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Posts Tagged ‘rural New Hampshire’

Radically Rural Event Highlights Rural Challenges and Opportunities

Monday, September 24th, 2018

An event highlighting rural New Hampshire and America takes place later this week and that was the topic of our monthly radio show, New Hampshire Business Matters, on WTPL, 107.7 FM.

One of the organizers, Mary Ann Kristiansen, executive director of the Hannah Grimes Center in Keene, joined us for a discussion about Radically Rural, a two-day summit to bring together radically rural ideas from around the country to help overcome and reverse some of the trends facing our rural communities – including job, income and population losses.

Join Business and Economic Affair’s Lorna Colquhoun and Mary Ann Kristiansen talking about Radically Rural on this month’s edition of New Hampshire Business Matters.

“We think they are amazing places to live and we’d like to ensure that they remain vibrant communities with thriving local economies,” she said.

Tune in for this interesting discussion and information on how to be a part of this event, which is drawing people from around the country.