Social media. It’s the buzz word these days. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slideshare, Pinterest. The world can’t be found just in your grandfather’s newspaper anymore – it’s only as far as your computer screen and keyboard.
How to navigate these exits off the worldwide web is now a necessary part of the way we do business and that’s one of the reasons we helped Lani and Allen Voivod of Gilford-based Epiphanies Inc. to found the A-Ha Social Business Summit. It’s happening at Southern New Hampshire University Friday, Nov. 16 and we hope you will join us.
(Today is the last day for early bird registration and now in its fourth year, it’s always been a sell out.)
Naturally, if you can’t make the live event, Allen and Lani have added a Digital Pass option, so you can watch the summit in real time, with streaming online video. Also, each session video will be available on demand, via your computer, for a year after the conference.
Presenters and panelists include leaders from Constant Contact; Dyn, Inc.; HubSpot; Stay Work Play; The Common Man; The Moore Center; Southern New Hampshire University; Flyte New Media; Flock Marketing; The Meltwater Group and Epiphanies, Inc.
Topics include mobile marketing, Facebook, Pinterest, online branding, digital engagement, viral video, inbound marketing, content strategies, social storytelling, reputation management, measurement and metrics and more.
Sounds serious and time consuming. But social media can be fun and creative — and it can be done from anywhere, as Lani and Allen found last week when they were stranded in Las Vegas, awaiting a flight home after attending a social media conference.
While we’re on the social media topic this morning, are you following us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn?
Give us a click. Hope to see you at the summit.
Lorna Colquhoun
Communications Director
New Hampshire Division of Economic Development
Tags: Allen Voivod, Epiphanies Inc., Lani Voivod, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, social media summit, Southern New Hampshire University