Posts Tagged ‘Aerospace’
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018
Nathaniel Nelson is an international trade officer with the Office of International Commerce and a member of the board of directors of the New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium. -ed.
New Hampshire’s high growth aerospace/defense industry will be highlighted next week at the Farnborough International Airshow and this is one of many activities this year aimed at helping hundreds of companies here continue to grow and get their products into global markets.
The state is sponsoring its first-ever booth at the show and the time is right to be in the spotlight. OIC and US Commercial Services staff, joined by a contingent of A&D businesses, is heading to England, ready to meet and mingle with some 1,500 exhibitors from 52 countries and thousands of people attending. At the last Farnborough Airshow, in 2016, $124 billion orders and commitments were placed, so there is good reason why it’s important for New Hampshire to be at this event.
 The 4th annual New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Conference was held in May, drawing industry leaders for the opportunity to hear from experts about issues and challenges.
According to the Aerospace Industries Association, New Hampshire has realized one of the largest percentages of growth in aerospace and defense exports. This comes as no surprise to the over 350 aerospace/defense companies in the state that employ 60,000 people.
Over the past few years, New Hampshire and its businesses have worked hard to grow the aerospace and defense industry and these efforts are paying off. In a recent post by Aerospace Manufacturing and Design, it noted “the Granite State is quickly becoming the industry’s Northeast hub” and is projected to see a 3.8 percent growth in employment over the next few years.
This has not happened by accident. Back in 2013, we created the New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium, with a mission to foster the most opportune foreign markets for its members. At the 5-year mark, it boasts nearly 100 members and is realizing significant growth.
That growth will continue. Earlier this year, OIC worked with NHADEC on a 5-year strategic plan that continues the membership growth trajectory and builds on services offered to members. As it rolls out, our aerospace and defense companies will have more opportunities to market products, increase sales, and have more networking opportunities around the world.
OIC is continuing its work with the US Department of Defense, Office of Economic Adjustment, on several federal grant projects, which are being used to help A&D businesses weather the impact of defense program budget changes. In New Hampshire, OIC has used these federal grants to help companies consider international markets where their products would be in demand. Accordingly, businesses have, for example, learned strategies to think about technology commercialization and were provided with the tools necessary to conduct thorough market research.
Further, OIC has worked with the five New England states to receive a joint grant of $1.5 million to create the New England Regional Defense Industry Collaboration. This organization will use grant funds to coordinate the growth of defense-related businesses across the six-state New England region.
The primary goals of the organization will be to aid businesses in meeting new cybersecurity requirements for businesses in the defense industry supply chain, as well as to create a trusted supplier network that will make it easier for large defense contractors to locate smaller suppliers that are able to meet their production, certification and process requirements.
These relationships will elevate the technological knowledge and sophistication of DoD small and medium-sized manufacturers, improving their competitiveness, ability to innovate, and overall value to the DoD. This is a tremendous opportunity for the region and will continue not only the region’s growth, but the state’s, as well.
This is a great time for the state’s aerospace and defense industry. Through efforts by the state and its partners, such as the U.S. Commercial Service and NHADEC, the industry is continuing to expand and grow. We’re excited for this growth and all that it means for the state and region.
Tags: Aerospace, defense, Farnborough International Airshow, NH Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Spotlight on New Hampshire’s Aerospace/Defense Industry at Farnborough International Airshow This Month
Wednesday, May 9th, 2018
 The scheduling portal for the first ever B2B meetings is open until May 10. Register for login credentials; request appointments and check to see who has requested an appointment with you. There are 20 minute time slots for appointments beginning at 6:30pm, ending at 7:50pm; a potential for four meetings. You can block any time slots or leave them open for meeting requests. Make sure to confirm meetings that have been requested of you and keep checking back as new attendees register.
A global defense industry and technology innovation expert headlines the 4th annual networking event hosted by the New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium, from 5:30 – 8 pm, May 17 at the Manchester Country Club.
Tate Nurkin, founder of OTH Intelligence Group LLC, is frequently cited on defense-related topics and has provided testimony to the U.S. – China Economic and Security Review Commission about the implications of China’s military reforms and modernization. His keynote address examines the shifting defense industrial landscape and the future of defense innovation.
The event will also feature trade representatives from Canada, Saudi Arabia and other resource organizations, as well as a first-ever business-to-business matchmaking component.
Find out how NHADEC gave a big boost to one New Hampshire company. Tune in here to learn the benefits of being a member.
Founded in 2013 by the New Hampshire Office of International Commerce, the consortium is expanding its membership beyond the state and now includes members from Maine, Massachusetts, New York, and as far away as Utah. It has also forged relationships with AeroMontreal and the Farnborough Aerospace Consortium, fostering partnerships and opportunities in markets around the world for its members.
The event is open to anyone with an interest in the state’s aerospace and defense sector, but registration is required at
For more information, contact Dawn Wivell at 603-836-4207.
Tags: Aerospace, business to business, defense, international resources, NHADEC, Office of International Commerce Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Shifting Defense Landscape, Business-To-Business Matchmaking Highlight Annual NHADEC Networking Event on May 17
Wednesday, November 1st, 2017
Through a federal grant from the State Trade Expansion Program, the Office of International Commerce and its partner at the U.S. Department of Commerce/U.S. Commercial Service sponsored a booth at the Defense and Security Equipment International trade show in September. Michael Polizzotti, an intern with OIC this semester, offers a perspective on the importance of international trade shows.
 New Hampshire’s aerospace and defense sector had great visibility at a recent international trade show.
When we went to London to showcase New Hampshire’s capabilities and prowess in the world of aerospace and defense, we expected our conversations to be two-fold: Describing where, exactly, we are located in the world and what we have to offer a growing industry around the world.
Over the course of our participation in the Defense and Security Equipment International trade show, we were pleasantly surprised by people drawn to our booth to reminisce about their visits to New Hampshire, as they were surprised to learn that our state is such a hub of innovation.
At DSEI, we were joined by our partners from US Commercial Service and the New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium, as well as four companies – AQYR of Hollis; Corfin Industries of Salem; Brazonics of Hampton, and Crusade Group of Manchester. We were among 1,500 vendors at the show, which drew more than 18,000 people, giving us high visibility.
Having a presence at this show is important for these sectors. With aerospace and defense spending increasing in the United States and around the world, New Hampshire is poised to meet the demands of the global marketplace and OIC, and its partner, the New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium, is at the forefront to represent the state and regional businesses as innovative manufacturers and exporters.
NHADEC, a consortium of state and regionally-based aerospace and defense businesses, focuses on fostering opportune foreign markets for its members, through collaboration and global brand messaging. Members range from large scale manufactures, like BAE Systems and GE Aviation, to smaller tier companies.
There are many reasons for the global spending increases. NATO nations, including Poland, Portugal, Greece and others, are increasing their defense budgets. Defense spending is also on the rise in the Middle East and Asia, where military expenditures are projected between 4 percent and 6 percent. The Middle East and Asia-Pacific are driving commercial aerospace growth.
These trends present a great opportunity for New Hampshire.
Here’s why: About 60,000 aerospace and defense related jobs, at over 350 companies across the state, are filled by highly skilled workers. Many of these companies are NHADEC members working to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the growing aerospace and defense industry.
We can already see that growth. About 9 percent of New Hampshire’s manufacturing GDP is from aerospace and defense. Projections by the Aerospace Industries Association are for 3.8 percent, five-year employment growth in the sector. It also notes that New Hampshire has seen one of the largest percentage increases in dollar growth in the United States’ aerospace and defense industry.
The hard work of the state, NHADEC and its members over the past few years has heightened the Granite State as an aerospace and defense hub of innovation. We look forward to further solidifying the state as a place where innovation and manufacturing technology help to explore the depths of the sea and far reaches of space.
Michael Polizzotti
Office of International Commerce
Tags: Aerospace, AQYR, Brazonics, Corfin Industries, Crusade Group, defense and Defense Export Consortium, DSEI, New Hampshire aerospace, Office of International Commerce Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Trends Present Opportunity for New Hampshire’s Aero/Defense Sectors
Wednesday, May 14th, 2014
The Seacoast Aerospace Initiative launched Monday, with the ceremonial signing of a letter that clears for landing Canadian aerospace companies looking for opportunity to expand in one of New Hampshire’s fastest growing sectors.
The initiative came about in 2012, as Albany International and Safran were preparing for their co-location in Rochester, and the need to prepare for the growth of the industry.
 The Seacoast Aerospace Initiative
For the past 18 months, a partnership that included officials from Dover, Portsmouth, Rochester and Somersworth, as well as the Pease International Tradeport, Great Bay Community College and the University of New Hampshire and we here at the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, has been working to position this region as a hub for composites manufacturing.
Fast forward to this week and we celebrated a milestone: The signing of a letter – in French – inviting Quebec aerospace companies and suppliers not only to expand here, but to work with us in other areas, such as research and education.
“This collaboration has strengthened the Seacoast’s position as a leader in the aerospace and defense industry,” said Gov. Maggie Hassan. “This is win-win for everybody – the companies involved, the cities, the Seacoast, the state and for our people. It’s a good day for business in New Hampshire.”
Quebec is our closest neighbor to the north and we share more than an international border; we owe much to them for our history, culture and work ethic.
“Montreal is the national hub for aerospace,” said Thierry Weissenburger, senior trade commissioner of the Canadian Consulate in Boston. “This collaboration is happening as burgeoning trade is going on and I expect it grow massively.”
If you recall, our aerospace industry got a boost when the New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium signed a MOU with Aero Montreal in December, paving the way for our aerospace companies to have preferred relationships with their counterparts in Quebec.
 Marianne Bonnard
“This happened six months ago and already you are moving on with the next steps,” said Marianne Bonnard, with the Quebec delegation. “You are already moving on to the step and I think that says a lot about the determination of the region here and of our cooperation.”
With that came the ceremonial signing of the letter by our Commissioner Jeffrey Rose, of the Department of Resources and Economic Development; Mayors Karen Weston of Dover, Robert Lister of Portsmouth, T.J. Dean of Rochester, Dana Hilliard of Somersworth, and Arthur Nickless Jr., chairman of the Pease Development Authority.
“This regional hub is the centerpiece for our state’s economy, built around aerospace and defense,” Rose said. “We’re ready for take-off on the Seacoast.”
Lorna Colquhoun
Communications Director
NH Division of Economic Development
Tags: AeroMontreal, Aerospace, Albany International, Canadian Consul, Dover, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center, Pease International Tradeport, Portsmouth, Quebec, Rochester, Safran, Seacoast Aerospace Initiative, Somersworth Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Seacoast Aerospace Initiative: Cleared for Take-off; Aero/Defense Business Cleared to Land
Monday, March 4th, 2013
Red-eye trade missions. New businesses moving in to the Granite State. Advanced Manufacturing Week. Let’s jump right into what’s happening in New Hampshire’s economic development scene.
Trade missions are happening … two of them. We’re calling them ‘red-eye’ because they will be quick, focused and productive.
The first one, aimed at the health technologies sector, lands in Mexico City on April 23, in time for the Mexico Health IT Business Development Conference. You’ll attend that and have customized matchmaking appointments with Mexican business leaders before heading home on April 25.
The second one heads to Rome on June 24-25 and is specific to the aerospace, defense safety and security sectors. Those dates happen to be on the tail of the Paris International Air Show (and several New Hampshire companies are planning to attend), but you don’t need to be taking part in the air show to participate.
Interested in joining one of them? Contact Tina Kasim, program manager for the International Trade Resource Center.
Advanced manufacturing has been a buzz word as we talk about New Hampshire’s economy, which is not surprising, since we have a rich tradition in producing goods the country, and the world, needs.
Beginning next Monday and going through Friday, the Belknap Economic Development Council in Laconia is hosting the first Lakes Region Manufacturing Week. Among the highlights – the tours being offered by eight manufacturing facilities, including Titeflex Aerospace, Aavid Thermalloy, NH Ball Bearings, Scotia Technologies, Freudenberg and EFI.
“This will be a fun opportuntiy for people to get inside these high-tech companies and see what they do,” said Carmen Lorentz, the executive director of the BEDC. “Many people don’t have direct link to manufacturing today, so we wanted to given the community a chance to get to know these companies and see for themselves what great career opportunities they offer.”
What a great idea. Go check out your local manufacturers – they do good things.
The Welcome-to-New-Hampshire mat is rolled out this month to two companies — Vapotherm and P.A.T. Products.
Vapotherm, which makes innovative respiratory products and services, relocated from Stevensville, Md., to Exeter and plans to hire about 40 new employees this year. P.A.T Products is relocating its corporate headquarters from Bangor, Maine to the Pease International Tradeport in Portsmouth.
Lorna Colquhoun
Communications Director
NH Division of Economic Development
Tags: Aerospace, Belknap Economic Development Council, EFI, Freudenberg, International Trade Resource Center, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, NH Ball Bearings, PAT Products, Scotia Technologies, Tina Kasim, Titeflex, Vapotherm Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Join a Trade Mission, Meet Your Local Manufacturer, Welcome New Businesses