When most people hear the term “power lunch,” they think business suits, martinis and high pressure deals. At the 3rd Annual “A-Ha!” NH Social Media Business Summit scheduled for October 27th at Gunstock Mountain Resort in Gilford, “Power Lunch” means having a unique opportunity to pick the collective brains of social media experts across a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines.
Fittingly enough, Public Service of New Hampshire is the sponsor of the Summit’s luncheon which will see one expert per table providing their skills, expertise and advice in a smaller group setting.
“Social media is an incredibly important tool for businesses throughout the state, and we’re extremely pleased to be able to connect companies with the experts who can help them move their communications efforts forward,” said Public Service of New Hampshire Economic & Community Development Manager Pat McDermott. “The ‘power’ in this Power Lunch comes from having a chance to ask relevant questions of a uniquely talented group of professionals who are setting the tone in social media every day.”
The Summit, produced by Epiphanies, Inc. in coordination with the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, will feature keynote speaker Abby Fichtner, Evangelist for Startups at Microsoft discussing how to “Follow Your Own Path” as well as:
Lou Bortone (online visibility expert) – “Let’s Get Engaged! The Dream Wedding of Online Video and Social Media”
Steve Boucher (New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Communications & Legislative Director) – “The No Bull Pursuit of Creativity in Business Blogging”
Nancy Clark (President and Owner Girl of the Glen Group) – “The Art of Fearless Storytelling”
Walter Elly (V2 Strategic Advisors) – “Social Media in Strange Places”
Ric Pratte (Meltwater Buzz Director) – “Where the Rubber Meets the Road: The Business Impact of Social Consumers”
Corissa St. Laurent (Constant Contact) – “Wonder Twin Powers….Activate! The Email and Social Media Super Duo”
Kevin Skarritt (CEO of Flock Marketing) – “Under the Influence: The New Social VIPs and Their Power Over Your Future”
Lani Voivod (Co-owner of Epiphanies, Inc.) – “Blip, Spurt, Dash: How to ‘A-Ha!’ Yourself and Your Biz With the Social Web”
Allen Voivod (Co-owner of Epiphanies, Inc.) – “Succeed in the Social Realm, You Will: 7 Jedi Strategies for Mastering the Social Media Force”
“This whole day is designed to be an electric, inspiring experience for attendees,” said event organizer Allen Voivod. “It’s a day to generate ideas, spark conversations and ignite positive, purpose-fueled action. It’s going to help you raise your marketing and success game overall, and raise your team and your business up with you.”
The registration fee for the 3rd Annual “A-Ha!” New Hampshire Social Media Business Summit is $75. For additional details, visit www.AhaNH.com.
Tags: Allen Voivod, Constant Contact, Corissa St. Laurent, Epiphanies Inc., Flock Marketing, Glen Group, Kevin Skarritt, Lani Voivod, Lou Bortone, Meltwater, Microsoft, Nancy Clark, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Pat McDermott, Public Service of New Hampshire, Ric Pratte, V2 Strategic Advisors, Walter Elly