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Posts Tagged ‘No Bull Business Blog’

An Open Letter to Jet Blue

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Good Afternoon Jet Blue,
Greetings from the Granite State, named the “Most Livable State in the Nation” for five out of the past six years and the “Healthiest State in the Nation” as well.

bienvenueAs you are no doubt aware, our friends at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport as well as citizens from throughout our great state have been flooding your Web site’s  “Tell Us Where to Jet” online form. Our little grassroots effort is starting to gain steam and we’re no doubt eliciting attention from your excellent airline.

You see, grassroots efforts like this happen every day in New Hampshire – that’s just the type of people we are. Community means a lot here and we truly take care of each other. We share the good times and we work through the rough patches. And you will never find a state with a more welcoming and warm business atmosphere. We are a small, low tax state with a big story to tell.

Unparalleled quality of life? Check. Responsive form of government? Check.  Great school system? Check. A world class airport that has become a tremendous economic engine and prime business recruitment tool? Check.

We truly hope that as you grow your airline, you will consider Manchester-Boston Regional Airport as a perfect site for new airline service. New Hampshire is “the” destination for your business and a willing partner, the likes of which you won’t find elsewhere. In short, you’ll love it here and we’ll greet you with open arms.

The No Bull Business Blog

For anyone who hasn’t had the opportunity to join the grassroots online campaign, please visit http://www.jetblue.com/email/citysuggest.asp?intcmp=where_we_fly1 where you will find the following questions:
1. Where should JetBlue jet to next?
2. What city/state should JetBlue serve this city from?

The answers are:
1. Manchester-Boston Regional Airport
2. New York and Florida

Don’t wait….do this now!!

Business Resource Center Captures Regional Advertising Awards

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

The New Hampshire Business Resource Center was recognized with a “Best of Show” award at the recent Northeastern Economic Developers Association (NEDA) 2009 Conference held at the Hyatt Regency at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia.

NH Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy proudly displays the NEDA Award.

NH Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy proudly displays the NEDA Award.

The Center’s “Innovation Rocks!” ad captured top honors in the “Print Ad Campaign” category as part of NEDA’s 2009 Literature & Promotions Competition. Comments on the ad touting the Center’s “Innovation Rocks!” initiative which honors New Hampshire companies creating innovation products and services ranged from “captivating” to “well done” while one judge termed the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development’s No Bull Business Blog “ahead of the curve.” The blog merited a “Superior” ranking in the “E-News Communications” category.

“For years we’ve been happy to tout our marketing efforts as being cutting edge, and these awards certainly tell us that our aggressive approach is right on target,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy. “The New Hampshire business community demands an innovative approach and welcomes our willingness to reach out to them in new and exciting ways. They deserve nothing less than our creative best.”

The Northeastern Economic Developers Association (NEDA) was formed in 1956 to promote economic and industrial development in the Northeastern region of the United States. The association encourages an informal exchange of ideas and serves as a medium by which its members can benefit from the experiences of other professionals.


Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

We here at the No Bull Business Blog are dedicated to ridding the world of needless business jargon and acronyms. We believe that simplicity is best and that the business community wants clear and concise messages about the programs and services they require to succeed.

dodgeball-3With that goal as a backdrop, we are happy to unveil the newest addition to No Bull TV, a short video that combines dodgeball with business doublespeak. For those of you who’ve forgotten, No Bull TV is the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development’s  new YouTube channel that is geared toward providing a video component to our communications efforts – right now, the channel is being used to draw attention to this blog and our social media efforts. As we speak, we are sifting through footage culled from the No Bull Motorcycle Run, Greenerpalooza and Social Media Night at the Manchester Wolves and plan to upload those videos soon. We will also be featuring some of our upcoming events, our Open Invitation initiative and our Innovation Rocks winners.

dodgeball-2In terms of the dodgeball shoot (http://www.youtube.com/user/nobulltv) , special thanks to the very creative John Herman and his film crew and actors, to our own awesome ad team at Square Spot Design and especially to Allen and Lani Voivod, our social media gurus at Epiphanies, Inc. for having a huge red ball launched at them countless times over a one hour period.

Stay tuned for more No Bull TV and until then, avoid all unnecessary business mumbo jumbo or be prepared to duck!

– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director

Social Networking – It’s Smart Business

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

As you are well aware, the No Bull Business Blog is a huge fan of social networking. We know of its power to link people and to serve as a tremendous business tool for the business community.

tomorrows-business-advice-logoWith that in mind, we’re pleased to present this month’s “Tomorrow’s Business Advice Today” column by Dr. Russ Ouellette of Sojourn Partners. In this column, Russ talks about “embracing the new realities of social relationships for results” and the importance of expanding our networks.

Still not sure what Facebook, Twitter and blogs can do to help your bottom line? Check out this link as Russ pulls all of the pieces together for you:  http://nheconomy.com/Tommorrows-Business-Advice-Today.aspx.