Posts Tagged ‘New England College’
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010
Lakes Region Community College (LRCC), with the assistance of a NH Division of Economic Development sponsored grant, announces that the initial 2009 Building Performance Institute (BPI) Energy Certification statewide trainings have been a success. To date, 84 students have completed the rigorous six-and-a-half-day training program in Laconia, Littleton, Nashua, and Concord.
“The BPI statewide trainings are designed to prepare individuals to satisfactorily complete the BPI Building Analyst Certification written and field tests,” says Andy Duncan, Ph.D. (Bow), Principal, Building Energy Technologies, LLC, the main instructor of LRCC’s statewide course. “It has been exciting to be at the forefront of the green movement in the State.” Duncan was a professor of Environmental Science at New England College (Henniker) from 1997 to 2003 before entering his own business.
 LRCC Statewide Building Analyst Certification Trainer, Andy Duncan (left), talks with former student, Eric Halter (Concord-right), prior to a Community College System of NH Board of Trustees meeting held earlier this month.
The Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI), a nationally recognized standards development and contractor credentialing organization for residential energy efficiency retrofit work, reported exponential growth in 2009. BPI affiliate training organizations grew by more than 35% through August of 2009, from 70 to 95, and 108 training affiliates were expected to be on board by the end of 2009, an increase of almost 300% over 12 months.
“Given the rise of green jobs and the need for energy auditors statewide, the NH Public Utilities Commission grant with the NH Division of Economic Development as the sponsoring partner, is tremendous news for New Hampshire,” says NH Division of Economic Development Interim Director, Roy Duddy. “This training will not only allow more NH businesses and residents to become more energy efficient, it will also provide an excellent career path for interested students.”
Students completing the training satisfactorily and who pass the coveted BPI Building Analyst certification may become energy auditors, analysts, building operators, resource conservation managers, technical service representatives, and measurement and verification technicians.
For additional information, contact LRCC Academic Affairs Vice President Tom Goulette (Belmont) or Administrative Secretary Andree Thibault (Concord), at 524-3207.
Tags: Andree Thibault, Andy Duncan, Building Energy Technologies LLC, Building Performance Institute, Lakes Region Community College, New England College, NH Division of Economic Development, NH Public Utilities Commission, Roy Duddy, Tom Goulette Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on LRCC Statewide Energy Training a Success
Monday, March 8th, 2010
Leadership – it’s the quality that separates high performing businesses from the rest of the pack, but how is it cultivated? Better yet, what skills will define the next generation of leaders? “Leadership in the 21st Century” is the title of the new free NH BizCast webinar slated for Wednesday, March 17th from noon-1 p.m.
“Determining the correct organizational structure can mean the difference between a company’s success or failure,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy. “With the rapid changes taking place in today’s economy, it’s important to not only reexamine leadership, but to look at the trends that will help us to build quality teams that are able to adapt and reinvent themselves in new and innovative ways.”
 Dr. Russ Ouellette
Offered by the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, the March 17th NH BizCast will feature Dr. Russ Ouellette, managing partner of Sojourn Partners, a Bedford-based executive coaching/leadership development firm. Ouellette is a recognized expert in high performance coaching, executive leadership and organizational development as well as a passionate speaker and advocate for contemporary open system organizational thinking.
In this presentation, Ouellette will discuss future opportunities for businesses, workers and society, what leadership will look like in just a few decades and current trends that are calling for and shaping fundamental changes in today’s workforce.
Ouellette began his professional career in finance at Raytheon Company, where he led many teams in various functions, including manufacturing, engineering, contracts, and organizational development. He has also engaged in a variety of industries, including financial services, healthcare, marketing, automotive, and the military.
Currently, Ouellette’s consulting centers on executive performance, firm strategic planning, and organizational intervention. In addition, he teaches thesis graduate students and contributes to the development of a doctorial program at New England College. He also teaches organizational leadership at the University of Phoenix and mentors many doctoral students through dissertation.
As is the case with all NH BizCasts, the free Webcast will be hosted live at the Comfort Inn (71 Hall Street) in Concord and will feature a live audience.
For more information and to attend the NH BizCast, visit Those planning on participating in the live audience at the Comfort Inn are asked to pre-register by contacting Leslie Sherman at (603) 271-2591 or
To get a taste of Dr. Ouellette’s latest blog posting, check out his “Tomorrow’s Business Advice Today” column at:
Tags: Dr. Russ Ouellette, New England College, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, NH BizCast, Raytheon, Roy Duddy, Sojourn Partners, University of Phoenix Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Leadership in the 21st Century Focus of NH BizCast
Tuesday, September 8th, 2009
Lakes Region Community College (LRCC) has received a $168,500 (grant through the NH Public Utilities Commission (PUC) with the NH Division of Economic Development as the sponsoring partner. The grant will be used to develop an Energy Auditor Training Program statewide to increase the number of trained energy auditors in the NH workforce.
The first two-week intensive training will be held at LRCC beginning on Monday, September 14, 2009.
“College personnel are very pleased to partner with the Division of Economic Development to provide energy auditor training throughout New Hampshire,” says LRCC President, Dr. Mark Edelstein (Laconia). “The partnership will enable us to offer the course at a significantly reduced cost, making it much easier for people to get this training and prepare for jobs in the rapidly expanding green economy.”
“Given the rise of green jobs and the need for energy auditors statewide, this grant is tremendous news for New Hampshire,” says New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Interim Director, Roy Duddy. “This training will not only allow more New Hampshire businesses and residents to become more energy efficient, it will also provide an excellent career path for interested students.”
Students completing the training satisfactorily will be able to apply for the coveted Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Analyst certification allowing them to become energy auditors, analysts, building operators, resource conservation managers, technical service representatives, measurement and verification technicians, and many other related professions.
LRCC will function as the hub site but will also provide the training at five other sites around the state between September and December.
The LRCC Energy Auditor Training Program will be taught by Building Energy Technologies, LLC, Principal, Andy Duncan, Ph.D. (Bow), and other energy specialists from his company headquartered in Bow. Duncan plans to cover building science, professional energy assessments, infrared thermal imaging, types of heat transfer, blower door/ air leakage testing, insulation basics, domestic hot water efficiency, moisture issues, and fuel combustion safety.
“The course is an excellent opportunity for those interested in becoming building energy analysts,” says Duncan, who was a professor of Environmental Science at New England College (Henniker) from 1997 to 2003. “It is short but intensive, and can be demanding for students who are not already familiar with building energy diagnostic equipment.”
For additional information, contact LRCC Academic Affairs Vice President, Tom Goulette (Belmont), or Administrative Secretary, Andree Thibault (Concord), at 524-3207. Registrations are now being accepted.
Tags: Andree Thibault, Andy Duncan, Dr. Mark Edelstein, Lakes Region Community College, New England College, NH Division of Economic Development, NH Public Utilities Commission, Roy Duddy, Tom Goulette Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on LRCC and Division of Economic Development Partner on Energy Grant
Thursday, July 30th, 2009
How would you like to be able to predict future economic trends? Interested in learning how to develop a workforce that is ready to compete not only locally, but globally? Ready to take the next step in your business’ evolutionary path?
If so, you’ll want to pay close attention to a new feature on the Web site. “Tomorrow’s Business Advice Today” is the title of a feature that will change the way that you conduct your business. Written from the viewpoint of someone who has been in the boardroom as well as the classroom, this monthly offering will provide you with the information that you need to make meaningful changes in your company.
The author of “Tomorrow’s Business Advice Today” is Dr. Russ Ouellette, DM, a a recognized expert in high performance coaching, executive leadership and organizational development. Russ’ ability to combine knowledge, experience, and human connection allows for absolute reach and application of client motivation towards productive action. His diverse professional and executive coaching practice over the past 26 years informs and provides him with vast knowledge of human and business solutions among professional workers. His perspective is also solidly in the future of organizational and business practices, allowing his readers and clients the advantage of contemporary critical business and organizational thinking.
Russ began his professional career in finance at Raytheon Company, where he led many teams in various functions, including manufacturing, engineering, contracts, and organizational development. He has worked for many branded executives, which launched his passion into organizational performance. He has also engaged in a variety of industries, including financial services, healthcare, marketing, automotive, and the military.
Currently, Russ’ consulting as part of his work at Bedford, NH-based Sojourn Partners centers on executive performance, firm strategic planning, and organizational intervention. In addition, he teaches thesis graduate students and contributes to the development of a doctorial program at New England College. He also teaches organizational leadership at the University of Phoenix and mentors many doctorial students through dissertation. Russ is a member of The Academy of Management and a contributor to many community groups that focus on under-represented small-business citizens.
Welcome aboard to Russ and be sure to be watching for “Tomorrow’s Business Advice Today!”
– Steve Boucher, NH Division of Economic Development
Tags: Dr. Russ Ouellette, New England College, Raytheon Company, Sojourn Partners, The Academy of Management, University of Phoenix Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Prepare Your Business for the Future Today
Monday, July 27th, 2009
From exhortations to score a touchdown to birthday wishes for a six-year-old, Manchester Wolves fans and occupants of the “No Bull” cheering section were tweeting away at Friday night’s “No Bull Football Jam” at The Acting Loft Field at the Verizon Wireless Arena.
The “No Bull Football Jam” represented the first time in North American sporting history that professional sports fans could not only enjoy football action but then share their experience with the rest of the world via Twitter. At two locations strategically located in the Verizon Wireless Arena concourse, Best Buy set up two laptop computers for the express purpose of allowing fans to tweet throughout the game.
The purpose of the “No Bull Football Jam” was to find a new and creative way to introduce social networking tools to New Hampshire residents. Businesses and economic development officials were invited to take part in the event by registering to sit in the “No Bull” section of the arena – the “No Bull” moniker of course refers to the title of this blog.
Special thanks to Manchester Wolves General Manager Stephanie Bike ( for her partnership and assistance in planning the event as well as to Alan Voivod, co-owner of social media gurus Epiphanies, Inc. (, for providing expert advice to any fans interested in learning more about social networking. Kudos as well to Best Buy ( for generously donating staff and computers to make the evening a success. And yes, before I forget, thanks to my super intern Sarah Feugill of New England College for helping to pass out 500 “No Bull Football Jam” promotional pieces as folks made their way through the turnstiles.
It was quite a scene to see an 80-year-old man learning how to send a tweet just ten minutes after a group of teenagers sent a flurry of messages into cyberspace. Social networking is interactive, engaging and, on this occasion, worthy of a touchdown dance.
P.S. Best wishes to the Manchester Wolves as they take to the road for the first round of the af2 playoffs – go Wolves!
– Steve Boucher, Communications & Legislative Director
Tags: Alan Voivod, Best Buy, Epiphanies Inc., Manchester Wolves, New England College, Sarah Feugill, Stephanie Bike, The Acting Loft, Verizon Wireless Arena Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Tweets and Touchdowns Rule the Evening