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The New Hampshire Division of Travel and Tourism Development expects more visitors to spend more money this summer, compared to last. State tourism officials project New Hampshire will see 17 million visitors, who will spend $2.25 billion throughout the summer, a 4 percent increase in both visitation and spending.
Marking the beginning of New Hampshire’s busiest travel season, the Fourth of July week is expected to draw nearly one million out-of-state travelers and generate more than $150 million in spending from June 30 to July 4.
DTTD unveiled its summer marketing campaign earlier this spring, showcasing the ‘limitless’ activities, destinations and events offered throughout New Hampshire this summer.
“New Hampshire welcomes millions of visitors each year, generating billions of dollars in annual spending,” said Jeffery Rose, commissioner of the Department of Resources and Economic Development. “The summer travel season represents more than 40 percent of annual visitation and spending.”
DTTD anticipated increased overnight visits, extended weekend and day trips over last summer. DTTD research partners cited a number of economic indicators suggesting a successful summer tourism season, including a 10-year low in the unemployment rate and growth in U.S. travel volume.
Similarly, DTTD is expecting increases in occupancy rates at resorts, hotels, motels, bed and breakfast establishments and campgrounds over the Fourth of July period compared to recent years. During the Fourth of July period, visitors will travel here from New England and Middle Atlantic states.