Work-based learning in New Hampshire and how we can make it a dynamic and enriching experience for students on their way to college and a career is the focus of an upcoming conference. Business owners will especially be interested in attending Gov. Maggie Hassan’s Summit on Work-Based Learning coming up on June 6 at Manchester Community College.
New Hampshire has, over the past five years, seen great results as educators and employers align their needs and boost economic opportunities for students. With technological advances ever increasing in a global economy, today’s students need to be well-prepared with the knowledge and skills that will ensure companies, especially manufacturers, remain competitive.
The summit will continue the dialogue and include ways for businesses and organizations to become involved in work-based learning.
The conference is free and open to the public, however registration is required. It runs from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, with lunch provided at MCC.

Spiegel, Loyd
Joining a roster of employers, educators and students from New Hampshire will be Eric Spiegel, president and CEO of Siemens USA, director of Liberty Mutual Holding Co., Inc., member of the President’s Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee, and a member of the Board of Overseers at Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business.
Amy Loyd, director of the Pathways to Prosperity Network, will also participate, bringing her experience working with educators, employers and government leaders on promoting work-based learning.
New Hampshire is one of six states participating in the National Governor Association’s Policy Academy on Work-Based Learning. This 18-month planning grant provides financial resources, content experts and national partners to build upon the state’s existing work-based learning programs and develop a plan to enhance and scale these programs in the state.