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Ohhhhhhhhh Canada

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

drummondville-mission-015The Division of Economic Development recently ventured north of the border to Drummondville, Quebec to hold a private dinner for 53 Canadian companies interested in learning more about doing business in New Hampshire.

New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development Commissioner George Bald was the host of the event along with State Business Development Manager Michael Bergeron and North Country Business Services Specialist Beno Lamontagne. Marie-Josee Vaillant and Marie-Soleil Gueymard of Colebrook-based Kheops International were also on hand, sharing their valuable experience of moving their company from Canada to New Hampshire.

drummondville-mission-005“We were overwhelmed by the great response we received from the Canadian companies in attendance,” Bergeron said. “They were thrilled that we conducted the business portion of the dinner in their native language and that we had so much to offer in terms of valuable information. I’m very hopeful that we were able to plant the seed that will result in a few companies taking a much closer look at Coos County as they plan a business expansion or relocation.”

The sales presentation was sponsored through a federal grant coordinated through the North Country Council.

– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director