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College Students Get Grand Slam Opportunity Thanks to Partnership

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

You can hit one out of the park in New Hampshire. That’s the message that a team of public and private sector partners want to deliver to young people exploring life in the Granite State following graduation.

The New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Stay Work Play, Public Service of New Hampshire and the Futures Collegiate Baseball League have joined forces to offer a free night at the Nashua Silver Knights and Seacoast Mavericks games next Friday evening, July 29th to any current college students displaying a valid college ID.

“We want to send a clear message that New Hampshire is not only a great place to live and build a business, it is also a state with plenty of entertainment offerings,” New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Communications & Legislative Director Steve Boucher said. “You don’t have to travel to Boston to have a great night out – there’s plenty to do right here in the most livable state in the nation.”

Created in 2009, the Stay Work Play organization seeks to expose more young people to the advantages of remaining in or returning to New Hampshire. The overall effort builds off the work of the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) and partnering organizations that established the 55% Initiative in 2007. That effort set a goal of encouraging at least 55% of the new graduates to stay compared to approximately 50% who currently stay.

Stay Work Play NH, Inc. was established as a nonprofit organization to further the 55% Initiative, support and advance several recommendations made by the Governor’s Task Force on Young Worker Retention, and serve as an independent organization to run a website and associated marketing effort geared at providing comprehensive information on what New Hampshire can offer to the 20-30 year old demographic in terms of staying, working, and playing here.

 “We feel like New Hampshire has an incredible story to tell and it’s public/private partnerships like this that demonstrate that this state is truly committed to retaining its best and brightest talent,” said Stay Work Play Executive Director Kate Luczko. “Getting young people out to network at a fun event like a baseball game is just one way to begin establishing the type of relationships that lead to the great quality of life New Hampshire is known for.”

Thanks to a partnership with the two New Hampshire-based teams in the four-team Futures Collegiate Baseball League, college students will get free admission to either the Nashua Silver Knights game vs. the Martha’s Vineyard Sharks at Holman Stadium at 7:05 p.m. or the Seacoast Mavericks game vs. the Torrington Titans at Bert George Field at 6:35 p.m. Both games are slated for Friday, July 29th.

“We’re really excited to be partnering with Public Service of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development to advance the good work already started by Stay Work Play,” said Futures Collegiate Baseball League Commissioner Chris Hall. “We’re fortunate to have two of our inaugural franchises located right here in New Hampshire.  The Nashua Silver Knights and Seacoast Mavericks provide a family friendly and affordable experience for all ages.  Both cities have a deep history of business development and community support and we feel that these franchises provide a great social experience to the area.”

Public Service of New Hampshire has long supported economic development promotion in the state of New Hampshire and sees its participation as a logical extension of its business development efforts.

“We are absolutely committed to continuing to build a work class workforce and to getting involved in efforts that create a positive business atmosphere in New Hampshire,” Public Service of New Hampshire Economic & Community Development Manager Pat McDermott said. “This isn’t simply a matter of getting young people out to a ballgame, it’s about showcasing New Hampshire’s entertainment offerings and building the connections that enrich communities for the long run.”

For more information about Stay Work Play, visit www.stayworkplay.org. For more information about the Nashua Silver Knights, visit www.nashuasilverknights.com and for more information about the Seacoast Mavericks, visit www.seacoastmavericks.com.