With just three days to go to the 2nd Annual New Hampshire Business Bowl at The Acting Loft Field at the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, NH, men’s team captain Mike Dunican has launched his first “Hail Mary Pass” by unveiling the members of his team.
Here’s the roster for the men’s squad:
1. Captain Michael Dunican – North American Equipment Upfitters – Hooksett
2. Dave Joyal – Comcast-Manchester
3. Brian Dow – Ferdinando Insurance-Manchester
4. Tim Finnegan – North American Equipment Upfitters – Hooksett
5. Bill McKone – Air Gas East – Salem
6. Matt Strazzere – North American Equipment Upfitters – Hooksett
The women’s team led by Print Savvy CEO Lisa Landry has been curiously silent, perhaps not willing to tip their hand before the much anticipated “Battle of the Sexes” match-up.
For those who aren’t up to speed on the Business Bowl, during the course of the Manchester Wolves – Albany Firebirds af2 football game, two teams of six local business professionals will take part in fun and competitive “office Olympics” style events which will test their teamwork skills. The winner of the competition will receive the second annual Business Bowl trophy, tickets to Canobie Lake Park and tickets to Wolves games for the remainder of the 2009 season.
Prior to the Business Bowl event, the Business Resource Center, the Wolves, event sponsor Cartridge World and media partners New Hampshire Business Review and WGAM will host a free business appreciation reception for the first 50 business respondents at Piccola Italia Ristorante at 5:30 p.m. To make reservations for the free reception or purchase tickets to the game (at the special Business Bowl price of $10 per ticket), contact the Manchester Wolves at 627-9653 or sbike@manchesterwolves.com.
Join us for the free pre-game reception at Piccola and purchase tickets to the game now – what are you waiting for????
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director
Tags: Air Gas East, Albany Firebirds, Business Bowl, Canobie Lake Park, Cartridge World, Comcast, Ferdinando Insurance, Lisa Landry, Mike Dunican, NH Business Review, North American Equipment Upfitters, Piccola Italia Ristorante, Print Savvy, The Acting Loft, Verizon Wirelesss Arena, WGAM