Alright folks….I know that many people have begun to mentally check out and are consumed by visions of sugar plums, elves and chestnuts roasting on an open fire. But what about your New Year’s Resolution?
By visiting my blog on the New Hampshire Business Review Network site, you can learn why I’m not the fifth member of an iconic New York City punk band and how my absolute lack of musical ability and my pronounced regional dialect helped to shape my career aspirations. It’s also a nice tale about pursuing dreams, channeling energies and finding the focus that can help you succeed in the boardroom as well as in other aspects of your life.
If you’ve been searching for the right New Year’s Resolution, this one might be the trick. Check it out at
The NHBR Network is an online business-to-business networking site that is providing businesspeople around the state with valuable information, tips and assistance from a team of contributors that include NHBR Editor Jeff Feingold, Andy Volinsky, Chuck Sink, Heidi Page, Steven Feinberg, CPA, Bill Ryan, Jason Blais, Deb Titus, Deb LeClair, Cindy Kibbe, Bob Sanders, Dr. John Benson, Clyde Terry and yes, good old me. Visit it now!!
-Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director