Honestly can’t remember too many photo shoots that begin with the line, “Do you want my teeth in or out?” But alas, when you’re getting ready to conduct a shoot with Manchester Monarchs tough guy Richard Clune, the rules of the game are different.
The whole point of our “We’ll Drop the Gloves for You” shoot was to get across a couple of basic facts of life: 1. That the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development will do almost anything to ensure that local business owners get the answers and assistance they need and 2. That our blog isn’t “business as usual” i.e. that it has a viewpoint and a unique approach to providing information that business owners need to have.
We thank Monarchs Vice President of Community Affairs Kim Mueller for her assistance in arranging the shoot – Kim has been a longtime friend and supporter of the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development and we value our longstanding partnership. We thank the Glen Group’s Nancy Clark and Kris Mariani as well as photographer John Hession for creating an ad that is certainly capturing some great attention and we also thank Richard Clune who couldn’t have been any nicer as we tried different scenarios before finally settling on the set-up that you see on this blog post.
Besides running in the current edition of New Hampshire Business Review, this image is also used in the new Division of Economic Development display at the Verizon Wireless Arena. Come pay it a visit the next time that you’re in the mood for some great hockey!
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director