“… Networking is crucial to every aspect of entrepreneurship. We know that the most successful entrepreneurs have frequent, extensive contacts with people in the various fields and industries that could conceivably relate to their work. These contacts help them to think entrepreneurially. They provide insights that can help them spot, and act upon, unclaimed opportunities. And of course the contacts are useful in recruiting talent, investors, partners, advisors, and customers for the venture.” – The Kauffman Laboratory for Enterprise Creation
Want to meet some new and interesting people who share your passion for business creation? Interested in listening to a guest speaker who is entrusted with guiding the operations of four distinct divisions of state government?
The Hannah Grimes Marketplace will feature NH Department of Resources & Economic Development Commisssioner George Bald at its CONNECT Annual Entrepreneur Event to take place on Tuesday, October 27th from 4:15-7:30 p.m. at Alyson’s Orchard in Walpole, NH. The 2009 Hannah Grimes Entrepreneur of the Year Award will also be announced at the event.
The early bird registration cost is $25 (until 10/1/09) – interested parties can register online at http://www.hannahgrimes.com/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=227.
The Hannah Grimes Center mission – to help communities and entrepreneurs innovate, connect, and thrive – is rooted in the vision that the success of either is inextricably linked to the success of both. We believe that a local economy cannot thrive without a vibrant community – and, in turn, a community cannot be vibrant without a thriving local economy.
Tags: Hannah Grimes Center, NH Department of Resources & Economic Development, The Kaufman Laboratory for Enterprise Creation