Posts Tagged ‘Three Wolf Moon’
Friday, January 29th, 2010
Introduced a new product line? Captured a new client that’s going to put your business over the top? Found the elusive secret to ongoing success?
 Dwight Schrute knows the "real deal".
If so, you must be wearing the “Three Wolf Moon” shirt, the official t-shirt of New Hampshire economic development. What went into the decision behind the recent designation of this shirt with undeniably mystical powers? What was the initial result?
To learn more, visit my blog post titled “Of Wolves and Magic” on the NHBR Network at Check out my latest blog post on the NHBR Network at
The NHBR Network is an online business-to-business networking site that is providing businesspeople around the state with valuable information, tips and assistance from a team of contributors that include NHBR Editor Jeff Feingold, Andy Volinsky, Chuck Sink, Heidi Page, Steven Feinberg, CPA, Bill Ryan, Jason Blais, Deb Titus, Deb LeClair, Cindy Kibbe, Bob Sanders, Dr. John Benson, Clyde Terry and yes, good old me. Make it your New Year’s Resolution to visit the site and sign up today!!
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director
Tags: Andy Volinsky, Bill Ryan, Bob Sanders, Chuck Sink, Cindy Kibbe, Clyde Terry, Deb LeClair, Deb Titus, Dr. John Benson, Heidi Page, Jason Blais, Jeff Feingold, New Hampshire Business Review, NHBR Network, Steven Feinberg, Three Wolf Moon Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Of Wolves and Magic
Tuesday, January 26th, 2010
It has been said to cure diseases, help humans achieve flight and improve bowling skills. It has also generated over 1,600 reviews on and created a worldwide stir resulting in media coverage from ABC News and the BBC. And soon it will be used to stimulate economic development in the state of New Hampshire.
The New Hampshire Division of Economic Development today announced that it has designated the “Three Wolf Moon” the official t-shirt of New Hampshire economic development. Created by Keene-based t-shirt manufacturer The Mountain, the shirt, which features three wolves howling at the moon, became an overnight viral Internet sensation when Brian Govern, a student at Rutgers University, authored a satirical comment about the garment on That led to a barrage of similar reviews which propelled the sales of the shirt to a number one ranking in Amazon’s apparel line.
“The Mountain’s ‘Three Wolf Moon’ is a true New Hampshire success story,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Communications & Legislative Director Steve Boucher. “What started off as a tongue in cheek take on a cool t-shirt has resulted in worldwide acclaim for a very creative and growing Granite State business. When every social media outlet as well as the mainstream press is covering your story, you know that you’ve created something big.”
Worn by luminaries ranging from “The Office’s” Rainn Wilson and “True Blood’s” Allan Hyde to “Napleon Dynamite’s” Jon Heder and even the U.S. Marine Corps’ Bravo Company 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, the “Three Wolf Moon” shirt has made its mark in popular culture. Boucher said that he plans to initiate an online campaign featuring local business officials and celebrities wearing the shirt to capitalize on the phenomenon.
“It’s definitely an attention getter,” he said. “By capturing the interest of those who follow pop culture trends, we hope that they’ll also check out our other online offerings and discover that New Hampshire is a state that does business differently and embraces the creativity of its many innovative companies.”
In addition to the online campaign, the Division of Economic Development also plans to give “Three Wolf Moon” shirts to winners of its monthly “Innovation Rocks!” initiative. “Innovation Rocks” is an awards program that celebrates the ingenuity of New Hampshire’s innovation leaders.
“We’re very excited about this partnership and the opportunity to let more people know about business opportunities available here,” said The Mountain Art Director Michael McGloin. “As a local company, we’re pleased to be able to do our part to use Three Wolf Moon in a creative way to help attract other companies to New Hampshire. Working together is what makes our state different and great.”
McGloin pointed out that The Mountain currently markets over 400 other “Animal Spirit Power Shirts” and that the “Three Wolf Moon” shirt has spent nearly 200 days on Amazon’s Top 100 list. With over 1,300 5 star reviews from users, 2010 might very well be the “year of the wolf.”
And as for the “magical properties” that the shirt is purported to possess, the Division of Economic Development’s Boucher said that he’s very optimistic about it’s anticipated effect on the New Hampshire economy.
“If it can generate half of the results that Amazon shoppers are experiencing, we’re in awesome shape – every CEO should be wearing this shirt,” he said.
To learn more about The Mountain and “Three Wolf Moon,” visit The Division of Economic Development has an online presence at,, and
Tags: ABC News, Allan Hyde, Amazon, BBC, Brian Govern, Innovation Rocks!, Jon Heder, Michael McGloin, Napoleon Dynamite, NH Division of Economic Development, Rainn Wilson, Rutgers University, The Mountain, Three Wolf Moon, U.S. Marine Corps Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on NH Economic Development and Three Wolf Moon Joined at the Howl
Monday, November 2nd, 2009
In announcing plans for the 14th Annual NH Economic Development Summit to take place at the Radisson Hotel Nashua on December 15th from 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., NH Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy had a simple message to the business community – explore your creativity and be prepared to take “one step beyond.”
“In today’s challenging economy, we all need to reexamine the way that we’ve traditionally done business and employ more creative and innovative strategies,” he said. “There has never been a better time to take chances and to pursue new ideas that might stimulate activity and lead to business growth.”
Fittingly enough, “One Step Beyond” is the theme of this year’s Annual NH Economic Development Summit. Presented by the NH Division of Economic Development in cooperation with Public Service of NH and media sponsor NH Business Review, the Summit will feature two keynote speakers, Tom Ticknor of Ticknor & Associates who will present “Building a Brand – Positioning Your Community for Success” and Tom Hayes, master salesman and life motivator, who will tell how he grew his Fuji Medical Systems sales territory from $200,000 to over $50M a year by building and motivating a top sales team. Selected by Showtime Networks as a “Funniest Person” award winner, Hayes lives by the motto, “If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.”
Workshops at the Summit will include “Granite Greatness – Tales of NH Entrepreneurship” featuring Laura Boucher (Hunter IdeaNeT – creator of the Snow Sleeve snow removal device), Michael McGloin (The Mountain – creator of the wildly popular “Three Wolf Moon” t-shirt) and Nancy Brown (Three Acre Kitchen – creator of outstanding balsamic based specialty foods), “New Mediums, New Messages – How Social Media is Transforming Communication” featuring Epiphanies, Inc. Owner Allen Voivod and “Mission Transmission – The Hydro Quebec Project” featuring Public Service of NH Economic & Community Development Manager Pat McDermott and Public Service of NH Municipal Relations & External Affairs Specialist Allison McLean.
 Three Wolf Moon t-shirt image
“Public Service of NH is once again pleased to sponsor this summit which provides economic development practitioners and business owners with the latest information they need to keep New Hampshire’s economy moving forward,” said Public Service of NH Economic & Community Development Manager Pat McDermott. “New Hampshire continues to outpace its New England neighbors in terms of business growth and we welcome the opportunity to highlight some of our emerging companies at this showcase event.”
For the second consecutive year, Scott Spradling of The Spradling Group will serve as the guest emcee of this daylong event that will also feature the “Commissioner’s Awards for Economic Development Excellence.”
Admission is free but is limited to the first 200 people. To register, contact Leslie Sherman at
Tags: Allen Voivod, Allison McLean, Epiphanies Inc., Fuji Medical Systems, Hunter IdeaNeT, Laura Boucher, Michael McGloin, Nancy Brown, NH Business Review, NH Division of Economic Development, Pat McDermott, Public Service of NH, Radisson Hotel Nashua, Roy Duddy, Scott Spradling, Showtime Networks, Snow Sleeve, The Mountain, The Spradling Group, Three Acre Kitchen, Three Wolf Moon, Ticknor & Associates, Tom Hayes, Tom Ticknor Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on 14th Annual NH Economic Development Summit to Venture “One Step Beyond”