Posts Tagged ‘Stonyfield Farms’
Tuesday, October 4th, 2011
Organizers of TEDxAmoskeagMillyard are thrilled to announce Saturday, October 15, as the date of the inaugural TEDx event in southern New Hampshire.
Organized along the theme of “The Unexpected,” TEDxAmoskeagMillyard will feature exciting multidisciplinary talks by global thought leaders: Howard Brodsky, Co-founder and CEO of CCA Global Partners; Ryan FitzSimons, Founder and CEO of Gigunda Group, Gary Hirshberg, President and CE-Yo of Stonyfield Farm; Jeremy Hitchcock, CEO of Dyn; Dean Kamen, Founder of DEKA and FIRST; Catherine Rielly, Project Humanist and Board President of Rubia and Michael Swack, Social Innovation Pioneer and Professor at the University of New Hampshire.
 TedxAmoskeagMillyard Lead Organizer Kathleen Schmidt
TEDxAmoskeagMillyard, an independently organized event operated under license from TED, will be hosted by the University of New Hampshire at Manchester, 400 Commercial Street. TEDxAmoskeagMillyard is a private event limited to 100 guests, but will be Webcast live on Saturday, October 15, starting at 11:00 a.m. EST on Viewing parties for TEDxAmoskeagMillyard will be hosted throughout the state of New Hampshire.
“TEDxAmoskeagMillyard is a catalyst for citizen creatives, students, entrepreneurs, artists, change agents and innovators to connect, share ideas, collaborate, be inspired and create positive impact,” notes Lead Organizer, Kathleen Schmidt.
For more information, please visit, On Twitter at and Facebook at
Tags: Catherine Rielly, CCA Global Partners, Dean Kamen, DEKA, DYN, FIRST, Gary Hirshberg, Gigunda Group, Howard Brodsky, Jeremy Hitchcock, Kathleen Schmidt, Michael Swack, Rubia, Ryan FitzSimons, Stonyfield Farms, TedxAmoskeag Millyard, University of New Hampshire Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on TedxAmoskeagMillyard Slated for 10/15
Monday, August 1st, 2011
The professional Certificate in Corporate Sustainability, launched this year by the University of New Hampshire and New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR), has announced its agenda and instructor list for the program’s three-day Institute, which will occur October 4-6, 2011 at the UNH Campus in Durham. The certificate program is directed toward mid-level and senior professionals seeking to increase knowledge and functional skills in the practices and principles of corporate sustainability. Information may also be found at the program’s newly launched web site
The Institute focuses on tools, techniques and solutions for implementing environmentally and socially responsible business practices.
Mark Newton, Timberland’s Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), will deliver the opening keynote address on October 4, 2011. Newton leads Timberland’s global team responsible for managing the organization’s four areas of focus within CSR: environmental stewardship, global human rights, community engagement and transparency and reporting. Mark joins Timberland following eight years with Dell, Inc., most recently serving as Executive Director of Global Sustainability, as well as tenures at Apple, Motorola and DEKA Research and Development Corp.
A sampling of workshop topics:
• Defining Corporate Sustainability – what are the roots and key drivers? What challenges do today’s businesses face? What competencies are required of a sustainability leader?
• Developing a Corporate Sustainability Strategy – how to conduct materiality assessments and identify stakeholders; identify the best tools/metrics to measure within your organization
• Integrating HR into your Sustainability Strategy – how to create a sustainable culture and how to create sustainability accountability and support into the HR infrastructure
• Role of Environment in Decision-Making – how to conduct a life cycle analysis; intro into greenhouse gas, water and waste tracking methodologies and tools; and environmental inventorying
• Anticipating a Changing Landscape – how changing demographics and resource needs impact how to identify opportunities and anticipate challenges
• Community Investment Strategies – what are the expectations of communities for companies and how to identify the right opportunities
• CSR Reporting – building a CSR report and appropriate ways to articulate results
• Communicating Your Company’s Efforts – how to articulate your company’s successes, challenges and plans in the right way to the right audiences
Other elements will include offsite events such as an eco-gastronomy discussion at the Black Trumpet Bistro and a behind the scenes tour/discussion on supply chain and sourcing at Smuttynose Brewery.
The Certificate in Corporate Sustainability’s three day Institute is led by UNH faculty, regional business leaders and a supportive cohort of peers. A sampling of identified instructors:
• Jeff Allar, Vice President of Human Resources – Stonyfield Farms
• Betsy Blaisdell, Manager of Environmental Stewardship – Timberland
• Howard Brodsky, founder, CEO and Chairman of CCA Global Partners
• John Carroll, Professor of Natural Resources – University of New Hampshire
• Peter Egelston, Chief Executive Officer – Smuttynose Brewery
• Kevin Gardner, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering – University of New Hampshire
• Dr. Ross Gittell, Professor of Management – University of New Hampshire
• Tom Kelly, Chief Sustainability Officer – University of New Hampshire
• Brendan LeBlanc, Principal – LeBlanc Associates
• Pat McDermott, Manager of Economic Development – Public Service of New Hampshire
• Beth Tener, Principal – New Directions Collaborative
• Cameron Wake, Associate Professor @ Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space – University of New Hampshire
• Dan Winans, Director of ecoGastronomy – University of New Hampshire
After completion of the Institute, students will conduct an independent, mentor-supported workplace project. The program offers continuing education credit for professionals.
Participants may register at – space is limited. NHBSR members receive a 15% discount.
Tags: Apple, Beth Tener, Betsy Blaisdell, Black Trumpet Bistro, Brendan LeBlanc, Cameron Wake, CCA Global Partners, Certificate in Corporate Sustainability, Dan Winans, DEKA Research and Development Corp., Dell, Dr. Ross Gittell, Howard Broadsky, Jeff Allar, John Carroll, LeBlanc Associates, Mark Newton, Motorola, New Directions Collaborative, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, Pat McDermott, Peter Egelston, Public Service of New Hampshire, Smuttynose Brewery, Stonyfield Farms, Timberland, Tom Kelly, University of New Hampshire Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Certificate in Corporate Sustainability Announce Keynote, Agenda & Instructors