The 20th annual meeting of the Division of Economic Development (that’s us!) drew a packed house Dec. 2 for an interesting and informative outsider’s look at New Hampshire as a place to expand or relocate a business.
Commissioner Rose took time to present his annual awards, given to companies, institutions and agencies that keep our economy strong and growing.
The MVP Award

Dick Anagnost received the MVP Award from Commissioner Jeffrey Rose, who cited his work as chairman of the state’s Workforce Innovation Board, his efforts in revitalizing Manchester and bringing a Job Corps Center to New Hampshire
The Granite Growth Award

Commissioner Rose presents the Granite Growth Award to Rotobec USA of Littleton, with Rotobect president Robert Bouchard and Mike Currier, operations manager of Rotobec USA.
Excellence in Exporting

The Excellence in Exporting Award was presented by Commissioner Rose to Bruce Steinberg, president of Relyco in Dover. The company, an advocate for the NH exporting community, works with the Office of International Commerce and partners to expand its global markets.
The Employer Recognition Award

Representatives of Havenwood Heritage Heights received the Employer Recognition Award, recognizing the company for creating employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
The Teamwork Award

The Commissioner’s Teamwork Award was presented to Manchester Community College and the four businesses below, which worked together to create a Tube Fabrication and Forming curriculum, which will help meet the workforce needs of the companies.
Congratulations and thanks to all who turned out for this great event.
Lorna Colquhoun
Communications Director
Division of Economic Development