Overall, a good piece in today’s Boston Globe about the Division of Economic Development’s efforts to attract Massachusetts companies interested in expanding or relocating to the Granite State. A couple of points to add clarification – the B-52s are nowhere past their heyday (don’t know how you can really say that of a band with multi-platinum sales, several MTV Video Music Awards and a recent album that hit the Billboard charts at #11 but I digress) and there will be no Powerpoint presentation – it would interfere with the frenetic networking and dancing. If you aren’t moved to dance at the first beat of a B-52s’ song, your feet may be nailed to the floor.
Thanks to the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom and PSNH for their great partnership on this event – you’re incredible!
Jukebox money not required
N.H. enlists B-52s in its efforts to lure Bay State firms
By Jenn Abelson
Globe Staff
September 16, 2011
New Hampshire officials are encouraging Massachusetts businesses to roam – as long as it’s north of the border.

A concert by multi-platinum selling artists The B-52s will be the centerpiece of a business recruitment event by the NH Division of Economic Development geared towards attracting Massachusetts companies.
If promises of lower taxes and less regulation aren’t enough, Granite State officials are now trying to lure Massachusetts companies with free tickets to a concert by the B-52s, the long-running band that – in addition to “Roam’’ – is known for quirky and danceable hits such as “Rock Lobster’’ and “Love Shack.’’
The event, billed as “Live Free and Dance,’’ is scheduled for Sept. 30 at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom. Ten Massachusetts companies will receive free tickets to the show, a catered meal, and a ceremonial key to the beach. The catch: Prospects need to sit through a dinnertime PowerPoint presentation on why New Hampshire is better.
The invitations tout New Hampshire as a state “whose tax atmosphere and quality of life is as solid as granite.’’ More than 300 of them were sent out last week, and two manufacturing companies from the Merrimack Valley have already expressed interest, according to Mike Bergeron, a business development manager for New Hampshire’s economic development division.
Steve Boucher, the communications and legislative director who organized the event, said he wasn’t concerned about using a band whose heyday was years ago to promote New Hampshire as a place for the future.
“Really, who doesn’t love ‘Love Shack?’ ’’ Boucher said.
As for the B-52s’ members – who couldn’t be reached for comment – it’s unlikely they have strong opinions on which of the two New England states are more fertile territory for growing a business.
“The B-52s probably don’t even know they are part of the event,’’ Boucher said. “They are the way of getting people in the door.’’
And while New Hampshire officials highlighted “Roam’’ in a press release, if someone had dug a little deeper into the band’s discography, they might have come up with these more on-point lines from “Private Idaho,’’ another B-52s song:
“Get out of that state, get out of that state you’re in!
“You better beware.’’
Tags: Boston Globe, Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development