Posts Tagged ‘Granite State Independent Living’
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” Jobs give people an opportunity to not only earn money, but to gain self confidence, improve their skills and chart a course for a better life. That’s why we at the “No Bull Business Blog” get so jazzed up about initiatives that encourage people to find great jobs and keep them.
With that in mind, thanks to our friend Chris Purington at Granite State Independent Living for sending along this great press release about a new initiative his organization has undertaken to motivate job seekers and help them afford the commute to work. Way to go!!
GSIL is Fueling Up the Tanks of NH Citizens
Gas isn’t cheap and driving to work or sharing a ride requires dipping into a paycheck before it’s ever deposited or cashed. Here’s where Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) comes in with its new NH at WORK economic development efforts. Adapting to a new job is enough responsibility, and every NH citizen has enough financial responsibilities besides commuting to work. Therefore, GSIL wants to fill up the gas tanks of NH workers, eliminating an added expense of a new job.
Here’s how to access this great benefit. Eligible participants must be between the ages of 18 and 64 and be receiving Social Security benefits. Then they can choose to work with GSIL for assistance with a finding a job through the Ticket to Work services. GSIL has more than 25 years of experience making successful job placements and puts this experience to work making qualified employment matches throughout NH. These services include the evaluation of work environments, job search navigation, networking and interviewing guidance, resume and cover letter preparation, and skills and interest assessments to ensure each person is qualified and matched with the best available job positions. GSIL also assists job seekers with the financial planning necessary to manage increasing income while receiving Social Security benefits.
Once a successful job placement has been made, it’s time for GSIL to start paying at the pump. A $50 gas card will be the monthly reward the first nine months someone earns at least $720 each month, but it doesn’t stop there. Next, a $100 gas card will be awarded every 3 consecutive months that someone earns at least $1,010 each month, and this could continue on for up to three years. This means that over four years up to $1,650 can be saved in commuting costs. NH citizens will now be able to use this extra money for personal and family needs. Stay tuned for further NH at Work developments, as this is only one of many upcoming ways that GSIL’s economic development efforts will be making NH employment work better for all citizens or New Hampshire.
For more information about the initiative, visit
NH at WORK is a Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) led economic development effort to create access to economic opportunities for NH citizens with disabilities and to diversify NH employment to better meet the staffing needs of NH business. Founded in 1980, GSIL is an award-winning, statewide nonprofit organization that recognizes the fact that all of us will need some type of support in the course of our lives. GSIL’s mission is to promote life with independence for people with disabilities and seniors through advocacy, information, education and support.
Tags: Chris Purington, Granite State Independent Living, GSIL, NH at WORK, Ticket to Work Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on New Initiative Helps Job Seekers Put the Pedal to the Metal
Thursday, October 8th, 2009
Fourteen businesspeople in 13 different industries and two Business Excellence Hall of Fame inductees were honored Wednesday night at the seventh annual NHBR Business Excellence Awards.
Some 300 people attended the event, which was held at The Event Center at C.R. Sparks in Bedford. The awards are given to owners and operators of businesses or organizations with 100 employees or fewer. The winners were chosen by a panel of judges who reviewed more than 70 nominations.
Because of the extraordinary number of accomplished candidates, NHBR also named finalists in several categories. Emcee was Charlie Sherman, host of WGIR-AM’s morning news talk program.
The recipients of the 2009 NHBR Business Excellence Awards were:
• Steven Ryder, True North Networks — Excellence in Business Services/ Finalist — Edward B. Hopkins, Urban Tree Service/A Tree Health Company Inc.
• William Jordan, Jordan Signature Heating — Excellence in Construction. Finalist — Jerry Kingwell, Cobb Hill Construction Inc.
• Joe Reilly, Centrix Bank — Excellence in Financial Services
• Charles Fanaras, The Prescription Center — Excellence in Health Care. Finalists — Adele & Frank Belfsky, Living at Home Senior Care
• Tom Boucher and Mark Fenske, Great NH Restaurants — Excellence in Hospitality. Finalist — Carol Sheehan, The Red Arrow 24 Hr. Diner Franchising Inc.
• Tammy Boucher, Boucher Public Relations — Excellence in Media & Marketing. Finalist — Laurie Ferguson, New Hampshire Made
• Clyde Terry, Granite State Independent Living — Excellence in Non-Profits. Finalist — Peter Kelleher, Partnership for Successful Living
• Greg Bryant, Bedford Cost Segregation LLC — Excellence in Professional Services
• Karol LaCroix, Granite State College — Excellence in Public Service
• Stephen Duprey, Duprey Companies — Excellence in Real Estate
• Donna Buxton, Buxton Oil and Buxton Water — Excellence in Retail
• Peter Antoinette, Nanocomp Technologies — Excellence in Technology. Finalist — Wayne Croswell, ASA Tire Systems
• Mark Lore, Ride-Away Handicap Equipment Corp. — Excellence in Transportation
Inducted into NHBR’s Business Excellence Hall of Fame were Jack Middleton and the Dunfey Family.
Middleton is a partner of the regional law firm of McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton. With 50 years experience as a trial lawyer and 24 years of service as a New Hampshire District Court judge, he also spends countless hours volunteering and serving on the boards of such organizations as Franklin Pierce Law Center, The Nature Conservancy, The Mount Washington Observatory and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, among many others.
The Dunfey Family built the hotel chain that today is Omni Hotels, one of the country’s largest hotel franchises with over 15,000 rooms and 13,000 employees.
Sponsors of the event were FairPoint Communications, Laconia Savings Bank, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England, Public Service of New Hampshire, Corks Wine Bar at the Bedford Village Inn, Merrimack Street Volvo, WGIR-AM, New Hampshire Public Television and The Event Center at C.R. Sparks.
A portion of the evening’s proceeds were donated to Court Appointed Special Advocates, or CASA, an organization that advocates in New Hampshire’s courts and welfare systems for the best interests of abused and neglected children, so they can grow up in safe, permanent homes. — CINDY KIBBE/NEW HAMPSHIRE BUSINESS REVIEW
Tags: Adele Belfsky, ASA Tire Systems, Bedford Cost Segregation LLC, Bedford Village Inn, Boucher Public Relations, Buxton Oil and Buxton Water, Carol Sheehan, CASA, Centrix Bank, Charles Fanaras, Charlie Sherman, Cindy Kibbe, Clyde Terry, Cobb Hill Construction Inc., Corks Wine Bar, Donna Buxton, Duprey Companies, Edward B. Hopkins, FairPoint Communications, Frank Belfsky, Franklin Pierce Law Center, Granite State College, Granite State Independent Living, Great NH Restaurants, Greg Bryant, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England, Jack Middleton, Jerry Kingwell, Joe Reilly, Karol LaCroix, Laconia Savings Bank, Laurie Ferguson, Living at Home Senior Care, Mark Fenske, Mark Lore, McLane Graf Raulerson & Middleton, Merrimack Street Volvo, Nanocomp Technologies, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, New Hampshire Made, New Hampshire Public Television, NHBR Business Excellence Awards, Omni Hotels, Partnership for Successful Living, Peter Antoinette, Peter Kelleher, Public Service of New Hampshire, Ride-Away Handicap Equipment Corp., Signature Heating, Stephen Duprey, Steven Ryder, Tammy Boucher, The Event Center at C.R. Sparks, The Mount Washington Observatory, The Nature Conservancy, The Prescription Center, The Red Arrow, Tom Boucher, True North Networks, Urban Tree Service, Wayne Croswell, WGIR, William Jordan Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on NHBR Celebrates Business Excellence