We capped off a busy week today down at the Made in New Hampshire Try it and Buy it Expo at (where else?) the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester.
The week began with the big celebration in Rochester, when Safran Aerospace Composites and Albany Engineered Composites celebrated their new manufacturing plant, where they’ll produce 3D woven composite parts for aircraft. ‘New to the world’ technology, officials explained, right here in the Granite State. Hundreds of jobs will be created over the next couple of years to meet the demand for these parts. It was a good news day.
As we wandered around the expo today, we may not have found that level of technology, but we marveled no less at what we saw – a better way to grate cheese and garlic, funky ways to display a good bottle of wine, the harmony of chocolate, caramel and sea salt in one sweet treat and soaps and lotions with a base not of fancy fragrances, but essential oils and natural herbs. We saw an enthusiasm from the creators of these products, reveling in the opportunity to retreat from their garages, workshops, kitchens and studios to introduce the world to what they do and to tell us why they do it.
Good stories, all.
Buying local has become an integral part of our lives, as we seek to know not only the ingredients in the foods we eat, but who is growing, cooking, baking and even boiling (as in maple syrup) what we put on our table. The answer is our friends and neighbors, the innovators and entrepreneurs next door. The small businesses who come to know us as we come to know them and who add a measure of something we can’t find anywhere else — the soul of New Hampshire.
So if you’re in the neighborhood this weekend, go spend a few hours at the expo and treat yourself to something made right here in the Granite State.
Lorna Colquhoun
Communications Director
NH Division of Economic Development