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Growing Salem Business Reflects Growing Life Sciences Sector in New Hampshire

Tuesday, December 11th, 2018

Foxx Life Sciences CEO Tom Taylor, left; Commissioner Caswell

A manufacturer that has doubled in size over the past year is looking to expand again, its CEO said last week during a visit with Business and Economic Affairs Commissioner Taylor Caswell.

Foxx Life Sciences, a world-leader in custom, single use bottle, flask and carboy bioprocess assemblies for the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, is ready to max out on its 55,000 square-feet it’s been operating in since 2014. CEO Tom Taylor said he needs to expand the company into at least 100,000 square-feet in the next two years, to meet its ambitious goal of $100 million in sales in the next decade.

“Clearly, I want that to be in New Hampshire,” Taylor told Caswell. “Strategically, this is the best place in the world for us.”

Since 2014, Foxx has grown from five employees to over 50, supplying some of the world’s most recognizable names in biotech/medtech. This company, Caswell said, is part of the state’s fast growing life sciences sector, complementing the work of others in the industry, while earning an international reputation for its innovative products.

“This is exactly the kind of company that can be established in New Hampshire and join some world class companies, like Lonza,” Caswell said. “Boston, and its significant life sciences sector, is just 30 miles away, but there are clear advantages to doing business here, not the least is our business friendly climate.”

Caswell said his team at Business and Economic Affairs will work with Taylor on his needs for expansion and connecting him with other companies within the state’s life sciences sector.