Are you currently hearing a Steppenwolf soundtrack blaring in your head? If “Born to be Wild” is cascading from the right side of your brain to the left causing involuntary toe tapping and fist pumping, it’s because Laconia Motorcycle Week is now upon us.
Last week, I had the good fortune to speak at the press conference marking the opening of the 87th Anniversary of Laconia Motorcycle Week at the Weirs Beach Lobster Pound. I joined Governor Lynch, my colleague Henry Goode from the New Hampshire Division of Travel & Tourism Development, Senator Bob Letourneau, Senator Deb Reynolds and representatives from several law enforcement agencies in welcoming our guests to the state.

Outgoing Laconia Motorcycle Week Association Board President Paul Lessard receives the Fritzie Baer Award for his dedication to Motorcycle Week from Governor John Lynch as Jennifer Anderson and Charlie St. Clair of the Motorcycle Week Association look on.
I’d like to share my remarks in an effort to reach out to any visitors who might find their way to this blog during their travels to New Hampshire (Pssssstttt…..we’d really like your business and would be happy to you set up shop in the Most Livable State in the nation):
“Good morning and thanks very much for giving me the opportunity to welcome friends old and new to the 87th anniversary of Laconia Motorcycle Week.
Motorcycle Week is one of the most highly anticipated events in the state each year and I’d like to personally thank Jennifer Anderson, Charlie St. Claire and Paul Lessard for their hard work in consistently raising the bar in terms of the potential of motorcyle week in New Hampshire. You are all tremendous ambassadors for the state and we salute you for your efforts in building motorcycle week into a world class event.
You’ve already heard from my friend and colleague Henry Goode from the Division of Travel & Tourism Development who told you about how the State of New Hampshire reaches out to attract visitors to Motorcycle Week – I’m here to tell you that once we capture our guests as visitors, we want them to stay here and build their businesses in the Granite State.
Last year, one of our business recruiters, Cindy Harrington and I were fortunate enough to take part in a promotion with Laconia Harley Davidson called the No Bull Business Run where we rode Harleys to the Rally in the Valley in North Conway all the way back to Meredith and Laconia. As part of that run, we distributed information to motorcyclists about the benefits of expanding or relocating a business to New Hampshire. We also took the opportunity to ask them what they like about our state – almost to a person, their responses were the same – they like the low tax nature that New Hampshire has become famous for, they like the scenic beauty of our state and they like visiting a place where “live free or die” still means something. Individual freedoms are respected and treasured in New Hampshire, government is responsive and innovative and businesses receive the support and assistance that they need to grow and thrive.
There’s no secret why our state is consistently named the most livable in the nation – it’s because of our low tax, business friendly environment, our low crime rate, our welcoming nature and our true desire to attract and keep businesses.
On behalf of my director Roy Duddy, the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development welcomes motorcyclists to the state of New Hampshire and issues one simple message – come here to ride and enjoy Motorcycle Week and stay and build a thriving business in a state that is awaiting you with open arms. New Hampshire is ready to help your business dreams become a business reality – thanks!”
Special thanks to Jennifer Anderson and Charlie St. Clair of the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association for their hard work in promoting a world class event and to Paul Lessard, outgoing Motorcycle Week Association Board President, who is stepping down after this year to pursue a new challenge – taking care of his young son as a stay at home Dad. You are all wonderful!
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director
Tags: Charlie St. Clair, Cindy Harrington, Henry Goode, Jennifer Anderson, Laconia Harley-Davidson, Laconia Motorcycle Week, New Hampshire Division of Travel & Tourism Development, Paul Lessard, Roy Duddy, Senator Bob Letourneau, Senator Deb Reynolds, Steppenwolf, Weirs Beach Lobster Pound