identify New Hampshire suppliers. A number of companies expressed a desire to contract with New Hampshire suppliers when at all possible rather than contracting out of state. The New Hampshire Division of Economic Development worked with to develop this new Web site.
“We want to make it easier for New Hampshire businesses to support and work with other New Hampshire companies. That will help our businesses grow and create jobs here in the Granite State,” Gov. Lynch said. The more New Hampshire manufacturers can work with other New Hampshire companies, the stronger our economy will be.”
As part of the partnership, local companies registered on a special “New Hampshire only” page on, will be able to purchase goods and services from each other, creating a heightened awareness of resources within the state.
 MFG.Com Senior Vice President Adam Oaks describes the many services that his company provides to the manufacturing community.
Adam Oaks, Senior Vice President and General Manager of, stated that he believes this new partnership will open new doors for New Hampshire suppliers and buyers to engage in locally-based matchmaking.
“We are extremely excited to be part of this initiative that essentially enables the local New Hampshire manufacturing community,” he said. “The sourcing portal will effectively promote economic development within New Hampshire through intelligently connecting local manufacturing buyers and suppliers at the exact moment they need each other.”
The link for the specially designed page will be housed on, the State’s economic development Web site. Those suppliers who complete a registration for the service through the New Hampshire landing page will receive an optimized profile, Atlas listing and projects from all Granite State buyers for $99 a month. Buyers registering via the landing page will have access to the New Hampshire information for free.
“What a wonderful way to stimulate commerce and build new relationships among New Hampshire manufacturers and prospective buyers,” said New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development Director George Bald. “This first-in-the-nation pilot program gives our state an incredible edge as we further develop and strengthen our manufacturing sector.”
“A local supply base can provide a very competitive advantage particularly for developing new product and processes,” added Alan Beck, Burndy LLC Vice President of Application Tooling. Burndy has offered high quality, competitively priced connectors, wiring accessories and installation tooling that have solved connection problems for over 85 years. “The application that the Division of Economic Development and have facilitated was created expressly for New Hampshire businesses and is a powerful tool that allows companies to easily find the core competencies that exist locally. This will create healthier businesses and a stronger local economy.”
“The New Hampshire page is of tremendous value to Granite State manufacturers,” Zenagui Brahim, director of operations for the New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) said. “By giving us a new and innovative addition to our toolkit, we have improved the prospects for all engaged in this vital industry.”
A recent New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies report sponsored by the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire High Tech Council noted that Smart Manufacturing/High Technology (SMHT) is the single largest sector of New Hampshire’s economy (19 percent). In 2009 alone, the SMHT sector encompassed 3,700 New Hampshire companies employing almost 80,000 people and paying out $6.4 billion in wages and benefits. Exports from the state’s manufacturers directly support more than 77,000 jobs, compared to about 52,000 jobs in travel and tourism.
The “New Hampshire only” page can be accessed at
About is the largest global sourcing marketplace for the manufacturing industry.’s platform enables companies to intelligently connect, source, collaborate and perform due diligence with transparency and intellectual property protection. It supports virtually all manufacturing process and industrial components, is in seven major languages, more than 50 currencies and has more than 200,000 members on five continents. is based in Atlanta and has offices in Shanghai and Paris. For more information:
Tags: Alan Beck, Burndy LLC, Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire, Job Cabinet Roundtable,, New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire High Tech Council, New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership,, Zenagui Brahim Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Governor Announces First in Nation Partnership for State’s Manufacturers
Monday, April 11th, 2011
Landing that first date with the guy or gal of your dreams is now as simple as the point of a cell phone thanks to a creative New Hampshire innovation. Cheaper than a mixed drink and easier than a pick-up line, this is a social messaging function with the ability to change the way we meet, interact and, more importantly, conduct business.
The New Hampshire Business Resource Center announced today PoKos Communications Corp. has been named the April “Innovation Rocks!” award winner for their breakthrough “Point-and-Chat” software.
“Point-and-Chat” is the first and only software on the market that enables users to point their phone at any other user in sight and send them a message, without inputting any contact information, checking in, or having social network membership.
Once a recipient has been designated (using the phone’s camera), the “Point-and-Chat” app sends them a message saying that someone would like to speak with them. The person receiving the message can choose to respond, ignore it or even block future contact.
“What’s even more impressive than some of the social applications are the ways that businesses can transmit messages at events they’re sponsoring to potential consumers or even reach out to a presenter at a busy conference,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy. “Rather than simply using an app to push out a coupon, you can start a meaningful conversation or gauge someone’s interest on a particular topic. Point-and-Chat is an incredibly innovative product.”
For more information about PoKos Communications Corp., visit
“Innovation Rocks!” is an initiative sponsored by the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development’s Business Resource Center in coordination with Rock 101 (WGIR-FM) and the The Pavilion at the Hilton Garden Inn Manchester Downtown to celebrate the creativity and ingenuity of New Hampshire innovators.
Tags: Innovation Rocks!, New Hampshire Business Resource Center, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, PoKos Communications Corp., Rock 101, Roy Duddy, The Pavilion at the Hilton Garden Inn Manchester Downtown, WGIR-FM Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on PoKos Named April “Innovation Rocks!” Award Winner
Thursday, April 7th, 2011
Small businesses seeking to grow their businesses and create jobs through exporting can turn to new, free educational videos created through a partnership between the U.S. Small Business Administration, Inc. Magazine and AT&T.
Through the public-private partnership, a series of video modules has been developed to inspire and encourage American small businesses to actively pursue exporting and to educate them on how to do so.
“Winning the future means supporting small businesses that want to grow and create jobs through exporting,” said SBA Administrator Karen Mills. “SBA is very pleased to have partnered with Inc. Magazine and AT&T in the production and distribution of this video series, which will help small firms that are new to exporting or looking for new markets to sell their goods and services.”
The video series, Take Your Business Global, features five main topics that guide small businesses through the process of exporting: Getting Started in Exporting; Planning for Export success; Connecting with Foreign Buyers; Financing; and five Case Studies of successful small business exporters.
The videos begin with answers to the frequently asked question, Why Export? They feature SBA Deputy Administrator Marie Johns; U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke; U.S. Trade Representative, Ambassador Ron Kirk, and a variety of small business exporters. Other modules feature exporting experts discussing “how-to” take your business global. The videos are posted at
“Inc. is proud to work alongside the Small Business Administration and AT&T to provide entrepreneurs with a valuable resource in their efforts to expand their businesses overseas,” said Bob LaPointe, Inc. President. “This video series will educate business owners about what to expect when they launch an international business. “We have put together experienced small business exporters as well as officials from local and national resources to provide a complete picture. Inc. is always happy to help small businesses grow.”
“AT&T is excited to be part of this initiative and to collaborate with the SBA and Inc. magazine,” said Cathy Martine, AT&T Executive Vice President, Small Business Solutions. “We believe U.S. small businesses are engines of innovation, and strongly encourage them to grow by thinking globally and taking advantage of technology. With the emergence of online commerce and digital communications, the potential to export products and services around the world has never been greater.”
Funding for this project was jointly provided by Inc. Magazine and AT&T. Also, Inc. Magazine created the site to host the videos; both firms will distribute DVD copies of the videos and related materials approved by SBA and promote the series in online and print advertising.
The joint program will be launched April 8, at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, at the Inc. conference GROWCO, an event targeting growing small businesses.
The co-sponsorship agreements will remain in effect through August 31, 2012.
Tags: AT&T, Bob LaPointe, Cathy Martine, Cosmopolitan Hotel, Gary Locke, Inc. Magazine, Karen Mills, Marie Johns, Ron Kirk, U.S. Small Business Administration Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on SBA, Inc. Magazine and AT&T Join Forces to Promote Exporting by U.S. Small Businesses
Wednesday, April 6th, 2011
Congrats to our friends and colleagues at the abi Innovation Hub on their recent relaunch – here’s a press release that gives the entire scoop on the kickoff event:
The abi Innovation Hub (abi Hub) held a relaunch event on March 31, 2011 to celebrate its’ new vision. About 70 people, who have some connection or interest in the world of start ups, attended the event. They were invited to self tour the abi Hub, a 15,000 square foot facility, while enjoying beverages and edibles. The abi Hub embraces a vibrant look with inspirational wall hangings of photos and quotes from innovators and entrepreneurs who have paved the way for all entrepreneurs.
“The abi Hub is all about ideas, innovation and impact,” says Jamie Coughlin, vice president of strategic initiatives and entrepreneur in residence, “and we wanted our décor to reflect that view.”
The event included a presentation kicked off by Coughlin, who clarified the mission of the abi Hub. “We’re here to nurture high growth startups and create an environment where entrepreneurs have access to the resources, connections, experience, and capital to support the journey of putting ideas into action. We want this to be a place that embraces all things entrepreneurial, a community of innovation.”
The abi Hub, located in the Manchester Millyard, boasts 15,000 square feet of space. There are thirty-five full time offices ranging from 150 to 500 square feet. There are currently two units available for rent. In addition to traditional offices, there is co-working space. “We recognize that in today’s world many businesses launch from non-conventional spaces and we wanted to have options in place that would suit their needs,” said Coughlin, “and, it’s very affordable, starting at $100/month.”
There are currently 20 full time businesses and fifteen co-working residents that call the abi Hub home. Whether full time or part time, all residents are embraced into the abi Hub entrepreneurial community. The abi Hub also has shared space, including private meeting rooms and a conference room that includes impressive audio/visual equipment that can be used by all members.
 Scott Merrick of U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen's Office receives thanks from abi Innovation Hub Vice President of Operations Michele Petersen after he read a statement from Senator Shaheen.
Michele Petersen, vice president of operations followed Coughlin’s presentation. “As a result of the support by U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, we’re fortunate to have received an SBA grant that serves two purposes. The first was to “tech up the place” which we’ve definitely done. The second is to pursue a Soft Landing’s Designation, provided by the National Business Incubator Association.” This status says to the community that the abi Hub is a great place for an international company to land a business.” Although Senator Shaheen was unable to attend the relaunch event, she sent a written statement, which was read by Shaheen office staffer Scott Merrick.
The presentation continued with representatives of two abi Hub resident companies highlighting their businesses. The first was Kent Murphy from Accreon, an information technology and business solutions company based out of New Brunswick, Canada, where they employ 100 people. Accreon has a 20 year history in the information technology and business solutions industry. They work with clients throughout the Maritime Provinces, Ontario and the United States, and have successfully established themselves as a leader in their industry. They look forward to replicating that same success here. Murphy expressed enthusiasm for the initiation of their first US office in Manchester and the good fortune of having discovered the abi Hub. To learn more about Accreon, visit
The second abi Hub resident speaker was Derek Hopkins, president & CEO of Liquid Health Labs, Inc. This company is part of the fastest growing category of the nutrition industry, the functional beverage market. The company has successfully introduced PowerCap to the market, a patented cap filled with nutritional supplements and additives that you infuse into consumable liquids. Hopkins demonstrated the product by removing a cap from a bottle of water, replacing it with the PowerCap, pushing down on the top and releasing the supplements into the water. The end result was an instantly enhanced beverage. For more information visit
Bruce Wilson, president & CEO of Cellular Specialties, Inc. also took part in the presentation. Coughlin concluded by thanking event sponsors, which comprised the abi Hub board of directors, Matt Pierson and the Boston Beer Company, and asking all in attendance to consider how they might become involved. After the presentation, attendees continued touring, networking and enjoying the refreshments, with the exciting energy continuing late into the evening.
Congrats abi Innovation Hub!
Tags: Boston Beer Company, Bruce Wilson, Cellular Specialties Inc., Derek Hopkins, Jaime Coughlin, Kent Murphy, Liquid Health Labs, Matt Pierson, Michele Petersen, PowerCap, Scott Merrick, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on abi Innovation Hub – Relaunch 2.0 – Thinking Big!
Monday, April 4th, 2011
Q: I am a sole proprietor and my business has grown so much that I think I need to hire one or more employees. How do I do that and are there any resources to assist me?
 NH Business Resource Center Seacoast Business Services Specialist Christine J. Davis
A: Congratulations on growing your business! Hiring your first employee is a big step and there are a few hoops you will need to jump through and important things to consider before you hang out the “help wanted” sign.
I did a bit of digging on the Internet and the good news is that there are a bunch of free resources available to educate you on what you need to know when hiring employees. I visited a couple of sites that were full of information about hiring as well as other business issues. The Small Business Administration,, is a great tool for business owners looking for information. They listed “10 Steps to Hiring Your First Employee”:
1. Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) if you don’t have one already.
2. Set up records for withholding taxes-you can have an accountant work with you on this if desired.
3. Employee Eligibility Verification (Form I-9)-this does not need to be filed with the federal govt. but does need to be kept on file.
4. Register with the State’s New Hire Reporting Program.
5. Obtain Worker’s Compensation Insurance.
6. Unemployment Insurance Tax Registration-some exclusions may apply.
7. Obtain Disability Insurance-NOT required in New Hampshire.
8. Post required notices (finally, something easy to do!) Here is a link to the notices required by the federal and NH government:
9. File Your Taxes-Can be done monthly or quarterly.
10. Get organized and keep yourself informed.
So those are some of the “hoops” that need to be dealt with. What about the other issues such as how do I advertise for the position, what questions do I ask during the interview, should I do a background check, do I need to offer benefits and can I hire an independent contractor instead of a regular employee? These are some pretty important questions too and are not to be taken lightly. I will touch upon these a bit, but you can get more in-depth information from the Small Business Development Center’s Web site, If you are not yet familiar with the SBDC or SCORE, you should spend some time on their Web sites and take advantage of their free business counseling and low cost seminars.
Before you put out an advertisement, you should have a job description ready that clearly describes the position including: job objective, scope of position, duties, responsibilities and necessary qualifications. Be prepared to receive a number of applications that don’t fit the description, however, as there are still a lot of people looking for work. It is good to be a bit flexible but you want to be sure the candidate has the tools and education to fulfill their role. There are a number of ways to find candidates from using a temp agency, to the State’s Employment Security office, to traditional newspapers and online. The type of position will also be a factor in which avenue you choose. The job description also determines if the position should be classified as hourly (non-exempt) or salary (exempt). Many employers are under the false assumption they can make this determination because it is more cost effective for example, to pay someone a salary rather than have to pay them overtime. Actually the federal government’s Fair Labor Standards Act outlines which positions are eligible to receive salary/exempt status as determined by the job duties the individual will perform. Employers can receive hefty fines for misclassification.
Though not legally required, consider offering some benefits for your employee(s). Many small businesses are unable to afford health insurance but if you can offer it you will be able to attract more candidates. Other things to consider are holidays, vacation and sick time as well as whether or not you are open to (and the job is conducive to) having your employee work from home. Again, so much is industry specific so there isn’t a one size fits all answer to these questions. Some businesses hire Professional Employer Organizations or professional Human Resource firms to handle these issues for them. These groups can assist with the intricacies of HR and take responsibility off of your plate so you can focus on your business (Wouldn’t that be nice!).
Some businesses may be best served by hiring an independent contractor versus a traditional employee. A business benefits by using an independent contractor with savings in labor, reduced liability and more flexibility in hiring and firing (source: However, there are distinct differences between the two and a misclassification could be costly. A few of the descriptive for an independent contractor are:
• Operates under a business name
• May have their own employees
• Invoices for work done and keeps records
• May have multiple clients
This is not an exhaustive list, so please do some research if you are contemplating going down this road and know that different government entities such as the IRS and the NH Department of Labor, have differing “tests” to determine whether the individual is eligible to be an independent contractor. Another good site to visit to learn more about hiring issues and concerns is I have hired both employees and independent contractors in the past and always checked with a professional before offering employment.
There are lots of hoops to jump through and much to consider before you hire that first employee. I also recommend that you spend a good deal of time talking with that person and making sure they are a good fit for your organization. You can have a seemingly perfect fit on paper but a personality clash that just won’t work. Don’t forget to check references and perhaps even conduct a background check. That’s so important to the decision making process as well.
If you do your due diligence, you are quite likely to bring on a person that will help you grow your business. There aren’t any guarantees but I do believe that the better you educate and prepare yourself, the more likely you will be successful.
Special thanks to Delise West of Human Resource Partners in Dover, NH for her contributions to this article,
Whether you have been in business for 20 years or just getting started, we have the resources and the expertise to answer your questions. You can e-mail me at I look forward to hearing from you.
Tags: Christine Davis, Delise West, Human Resource Partners, NH Department of Labor, NH Employment Security, SBDC, SCORE, Small Business Administration, Small Business Development Center Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Ask CJ: Hanging Out the “Help Wanted” Sign
Monday, April 4th, 2011
USDA Rural Development, in conjunction with the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development, has released details of “Stronger Economies Together” (SET), a new program that provides strategic planning and other technical assistance to bolster projects in multi-county areas in rural Vermont and New Hampshire. SET awardees will receive training and technical assistance tailored to their projects in order to achieve their community economic development goals. The intent of the program is to foster regional collaboration. Successful recipients will present projects that will have an impact on at least three counties. The goal is to assist groups or organizations that wish to capitalize on the strengths of their region and develop ways to enhance its quality of life.
SET Eligibility Requirements:
• Applicants must submit project concepts that have a multi-county impact (three or more counties) in Vermont or New Hampshire (or in conjunction with counties in neighboring states).
• The average rural population must be 51% or more of the region’s total population based on Census data or other sufficient data or documentation; or 75% of their land area is located in rural areas of that region based on Census data or other sufficient data or documentation.
• Further details about eligibility are included at the end of the application form.
• Applications are available at Rural Development’s web site by emailing
• A complete application must be received electronically by May 13, 2011 (11:59 pm Eastern). Submit completed applications to: You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your application within 36 hours.
• There is no application fee, but chosen applicants should be prepared to supply some minor logistical support.
The Stronger Economies Together program began one year ago in eight states and is now available in an additional 11states including Vermont and New Hampshire. Since it began, 22 regions have received technical assistance to accomplish their regional projects.
Tags: Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development, SET, Stronger Economies Together, USDA Rural Development Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on USDA and Northeast Center for Rural Development Announce Technical Assistance Program