Posts Tagged ‘ITRC’
Friday, September 16th, 2011
In partnership with the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Evolutions in Business, the International Trade Resource Center (ITRC) will hold a seminar, International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR): Overview and Licensing Issues, on Tuesday, October 18 from 9am to 3:30 p.m. at ITRC’s offices at 172 Pembroke Road in Concord.
This seminar is a must for any business that currently exports defense-related goods or plans to do so in the future as it will be a comprehensive review of export licensing considerations for weapons and other defense-related products. Export compliance officers, freight forwarders, international sales and marketing staffs, international customer service, engineers and technicians, and purchasing and supply management are encouraged to attend as it’s not always obvious what items and technical data fall under ITAR.
The seminar will cover a variety of ITAR licensing issues including the products and activities subject to ITAR; registration requirements, the types of ITAR licenses available and the license review process and exemptions; US Munitions List (USML), dual-use products, re-exports and transfers, penalties for ITAR violations and recent updates to the regulations. Attendees will learn how to classify defense-related articles, technology and services; what the record-keeping requirements are; and about the importance of compliance with restrictions on end-use, end-users and foreign nationals.
Cost for the event is $95 per person. For online payment and registration, go to and click on Calendar of Events, then Event and Seminar Registration. To pay by check, please make it out to SNHU/IIB and mail it to: P.O. Box 1856, Concord, NH 03301.
For more information or questions, contact Ellie White at 603-271-8444 or
Tags: Ellie White, Evolutions in Business, International Trade Resource Center, ITAR, ITRC, SNHU, U.S. Immigrations and Custom Enforcement Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on International Trade Session Scheduled for October
Friday, January 21st, 2011
New Hampshire had already exceeded its all-time annual export sales record eleven months into 2010, and showed the highest rate of increase in export sales among all the states, according to the New Hampshire Export Review released by the New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center (ITRC).
In making the announcement, ITRC’s Director, Dawn Wivell said, “As of November 30th, 2010, New Hampshire’s total year-to-date exports reached $3.889 billion. Prior to that our record was $3.752 billion in 2008—and that was for a full twelve months. To put it in perspective, this is a 40.56% increase over the same eleven month time period in 2009. New Hampshire has a lot to celebrate. The Granite State is number one among the states in rate of export growth, and we’re well above the national rate of 21.31%.”
The New Hampshire Export Review shows that 2,200 companies in the state export their goods or services. The majority of these are small or medium-sized businesses (referred to as SMEs) with fewer than 500 employees. SMEs generate approximately half of New Hampshire’s total exports of merchandise; this is the sixth highest share among the states and well above the national average of 30%.
Wivell says that New Hampshire is especially effective at marketing technology in the world markets.
“Each year the TechAmerica Foundation releases its annual report that details national and state trends in the international trade of high-tech goods,” she said. “We knew that New Hampshire was doing well in that arena, but we were especially pleased to find out that New Hampshire had the third highest tech export concentration in the nation last year; tech exports from New Hampshire accounted for half of our total exports.”
Wivell went on to explain that Mexico continues to be New Hampshire’s number one trading partner, with a 40% increase in trade in the first eleven months of 2010, while Canada continues to be second with an increase of nearly 20% during that time period. China, which was third in this category, has seen outstanding growth representing an increase of 93.54%. Other traditionally strong export markets including Germany, United Kingdom, South Korea, Hong Kong, France, Turkey, Taiwan, Australia, Brazil, Columbia and Singapore also posted double and triple digit increases.
“Our staff at the International Trade Resource Center was especially gratified to see these numbers since it really validates the work we’ve been doing to help New Hampshire companies break into and succeed in the international marketplace,” Wivell said. “I hope this will also serve to inspire New Hampshire companies that have been considering exporting to give us a call.”
Tags: Dawn Wivell, ITRC, New Hampshire Export Review, New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on New Hampshire Exports Up More Than 40% in 2010
Wednesday, January 19th, 2011
With security being of paramount importance in today’s world of international trade, the New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center (ITRC) will host a “Commercial Encryption Export Regulations” seminar on January 27th from 9-11:30 a.m. at the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development (172 Pembroke Road).
Encryption products are widely used to protect sensitive information. The U.S. Government maintains export controls on encryption items including encryption software, technology and other products to protect U.S. national security and foreign policy interests. Manufacturers and exporters of encrypted items may need to obtain a license to export their products, requiring a great deal of knowledge regarding current rules and regulations.
In this seminar, participants will learn how to identify a product that needs an export license, how to register, self-classify and file a License Exception ENC classification request, how to keep proper records and how to adjust to new amendments to EAR regarding encryption items.
The session will be presented by Jeanette Reed of Evolutions in Business.
The cost for the session is $55 and includes a light breakfast. For details, please visit For questions, contact Ellie White at (603) 271-8444 or
Administered by the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development’s Office of International Commerce, the ITRC plans, develops and administers programs for international trade promotion and foreign market development. For more information about the ITRC, call (603) 271-8444, or visit their website at
Tags: Ellie White, Evolutions in Business, ITRC, Jeanette Reed, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Commercial Encryption Export Regulations Seminar Scheduled
Thursday, February 4th, 2010
Looking at someone directly in the eyes might result in a hostile situation in some countries while in other countries, avoiding direct eye contact might provoke the same response. To ensure that New Hampshire business owners are knowledgeable about business customs abroad, the International Trade Resource Center (ITRC) will be holding an International Protocol workshop on Thursday, February 11 from 9 a.m.-noon at the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, 172 Pembroke Rd. in Concord.
ITRC Director Dawn Wivell will provide an overview of what cultural aspects are important to know as an American engaging in business and formalities with delegations, business clients and families from different countries and cultures.
For instance, did you know that:
• If you are interacting with the Japanese, it is important to understand that they make decisions by consensus, starting with the younger members of the group;
• The Germans give a firm handshake with one pump while Middle Eastern people will continue to shake your hand throughout a meeting;
• You should always use both hands to present your business card to visitors from Japan, China, Hong Kong and Singapore;
• In Turkey, if taken to a restaurant, it is customary for the person who extended the invitation to pay;
• In Japan, it is considered improper to point with your chopsticks during dinner.
The cost of the program is $40 per person. To register, please visit For questions, contact Katy Reno at (603) 271-8444 or
Administered by the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development’s Office of International Commerce, the ITRC plans, develops and administers programs for international trade promotion and foreign market development. For more information about the ITRC, call (603) 271-8444, or visit their website at
Tags: Dawn Wivell, ITRC, Katy Reno, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, NH International Trade Resource Center, Office of International Commerce Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on International Protocol to be Explored at Seminar