Posts Tagged ‘Paul Boynton’
Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
This is the third in a series of guest commentaries from the presenters at our Begin With Yes Careerfest to be held on March 15th from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at White Mountains Community College in Berlin. It’s a free event, with a free lunch, but limited space – to register, please email Leslie Sherman at or call her at 603-271-2591.
In this piece, keynote speaker Paul Boynton uses the Q&A format found in his book “Begin With Yes” and in his popular NHBR column to address the negative feelings associated with job loss, and how the principles of “Begin With Yes” can help.
I am unemployed and have been struggling for months to find a job. I have always worked hard and never expected to find myself in this situation. People are saying that the job outlook is improving but I am not feeling it yet! I am discouraged, angry and anxious, and some days I am so discouraged that I don’t know what to do. To be honest, “Begin with Yes” sounds naive and overly simple. That said, I am open and wonder, what suggestions do you have for me and others like me?
Life does throw some unbelievable curveballs and sometimes just about everyone I know – at least those who have been around for a while – knows what it feels like to be hit in the gut by one situation or another. Sometimes life can feel overwhelming and most of us have been there; I know I have.
Unemployment, especially in this environment, is surely one of those experiences because it not only impacts us individually on so many levels including financial and emotional, but it also can create incredible stress and tension for those around us, especially those who are depending on us to keep things flowing smoothly.
Most people out of work today are there through no fault of their own and this unexpected, undeserved reality evokes all kinds of feelings including anger, resentment, fear, and a sense of powerlessness. All of those feelings are legitimate and make perfect sense. They can also slow us down and make the job search even more difficult than it already is.
This is no time for slogans or platitudes and no time for naive, head-in-the-sand optimism coming from people who aren’t or haven’t faced the challenges you are facing. “Begin with Yes” principles are grounded in reality and they don’t try to sugarcoat or minimize the practical realities, the pain or the feelings that go along with facing those “hit in the gut” situations.
“Begin with Yes” is not a book specifically written about finding a job, and it doesn’t offer easy answers or quick solutions to complex problems.
It is, however, a book that understands being or feeling stuck or immobilized. And it does have some suggestions and strategies to get you unstuck and to help you keep moving even when you don’t have the energy.
It stresses action over attitude and encourages small – sometimes extremely small – steps that keep you moving forward, no matter how you’re feeling. Here’s something you could try: Ask yourself, “What’s one small thing I can do today to move closer to being employed again?”
Steps might include: Getting exercise, sending a note to a friend asking them to help you network, signing up for a seminar at a local college, or brainstorming job interests that are different than your last job. It’s important to keep the steps so small you can do them in an afternoon and as you finish a step, the next step becomes clearer and easier to manage.
These small steps are so important because with each step, you’re moving forward. And when you’re moving you’re no longer stuck. Not being stuck tends to create more energy to keep moving and often your attitude and feelings will begin to shift too. One day, hopefully sooner rather than later, the seemingly smallest of steps may be remembered as that “turning point” step that changed it all!
In addition to these action steps, remember to reach out to family and friends, consider using social media to stay engaged, don’t be afraid to ask people to help, and most importantly, surround yourself with others who will help keep you focused and hopeful.
I surely don’t have all the answers but do believe this approach will help. If you’d like a free eBook download of “Begin with Yes,” just go to my website store at, choose the eBook download, enter the code YESNH and update your shopping cart and complete the transaction. You will get a link that will let you download the book at no charge.
Also, you may have read about the “Begin With Yes Career Fest” at White Mountains Community College in Berlin on Tuesday, March 15th from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. It’s a free event, complimentary lunch provided. In addition to my keynote, you can also attend workshops on “Job Search – Applications, Resumes and Cover Letters,” “Effective Communication Skills in the Job Search,” “Networking – It’s Not Who You Know, But Who Knows You,” and “Social Media Basics for Job Seekers.”
To register for this event, please email Leslie Sherman at or call 603-271-2591. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Through a special arrangement with Manchester-based EZStream and Portsmouth-based Kinney Hill Media Partners, the entire event will also be streamed live and archived for later viewing at .
It’s truly a collaborative project made possible with the help of NHBR, Public Service of NH, The Department of Economic Development and Logo-Loc. I hope you can be there, in person or via the web.
Tags: Begin With Yes, Begin With Yes Careerfest, EZStream, Paul Boynton, White Mountains Community College Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Small Steps Trigger the Momentum You Need for Job Search Success
Thursday, January 20th, 2011
When developing an effective job search strategy, it’s best to keep this simple theory in mind – Positive attitude plus positive action leads to a positive result.
That’s the philosophy of award-winning human services CEO and local author Paul Boynton who is working with a team of State and private sector partners to help unemployed New Hampshire citizens access the tools and resources they need to return to the workforce.
Boynton, CEO of Manchester-based social service agency The Moore Center, announced today that he will be offering free downloads of his successful “Begin With Yes” inspirational book to any unemployed New Hampshire citizen throughout 2011 via a special download from his Web site. In tandem with this effort, the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, White Mountains Community College, Public Service of New Hampshire, Logo Loc and media sponsor New Hampshire Business Review will hold the “Begin With Yes Career Fest” at White Mountains Community College in Berlin on Tuesday, March 15th from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
“The lessons you learn in my book about the power of being positive and setting attainable goals are all good, but there needs to be a corresponding action plan to turn those good thoughts into activity,” Boynton said. “That’s why we’re not only offering free downloads to folks who are out of work, but are also providing them with the concrete set of tools they need to conduct an effective job search. It’s a two-pronged approach.”
In addition to Boynton’s keynote address, there will be four other general session workshops – “Job Search – Applications, Resumes and Cover Letters” (White Mountains Community College speaker TBD), “Effective Communication Skills in the Job Search” (Dr. Russ Ouellette, Sojourn Partners), “Networking – It’s Not Who You Know, But Who Knows You” (Kevin Shyne, North Country Tech Prep Director and Leadership North Country Executive Director) and “Social Media Basics for Job Seekers” (Allen Voivod, Epiphanies, Inc.).
“Recognizing that helping to develop a job ready workforce is a primary goal of education, White Mountains Community College is thrilled to be a part of this event,” said White Mountains Community College President Kathy Eneguess. “We look forward to lending the expertise of our staff in developing and coordinating workshops that provide valuable information to citizens looking for a fresh start backed with new ideas.”
Through a special arrangement with Manchester-based EZStream and Portsmouth-based Kinney Hill Media Partners, the entire event will streamed live at .
“Though the event is taking place in the North Country, we are definitely committed to ensuring that all citizens have access to this great information,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy. “Whether you’re someone who has been out of work for a long time or someone who is underemployed and is just seeking a new career direction, you’ll truly benefit from the combination of Paul’s book and the interactive workshops.”
“Public Service of New Hampshire is proud to take an active role in sponsoring and being on the coordinating committee of such a creative and proactive event in the state’s North Country,” added Public Service of New Hampshire Economic & Community Development Manager Pat McDermott. “Helping our citizens to get back to work and build a stronger workforce and local economy is a mission that everyone embraces and we’re just happy to be able to do our part.”
Unemployed citizens can download copies of “Begin With Yes” free of charge at They will need to click the “ebook” option and enter YESNH in the discount code box. Admission to the “Begin With Yes Career Fest” is also free but is limited to the first 200 people. To register, contact Leslie Sherman at
Tags: Allen Voivod, Begin With Yes, Begin With Yes Career Fest, Dr. Russ Ouellette, Epiphanies Inc., EZStream, Kathy Eneguess, Kevin Shyne, Kinney Hill Media Partners, Leadership North Country, Logo Loc, Moore Center, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, North Country Tech Prep, Pat McDermott, Paul Boynton, Public Service of New Hampshire, Roy Duddy, Sojourn Partners, White Mountains Community College Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Job Seekers Being Provided With Tools to “Begin With Yes”
Thursday, November 4th, 2010
Want to succeed in business? Try putting a smile on your face. Productivity and the power of positive thinking are inextricably linked in today’s global economy according to Paul Boynton, author of Begin With Yes, and keynote speaker at the 15th Annual NH Economic Development Summit to take place at Southern New Hampshire University on December 1st from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
 "Begin With Yes" Author Paul Boynton
“The world’s most successful entrepreneurs have all discovered that whatever you focus your attention on is what you attract into your life,” Boynton said. “Thinking happy, productive and positive thoughts leads to the type of bottom line results that make the difference between a good idea and a Fortune 500 company. It sounds simple, but those who’ve mastered this philosophy swear to its effectiveness not only in the boardroom but in life.”
Boynton, an award-winning human services CEO who has been recognized for distinguished service and excellence in nonprofit management, published Begin With Yes last year and embraces its message, donating 10% of all book sales to non-profits. A personal coach, corporate consultant, and motivational speaker with degrees in social work and counseling, Boynton writes the column Making Good Things Happen at Work and hosts the weekly television talk show, Begin with Yes on MCTV.
Boynton was a fitting choice for this year’s Annual NH Economic Development Summit which has set “Growing on Solid Ground” as its theme. Presented by the NH Division of Economic Development in cooperation with Public Service of NH, Sales Protocol and media sponsor NH Business Review, the Summit features three panel discussions – “Innovation and Inspiration – the New Hampshire Entrepreneur,” “Look Beyond the Label – Workplace Inclusion Makes Perfect Business Sense” and “Keeping It Young – Youth Retention in the Granite State.”
 Songwriter/Musician Jim Tyrrell
“We really wanted this year’s event to demonstrate that New Hampshire’s economy remains vibrant, strong and creative,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy. “We are well positioned for growth both in-state and in terms of business attraction, so why not accentuate the positive and showcase some excellent programs and people?”
“Public Service of NH is once again pleased to sponsor this summit which brings together economic development practitioners, elected officials, business professionals and educators to gain insight into the economy,” said Public Service of NH Economic & Community Development Manager Pat McDermott who will provide an overview of the Hydro Quebec Project. “Information sharing is key to ensuring the strength of our business community and this event gives us a chance to network with and learn from some of the best and brightest entrepreneurial minds in New Hampshire.”
For the third consecutive year, Scott Spradling of The Spradling Group will serve as the guest emcee of this daylong event that will also feature the “Commissioner’s Awards for Economic Development Excellence.” Songwriter/musician Jim Tyrrell, who recently released his third full-length album Onward to Yesterday, will perform throughout the day at the Summit.
Admission is free but is limited to the first 200 people. To register, contact Leslie Sherman at
Tags: Begin With Yes, Jim Tyrrell, MCTV, NH Business Review, NH Division of Economic Development, Pat McDermott, Paul Boynton, Public Service of NH, Roy Duddy, Sales Protocol, Scott Spradling, Southern NH University, The Spradling Group Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on 15th Annual NH Economic Development Summit to Explore “Growing on Solid Ground”
Thursday, August 26th, 2010
A whopping 500,000 of Facebook’s 500 million global users live in New Hampshire. Twitter recently crossed the 100 million user threshold and became the third largest search engine in the world, besting all but Google and YouTube. More than 80% of companies, recruiters, and human resource professionals report scanning online channels – including social networking sites – to research candidates, find prospects and weed out applicants.
 Epiphanies Inc.'s Allen Voivod holds court at last year's Social Media Business Summit.
In an effort to bring this ever-growing impact and power of social media to more New Hampshire businesses, organizations and professionals, the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, in partnership with social marketing and success strategies firm Epiphanies, Inc. and Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH), will host the second annual “A-Ha!” NH Social Media Business Summit at PSNH, 780 North Commercial Street, Manchester, on Monday, September 27th. To ensure content is geared to the needs and skill levels of the attendees, the Summit will be split into two three-hour sessions for two different audiences, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
“The shift in how we connect and communicate is changing the way business is done in New Hampshire and beyond,” says New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Communications & Legislative Director Steve Boucher. “If you want to be competitive and relevant to your target market, your community, and in your industry, you have to actively explore what’s happening – and what’s possible – in the social media realm. This Summit is the place to do exactly that.”
The Morning Session, from 9:00am to noon, is designed for social media beginners, small business owners, professionals in mission-driven organizations and passionate entrepreneurs. Presentations include “Social Marketing on a Shoestring Budget” and “Facebook on Fire: Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts to Fuel Your Success on the World’s Hottest Social Network.” The last hour will feature the NH Entrepreneur Success Panel, featuring: Christy Cegelski, Drink Skinny, LLC; Stacey Lucas, Veggie Art Girl; Bill Rogers, Now or Never Media; and Steve Varnum, Communications and Marketing Director, NH Community Loan Fund.
The Afternoon Session is geared for people who are already running with one or more of the major social media platforms – including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and blogging. Ideal for social media enthusiasts, community leaders, marketing mavens, brand managers, bold entrepreneurs, and visionaries of mission-driven organizations, the afternoon’s presentations include “Facebook Marketing: Customization, Fan Building, and Advertising” and “Engaging the Social Senses: Listening, Monitoring, and Measuring.” Additionally, there will be a Cross-Industry NH Success Panel, featuring Erica Murphy, Director of Communications and Community Relations, The Common Man; Paul Boynton, Author of Begin With Yes and CEO of Moore Center Services; Steve Boucher, Communications and Legislative Director at the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development; and Abby Fitchner, Microsoft’s Developer Evangelist for Startups.
Summit Sessions will be presented and moderated by Lani and Allen Voivod, co-owners of Epiphanies, Inc., whom Boucher calls the Division’s “social marketing gurus,” and who’ve delivered workshops, webinars, slidecasts, and boot camps online and off, for Chambers of Commerce, trade associations, and business development events throughout the Granite State and for clients and entrepreneurs across the country.
“We received tremendously positive feedback from last year’s New Hampshire Social Media Business Summit,” PSNH Economic & Community Development Manager Pat McDermott said. “We’re proud to help bring these ideas and strategies to the business owners, entrepreneurs and community leaders who play such an important role in New Hampshire’s economic growth and vitality.”
“Our goal is to connect the dots, empower action, and incite attendees to thrive with these tools, channels, and platforms,” said Lani Voivod. “The opportunities are here waiting for them.”
“With social media as with business, belief is everything,” Allen Voivod added. “We aim to help people believe in their own bigger picture of possibility and success.”
As a special gift to New Hampshire’s business community from the Division of Economic Development and PSNH, admission to this event is free. However, there are only 100 seats available for each session, so early registration is strongly suggested. To register, go to For more information, call Epiphanies, Inc. at (603) 524-5248, or email
Tags: Allen Voivod, Begin With Yes, Bill Rogers, Christy Cegelski, Drink Skinny LLC, Epiphanies Inc., Erica Murphy, Facebook, Google, Lani Voivod, Microsoft, Moore Center Services, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, NH Community Loan Fund, Now or Never Media, Pat McDermott, Paul Boynton, Public Service of New Hampshire, Stacey Lucas, Steve Varnum, The Common Man, Twitter, Veggie Art Girl, YouTube Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on 2nd Annual NH Social Media Business Summit Scheduled
Monday, November 2nd, 2009
What happens when music and message collide in a glorious explosion of sound and social awareness? If you want to find out, you should make plans to listen to WTPL’s “First Class Business” segment on Wednesday, November 4th at 4 p.m. when Moore Center Services President & CEO Paul Boynton is featured.
 Moore Center Services President & CEO Paul Boynton
Boynton, whose Manchester-based agency supports services for individuals with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries, will be discussing Life in the Years, a new national health care initiative to develop innovative community-based care options for our nation’s elderly. The first program under this initiative is a national Adult Foster Care for Elderly program that will provide seniors with significant cost savings over nursing home placement and a better quality of life.
In a unique twist, the initiative uses music to create awareness and provide financial support. Moore Center Services has joined with Musicians for a Cause to develop the most comprehensive compilation of music in the world focused on creating compassion for the elderly called Life in the Years, a CD which is being sold nationwide through a grassroots network of Life in the Years Champions as well as on Amazon. The initiative’s goal is a Gold Record – 500,000 copies, which will enable funding of the implementation of at least one new program in every state.
Nationally known recording artists Natalie Merchant, Livingston Taylor, Carly Simon joined songwriters selected from an international competition on this project in which entries were selected based on their ability to create emotion, awareness and compassion.
“With services to the elderly commanding top attention nationally, this is an excellent time to learn more about an initiative that’s trying to provide solutions,” said New Hampshire Today Host Jack Heath who, along with NH Department of Resources & Economic Development Commissioner George Bald, will host this month’s “First Class Business” segment. “The elderly are one of our nation’s greatest resources and Life in the Years is an innovative way of shedding light on many aspects associated with aging.”
“First Class Business” appears on a monthly basis as part of the “New Hampshire Today” program that runs from 3-5 p.m. Monday through Friday on “The Pulse.” “New Hampshire Today” host Jack Heath and New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development Commissioner George Bald share good news about innovative new products created by New Hampshire companies, community service projects undertaken by local businesses and firms that are thriving despite a tough economic climate.
To listen live, tune in to WTPL 107.7 on Wednesday, November 4th at 4 p.m. or visit WTPL online at
Tags: Amazon, Carly Simon, First Class Business, Jack Heath, Life in the Years, Livingston Taylor, Moore Center Services, Natalie Merchant, NH Department of Resources & Economic Development, Paul Boynton, WTPL Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on “Life in the Years” the Focus of “First Class Business”