Posts Tagged ‘Laconia Harley-Davidson’
Monday, June 14th, 2010
Are you currently hearing a Steppenwolf soundtrack blaring in your head? If “Born to be Wild” is cascading from the right side of your brain to the left causing involuntary toe tapping and fist pumping, it’s because Laconia Motorcycle Week is now upon us.
Last week, I had the good fortune to speak at the press conference marking the opening of the 87th Anniversary of Laconia Motorcycle Week at the Weirs Beach Lobster Pound. I joined Governor Lynch, my colleague Henry Goode from the New Hampshire Division of Travel & Tourism Development, Senator Bob Letourneau, Senator Deb Reynolds and representatives from several law enforcement agencies in welcoming our guests to the state.
Outgoing Laconia Motorcycle Week Association Board President Paul Lessard receives the Fritzie Baer Award for his dedication to Motorcycle Week from Governor John Lynch as Jennifer Anderson and Charlie St. Clair of the Motorcycle Week Association look on.
I’d like to share my remarks in an effort to reach out to any visitors who might find their way to this blog during their travels to New Hampshire (Pssssstttt…..we’d really like your business and would be happy to you set up shop in the Most Livable State in the nation):
“Good morning and thanks very much for giving me the opportunity to welcome friends old and new to the 87th anniversary of Laconia Motorcycle Week.
Motorcycle Week is one of the most highly anticipated events in the state each year and I’d like to personally thank Jennifer Anderson, Charlie St. Claire and Paul Lessard for their hard work in consistently raising the bar in terms of the potential of motorcyle week in New Hampshire. You are all tremendous ambassadors for the state and we salute you for your efforts in building motorcycle week into a world class event.
You’ve already heard from my friend and colleague Henry Goode from the Division of Travel & Tourism Development who told you about how the State of New Hampshire reaches out to attract visitors to Motorcycle Week – I’m here to tell you that once we capture our guests as visitors, we want them to stay here and build their businesses in the Granite State.
Last year, one of our business recruiters, Cindy Harrington and I were fortunate enough to take part in a promotion with Laconia Harley Davidson called the No Bull Business Run where we rode Harleys to the Rally in the Valley in North Conway all the way back to Meredith and Laconia. As part of that run, we distributed information to motorcyclists about the benefits of expanding or relocating a business to New Hampshire. We also took the opportunity to ask them what they like about our state – almost to a person, their responses were the same – they like the low tax nature that New Hampshire has become famous for, they like the scenic beauty of our state and they like visiting a place where “live free or die” still means something. Individual freedoms are respected and treasured in New Hampshire, government is responsive and innovative and businesses receive the support and assistance that they need to grow and thrive.
There’s no secret why our state is consistently named the most livable in the nation – it’s because of our low tax, business friendly environment, our low crime rate, our welcoming nature and our true desire to attract and keep businesses.
On behalf of my director Roy Duddy, the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development welcomes motorcyclists to the state of New Hampshire and issues one simple message – come here to ride and enjoy Motorcycle Week and stay and build a thriving business in a state that is awaiting you with open arms. New Hampshire is ready to help your business dreams become a business reality – thanks!”
Special thanks to Jennifer Anderson and Charlie St. Clair of the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association for their hard work in promoting a world class event and to Paul Lessard, outgoing Motorcycle Week Association Board President, who is stepping down after this year to pursue a new challenge – taking care of his young son as a stay at home Dad. You are all wonderful!
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director
Tags: Charlie St. Clair, Cindy Harrington, Henry Goode, Jennifer Anderson, Laconia Harley-Davidson, Laconia Motorcycle Week, New Hampshire Division of Travel & Tourism Development, Paul Lessard, Roy Duddy, Senator Bob Letourneau, Senator Deb Reynolds, Steppenwolf, Weirs Beach Lobster Pound Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Motorcycle Week Revving Up in the Granite State
Monday, November 23rd, 2009
Great news from our friends at Laconia Harley Davidson – congratulations Anne and Steve Deli and the rest of the LHD family!
Harley-Davidson enthusiasts now have a new place to shop for great deals, just in time for the holiday season as a Laconia Harley-Davison Merchandise Outlet opened Saturday at Tanger Outlet Center in Tilton, NH.
“The opening of Laconia Harley’s Outlet Store at Tanger Outlets represents a milestone for Harley-Davidson,” according to Anne Deli, President of Laconia Harley-Davidson. “This is the only Harley-Davidson Outlet in the northeast and the first expansion of Laconia Harley-Davidson stores.”
According to Deli, the Tanger location was strategically chosen because of the ability to introduce the Harley-Davidson brand to an entirely new customer base. Shoppers can expect to receive great offers on current Harley fashions and merchandise.
“This is tremendous news for the state of New Hampshire,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy. “Since assuming ownership of Laconia Harley Davidson, Anne and Steve Deli have been tremendous partners in stimulating economic development and building upon the Granite State’s excellent business atmosphere. Being the home of the only Harley-Davidson retail outlet in the northeast is a tremendous coup for New Hampshire and we thank the Deli’s for their commitment to our state.”
The Laconia Harley-Davidson Outlet Store in Tilton is American Road Group’s latest business move in New Hampshire. American Road Group, which purchased the Laconia Harley-Davidson and White Mountain Harley-Davidson dealerships in late 2008, now operates 17 Harley-Davidson dealerships and merchandise stores around the country.
“There’s a bright future for Harley-Davidson in New Hampshire,” said Deli. “We see great promise in New Hampshire. The state’s business climate lends itself well to our company, and we look forward to continuing to build our brand here.”
Tags: American Road Group, Anne Deli, Laconia Harley-Davidson, NH Division of Economic Development, Roy Duddy, Steve Deli, Tanger Outlet Center, White Mountain Harley-Davidson Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Northeast’s First Harley-Davidson Retail Outlet Opens in Tilton
Monday, September 28th, 2009
Happy Monday everyone and hope that you all had an outstanding weekend. Why not start your week off right by visiting No Bull TV ( and seeing what we’ve been up to?
We’ve just uploaded three new videos – one detailing all of the happenings at Greenerpalooza II, another chronicling our “No Bull Football Jam” at the Verizon Wireless Arena and the last showcasing the “No Bull Motorcycle Run” that we developed in coordination with our friends at Laconia Harley Davidson.
So if you want to be energy efficient, learn the benefits of tweeting in the middle of the third quarter and find out why “Born to Be Wild” would qualify as our summer theme song, visit No Bull TV today!
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director
Tags: Born to be Wild, Greenerpalooza II, Laconia Harley-Davidson, No Bull Football Jam, No Bull Motorcycle Run, No Bull TV, Verizon Wireless Arena Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Green Stuff, Harleys & Tweets
Friday, June 19th, 2009
Savvy business owners know their market and there is perhaps no savvier business owner than Anne Deli of Laconia Harley-Davidson.
I was absolutely convinced that the real hook for being able to speak to motorcylists visiting our state during Bike Week was the fact that State Business Recruiter Cindy Harrington and I would be in business suits on the back of Harleys. The juxtaposition of business attire amidst the sea of black leather would surely be an attention getter. Anne told me that it didn’t matter…..and she was right.
“You will never hear one Harley rider asking another Harley rider what he or she does for work….it doesn’t matter,” Anne said. “What matters are the motorcycles and the love of riding. That’s what binds all of our customers together.”
Still, the sight of two people in professional business attire on the back of Harleys must have been at least a little disconcerting, even if our fellow riders weren’t about to bring that fact to our attention. About the closest anyone came to asking about our non-traditional garb was a female biker who asked if I was a Jehovah’s witness.
What I was was a member of a two-person business recruitment team taking part in the “No Bull Business Run,” a motorcycle journey that left Laconia Harley-Davidson at 11 a.m. yesterday, wound its way to “Rally in the Valley” in North Conway and sped back to Laconia Harley later in the day. The purpose – to hand out collateral material regarding New Hampshire’s great business atmosphere and quality of life to visiting bikers, an upscale and affluent demographic ripe for our message about low taxes and Yankee independence.
As neither Cindy nor I are motorcyclists, we were led on our journey by Nick and Michelle from Laconia Harley, motorcycle enthuasiasts of the highest order. Accompanying us on the trip in a car were Laconia Harley’s Anne and Steve Deli, the most gracious hosts and partners we ever could have asked for, and Monica Bardier from Ping PR who was coordinating the public relations activities for the run.
What did we learn from the “No Bull Business Run”? We learned that riders love New Hampshire – they love visiting a state where the motto “Live Free or Die” still resonates, they love the natural beauty of a state that is traditionally named amongst the most livable and they love being able to shop in a state without a sales tax. We learned that visitors to our state enjoy our non-traditional approach to business recruitment – as one biker said, “This would have never happened in Massachusetts.” And what we also learned is that being on a Harley induces a state of euphoria that is unmatched – it was AWESOME.
As you might imagine, an undertaking of this kind requires a ton of planning and preparation, so much thanks is in order to the following: First and foremost Anne and Steve Deli, owners of Laconia Harley-Davidson ( and White Mountain Harley – this dynamic duo are two of the best business ambassadors the State has to offer; Michelle and Nick from Laconia Harley for keeping Cindy and I safe on the road; the entire staff of Laconia and White Mountain Harley – your friendliness and assistance was so greatly appreciated; Public Service of New Hampshire (and Pat McDermott in particular) for your generous sponsorship and partnership(; Monica Bardier from Ping PR ( for doing a masterful job coordinating all PR activities; Nancy Clark and the great gang over at the Glen Group ( for designing a kick….um…butt collateral piece for us to hand out – it’s a keeper!; to Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion ( for the free concert tickets and backstage passes to Live and Candlebox – this offer made our collateral piece a hot commodity; to Deb Avery and Leslie Sherman from the Business Resource Center for expertly manning our booth at Laconia Harley; and to Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy for trusting me enough to carry out the crazy ideas that bounce around my cranium.
Thanks also to the many bikers we met along the way yesterday. We love having you here as visitors and want you to return as business owners!
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director
P.S. To see more photos of the “No Bull Business Run,” join our fan page on Facebook under “NH Economy.”
Tags: Anne Deli, Candlebox, Cindy Harrington, Deb Avery, Glen Group, Laconia Harley-Davidson, Live, Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Monica Bardier, Nancy Clark, Ping PR, Public Service of New Hampshire, Roy Duddy, White Mountain Harley-Davidson Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Have Motorcycle, Will Recruit
Tuesday, June 16th, 2009
What’s the best way to reach an audience? Hang back and wait for them to come to you? Ummmm….no. That’s why business recruiter Cindy Harrington and I will be taking to the road on Thursday to meet with the affluent and creative Harley-Davidson demographic.
Harley riders are the perfect group to attract to this state – creative, independent, pioneering. They live life to the fullest and truly appreciate the type of values that New Hampshire was built on – individuality, self-reliance and freedom.
Here’s what we’re up to with the “No Bull Business Run”:
What’s the easiest way to attract attention in the midst of leather, lace and roaring engines? Try wearing a business suit while mixing in with the crowd.
New Hampshire’s 86th annual Motorcycle Week is roaring into the state this weekend and the NH Business Resource Center, an office of the NH Division of Economic Development, is capitalizing on the opportunity with its inaugural and certainly hands-on, No Bull Business Run aimed at attracting new businesses to the Granite State.
Named after the NH Division of Economic Development’s new “No Bull Business Blog,” the No Bull Business Run will be led by New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Communications & Legislative Director Steve Boucher and State Business Recruiter Cindy Harrington on Thursday, June 18.
What’s different about this experiential marketing approach is the duo will be traveling side by side on motorcycles (SEE PHOTOS), Boucher in an ever popular Harley Davidson sidecar and Harrington on the back of a classic Harley Davidson. Donned in business suits, helmets and armed with marketing material cleverly called, the All Access Pass to Business in New Hampshire, Harrington and Boucher will join the tens of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts for the Rally in the Valley. The 80 mile, roundtrip scenic motorcycle cruise starts at Laconia’s Harley Davidson Dealership in Meredith with a pit stop and BBQ at the White Mountain Harley Davidson in North Conway. Teaming up with Anne Deli, owner of both Harley Davidson dealerships, the NH Business Resource Center is tapping into a well sought out demographic in hopes of sparking interest to relocate or start a business in New Hampshire.
“With more than 300,000 motorcycle enthusiasts converging to the state for a 10-day span, we see this as a perfect opportunity to market New Hampshire to this well diversified group, many of whom own their own businesses,” said Boucher. “We want people who are searching for a better lifestyle and better business climate to think of New Hampshire first. These motorcycle enthusiasts will already be experiencing all the recreational benefits New Hampshire offers. We also want them to learn about New Hampshire’s unique business advantages – our low tax status, our open and responsive form of government and our fierce independence. We’ll be motorcycle missionaries spreading the word about a state where the phrase ‘Live Free or Die’ still matters.”
As a business owner and avid motorcycle rider herself, Anne Deli relocated to the state after experiencing the opportunity of owning her own business in New Hampshire.
“We chose New Hampshire because of the excellent business climate and strong demographic,” said Deli. “This is a good place and this state represents what our values are. For us, the riding in the state is among the best in the country. You also have a lot of people who embrace the motorcycle lifestyle. We are excited to partner and offer our services to the State for the No Bull Business Run. It gives us the opportunity for cross synergy, and to offer our positive experiences as business owners in New Hampshire to our own Harley Davidson customers who have a very wide array of socio-economic backgrounds.”
As part of the All Access Pass to Business in New Hampshire, motorcyclists who sign up to receive more information about doing business in New Hampshire will be automatically entered into a contest for tickets and a backstage visit with Blake Shelton or LIVE & Candlebox at the Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion during Motorcycle Week.
“This is a true public private partnership at its finest,” said NH Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy. “The State of New Hampshire is proud to be able to count on its great friends from Meadowbrook and Laconia Harley-Davidson as we hit the road in search of some great new business prospects.”
To learn more about the New Hampshire Business Resource Center, visit or call (603) 271-2591 or stay in touch through the No Bull Business Blog (
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director
Tags: Anne Deli, Candlebox, Cindy Harrington, Harley-Davidson, Laconia Harley-Davidson, Live, Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, NH Business Resource Center, NH Division of Economic Development, No Bull Business Run, White Mountain Harley-Davidson Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Get Your Motor Runnin’….