Posts Tagged ‘New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility’
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011
If we aren’t already worried enough about the aging demographic in our state, perhaps we should be. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, New Hampshire is the fourth oldest state in the nation and is growing older at a rate that is higher than the national average.
These facts have ramifications both socially and economically. As older citizens leave the workforce, who will be there to take their place? How do you replace years of institutional knowledge.
That’s why I’m glad that organizations like Stay Work Play and postsecondary institutions like Antioch University are joining together to address the issue and try to stem the tide. Check out this release that just crossed my desk and please make plans to join the discussion on November 18th.
Take Steps to Keep Our Young Professionals in New Hampshire
Thousands of 25-35 year olds can’t find work in New Hampshire. They are smart, capable and eager to stay and work here, but they find it challenging to stay in our state.
Let’s talk about how to solve this urgent problem. Antioch University New England (AUNE) is hosting a statewide peer-to-peer strategy session during a free breakfast, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., Friday, November 18.
The public is welcome. Join other people from around the state, including representatives from AUNE, New Hampshire Business for Social Responsibility, Stay Work Play, Keene Young Professionals of the Keene Chamber of Commerce, and AUNE’s Net Impact Chapter.
Kate Luczko, executive director of Stay Work Play-New Hampshire, will give a short keynote talk. Stay Work Play-NH <> is a nonprofit organization which furthers the goal of the 55% Initiative to encourage at least fifty-five percent of new graduates to stay in New Hampshire. Luczko was formerly program director for New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR). <>
You’ll also be able to meet, Michelle Veasey, NHBSR’s new executive director, who will attend.
‘Catalysts for change’
Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, wrote “…we must be catalysts for change in our own right and exercise our influence and responsibility as business leaders and entrepreneurs.” Schultz calls for a “peer to peer job strategy” that uses a collaborative approach to get people back to work. We want you to be part of this development strategy.
The goal is to identify concrete ways to keep our young professionals living and working in New Hampshire. We want to address this problem and invite you to be part of the solution. We expect our strategy session to come up with concrete action steps on:
• How universities can best prepare their students and young professionals to meet the needs of New Hampshire businesses and nonprofits.
• How nonprofits and businesses in the state can learn about the skills and talents New Hampshire graduates can offer, and create opportunities to hire them, even in tight financial times.
• How we can make sure that young professionals are part of the future of New Hampshire businesses and nonprofits.
8:15-8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast served
8:30-9:00 a.m. Welcome and keynote speaker
9-10:30 a.m. Facilitated strategy-building conversation
The event is free and open to the public. It will be held in E101 at AUNE. Please RSVP to Stephanie Tickner, or call 603-283-2418.
Tags: "Stay Work & Play", Antioch University New England, Howard Schultz, Kate Luczko, Keene Chamber of Commerce, Keene Young Professionals, Michelle Veasey, Net Impact Chapter, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, Starbucks, Stephanie Tickner Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Take Steps to Keep Our Young Professionals in New Hampshire
Monday, August 1st, 2011
The professional Certificate in Corporate Sustainability, launched this year by the University of New Hampshire and New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR), has announced its agenda and instructor list for the program’s three-day Institute, which will occur October 4-6, 2011 at the UNH Campus in Durham. The certificate program is directed toward mid-level and senior professionals seeking to increase knowledge and functional skills in the practices and principles of corporate sustainability. Information may also be found at the program’s newly launched web site
The Institute focuses on tools, techniques and solutions for implementing environmentally and socially responsible business practices.
Mark Newton, Timberland’s Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), will deliver the opening keynote address on October 4, 2011. Newton leads Timberland’s global team responsible for managing the organization’s four areas of focus within CSR: environmental stewardship, global human rights, community engagement and transparency and reporting. Mark joins Timberland following eight years with Dell, Inc., most recently serving as Executive Director of Global Sustainability, as well as tenures at Apple, Motorola and DEKA Research and Development Corp.
A sampling of workshop topics:
• Defining Corporate Sustainability – what are the roots and key drivers? What challenges do today’s businesses face? What competencies are required of a sustainability leader?
• Developing a Corporate Sustainability Strategy – how to conduct materiality assessments and identify stakeholders; identify the best tools/metrics to measure within your organization
• Integrating HR into your Sustainability Strategy – how to create a sustainable culture and how to create sustainability accountability and support into the HR infrastructure
• Role of Environment in Decision-Making – how to conduct a life cycle analysis; intro into greenhouse gas, water and waste tracking methodologies and tools; and environmental inventorying
• Anticipating a Changing Landscape – how changing demographics and resource needs impact how to identify opportunities and anticipate challenges
• Community Investment Strategies – what are the expectations of communities for companies and how to identify the right opportunities
• CSR Reporting – building a CSR report and appropriate ways to articulate results
• Communicating Your Company’s Efforts – how to articulate your company’s successes, challenges and plans in the right way to the right audiences
Other elements will include offsite events such as an eco-gastronomy discussion at the Black Trumpet Bistro and a behind the scenes tour/discussion on supply chain and sourcing at Smuttynose Brewery.
The Certificate in Corporate Sustainability’s three day Institute is led by UNH faculty, regional business leaders and a supportive cohort of peers. A sampling of identified instructors:
• Jeff Allar, Vice President of Human Resources – Stonyfield Farms
• Betsy Blaisdell, Manager of Environmental Stewardship – Timberland
• Howard Brodsky, founder, CEO and Chairman of CCA Global Partners
• John Carroll, Professor of Natural Resources – University of New Hampshire
• Peter Egelston, Chief Executive Officer – Smuttynose Brewery
• Kevin Gardner, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering – University of New Hampshire
• Dr. Ross Gittell, Professor of Management – University of New Hampshire
• Tom Kelly, Chief Sustainability Officer – University of New Hampshire
• Brendan LeBlanc, Principal – LeBlanc Associates
• Pat McDermott, Manager of Economic Development – Public Service of New Hampshire
• Beth Tener, Principal – New Directions Collaborative
• Cameron Wake, Associate Professor @ Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space – University of New Hampshire
• Dan Winans, Director of ecoGastronomy – University of New Hampshire
After completion of the Institute, students will conduct an independent, mentor-supported workplace project. The program offers continuing education credit for professionals.
Participants may register at – space is limited. NHBSR members receive a 15% discount.
Tags: Apple, Beth Tener, Betsy Blaisdell, Black Trumpet Bistro, Brendan LeBlanc, Cameron Wake, CCA Global Partners, Certificate in Corporate Sustainability, Dan Winans, DEKA Research and Development Corp., Dell, Dr. Ross Gittell, Howard Broadsky, Jeff Allar, John Carroll, LeBlanc Associates, Mark Newton, Motorola, New Directions Collaborative, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, Pat McDermott, Peter Egelston, Public Service of New Hampshire, Smuttynose Brewery, Stonyfield Farms, Timberland, Tom Kelly, University of New Hampshire Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Certificate in Corporate Sustainability Announce Keynote, Agenda & Instructors
Tuesday, July 5th, 2011
The professional Certificate in Corporate Sustainability was announced today by the University of New Hampshire and New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR). The certificate program is directed toward mid-level and senior professionals seeking to increase knowledge and functional skills in the practices and principles of corporate sustainability.
 UNH’s Whittemore School of Business & Economics and Sustainability Academy partner with NH Businesses for Social Responsibility to launch a new professional Certificate in Corporate Sustainability.
The Institute focuses on tools, techniques and solutions for implementing environmentally and socially responsible business practices. Topics taught will cover people, profit and planet — from triple bottom line financing and understanding how environmental trends affect the business world to employee and stakeholder engagement.
“The professional Certificate in Corporate Sustainability fills a gap that our members say has been missing for years,” says Kate Luczko, interim executive director of NHBSR. “And it reflects the fact that sustainability in business isn’t a trendy concept but an integral part of how companies do business today.”
The Certificate in Corporate Sustainability program launches with a three day Institute, which will be held October 4-6, 2011 at UNH’s Durham campus and led by UNH faculty, regional business leaders and a supportive cohort of peers. After completion of the Institute, students will conduct an independent, mentor-supported workplace project. The program offers continuing education credit for professionals.
Participants may register at – space is limited. NHBSR members receive a 15% discount.
The Certificate in Corporate Sustainability is presented by Timberland, a business pioneer in sustainability.
“The Certificate will equip a new crop of business leaders with the tools they need to implement meaningful change in their organizations,” states Mark Newton, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility at Timberland. “The program not only provides these participants with CSR training and tools, but also supports them in translating their learning into action – a critical component to ensuring the success of the program and its goals.”
“We are excited to partner with NHBSR in providing businesses with the latest sustainability knowledge and tools,” says WSBE dean Dan Innis. “Both UNH and NHBSR are driving the growing green economy in New Hampshire. Green business makes sense both environmentally and economically, and it is important that business leaders understand how to apply sustainability concepts to their products and services.”
Tags: Dan Innis, Kate Luczko, Mark Newton, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, Timberland, University of New Hampshire, WSBE Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on UNH, NHBSR Launch Certificate in Corporate Sustainability
Tuesday, June 14th, 2011
Antioch University New England was named the 2011 Cornerstone Award winner by New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR) at NHBSR’s 8th Annual Spring Conference at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH.
 Governor John Lynch (middle) and NHBSR Interim Executive Director, Kate Luczko (right), present the 2011 NHBSR Cornerstone Award to Antioch University of New England, represented by Tracey Thompson (left), Vice President of Institutional Advancement. (Photo courtesy of Matthew Lomanno Photography)
“NHBSR is honored to present the 2011 Cornerstone Award to Antioch University New England,” said NHBSR Interim Executive Director Kate Luczko. “Antioch has been a long-time engaged member of NHBSR and has demonstrated their commitment to corporate social responsibility. They continue to strive to do more and they serve as a role model for other NH organizations to follow.”
Antioch University New England, founded in 1964, and based in Keene, New Hampshire, serves 1,000 students and is a dynamic, innovative institution offering scholarly, practice-oriented graduate study. They have a history of high academic standards, integration of work and study, commitment to bypassed populations, and learner responsibility all intertwined with the New England traditions of self-reliance, small-community values and private action for the public good.
Their community engagement efforts go well beyond that of their organization, but also include providing “transformative education through scholarship, innovation, and community action for a just and sustainable society.” Antioch University New England educates leaders who want to create or work in organizations that are successful, effective, sustainable, and socially and environmentally responsible. Their Green MBA, is ranked in the top 5 nationally by Net Impact.
Antioch has implemented numerous energy-saving measures not only in office areas, but academic spaces as well. This year they launched Community Garden Connections to work with local human service agencies to address problems of food security by supporting the establishment of community gardens and accompanying educational programming. Their Green MBA students engage in multiple projects through which students assist businesses in putting CSR practices to work, such as COOL MONADNOCK, a three-year project that is working to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the Monadnock Region and the 10% Challenge, a collaborative effort between Antioch and the City of Keene, through which students assist Keene businesses in voluntarily reducing green house gas emissions by 10%. They currently have 30 businesses participating.
The two other finalists for this year’s Cornerstone Award were: Northeast Delta Dental and Sequoya Technologies Group.
The NHBSR Cornerstone Award is presented every year at the NHBSR Spring Conference to a company, organization or individual that exemplifies the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and promotes the concepts of CSR to the greater business community within the state of New Hampshire.
This year’s NHBSR Spring Conference, titled “Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility into Your Core Business Strategy,” focused on how businesses can fully incorporate more sustainable practices into all aspects of their organization including saving resources and creating a return on investment. The conference incorporated a variety of “green” elements including carbon offset, recycling, minimizing waste and sustainable menu choices.
Additionally, the conference featured an energetic and engaging networking session, numerous morning and afternoon educational breakout sessions, a CEO Panel Discussion, a Silent Auction, and a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability book store.
Tags: Antioch University New England, COOL MONADNOCK, Cornerstone Award, Grappone Conference Center, Kate Luczko, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, NHBSR, Northeast Delta Dental, Sequoya Technologies Group Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Antioch University New England Named NHBSR 2011 Cornerstone Award Recipient
Thursday, May 26th, 2011
On June 2nd the Manchester Young Professionals Network (MYPN) will award $25,000 in cash and in-kind services to the winner of the MYPN NH Start Up Challenge business plan competition. The event is being held at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College on June 2nd at 5:30pm and is free and open to the public.
The event will feature an exclusive opportunity for the two remaining finalists, TRX Sports and Nearby Registry, to deliver an elevator pitch to the audience. The winner will then be announced for the first time in front of the attendees. Guests are encouraged to pre-register at
“The NH Start Up Challenge is emerging as New Hampshire’s signature business plan competition,” said E.J. Powers, Chairman of MYPN. “We were extremely impressed by the quality of business plans submitted and are hopeful that the assistance provided to the winner, courtesy of many generous sponsors, will go a long way in making their business a success.”
The finalists include TRX Sports which has created “FLEYE” a video and GPS products and systems that allow sports enthusiasts to capture their experiences and share them online.
“Participating in the MYPN NH Start Up Challenge has been a tremendous opportunity to network with other successful entrepreneurs and experienced business professionals who can help us grow from a great idea into a great company,” said Cameron Miner, CEO of TRX Sports. “In addition to the great connections and media exposure that we have gained through the Challenge, winning the $25,000 award would be incredibly valuable for us right now. The prize money would enable us to install a FLEYE System at a NH resort this summer, allowing us to get some early exposure and do more testing in preparation for the full launch this winter.”
The other finalist is Nearby Registry, a provider of online gift registry service for independent retailers and service providers. “MYPN’s NH Start Up Challenge triggered me to transfer my long-time local gift registry idea into a tangible business plan that proves the benefit local registry sales will have for Nearby communities,” said Allison Grappone. “The $25,000 from the Challenge will make Nearby Gift Registry a reality, sooner.”
Over 50 entrepreneurs applied and five semi-finalists received scholarships and attended the Stonyfield Farm Entrepreneurial Institute. Along with the scholarship, they also received guidance and support regarding important aspects of their business plan from SCORE mentors. Two finalists, TRX Sports and Nearby Registry were then chosen to present their business plan to the challenge judges consisting of Phil Ryan, Merchants Automotive Group; Kathleen Cook, Bean Foundation; Graham Chynoweth, Dynamic Network Services; Richard (Dick) Kimball, Bigelow & Company; and Steve Webb, TD Bank. The winner will be unveiled the evening of June 2nd.
The 3rd annual MYPN NH Start Up Challenge is a statewide business plan competition designed to encourage entrepreneurship and social innovation. The competition was created in 2008 by MYPN, New Hampshire’s first and largest young professional networking organization with over 3,000 members.
In less than three years, MYPN has awarded over $50,000 to New Hampshire start-ups. The 2010 competition winner was Play @ Work. Their goal is to help busy parents balance family, work and life by providing office space while their young children enjoy a supervised playgroup in a welcoming, child-friendly atmosphere.
The 2009 Start Up Challenge winner was Float Left Labs, a non-profit that assists other non-profits with marketing and web design needs. Float Left Labs has been open for business for over a year and is achieving its goal of providing marketing services to non-profits such as New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, Families in Transition and the Nashua Senior Center.
Public Service of New Hampshire is the presenting sponsor of the MYPN New Hampshire Start Up Challenge. Additional sponsors include FairPoint Communications, DYN Inc., abi Innovation Hub, Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green, Howe Riley and Howe, Business NH Magazine, Anagnost Companies, Montagne Communications, Wells Fargo Advisors, Northwestern Mutual, Merchants Automotive, McLane Law Firm, The Daymark Group, Wiggin & Nourie, Ogden Media and Z food & drink. Additional sponsorship opportunities are still available.
For more information please visit
Tags: Allison Grappone, Anagnost Companies, Bean Foundation, Bigelow & Company, Business NH Magazine, Cameron Miner, DYN Inc., Dynamic Network Services, E.J. Powers, FairPoint Communications, Families in Transition, Float Left Labs, Graham Chynoweth, Howe Riley and Howe, Kathleen Cook, Manchester Young Professionals Network, McLane Law Firm, Merchants Automotive, Merchants Automotive Group, Montagne Communications, MYPN, MYPN NH Start Up Challenge, Nashua Senior Center, Nearby Registry, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, New Hampshire Institute of Politics, Northwestern Mutual, Ogden Media, Phil Ryan, Play @ Work, Public Service of New Hampshire, Richard Kimball, Saint Anselm College, Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green, Steve Webb, Stonyfield Farm Entrepreneurial Institute, TD Bank, The Daymark Group, TRX Sports, Wells Fargo Advisors, Wiggin & Nourie, Z food & drink Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on $25,000 to be awarded to New Hampshire Start Up
Monday, May 23rd, 2011
New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility’s (NHBSR) Spring Conference, “Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility into Your Core Business Strategy,” will take place on Monday, June 13, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Grappone Conference Center at the Courtyard Marriott in Concord, NH.
“Corporate social responsibility isn’t just a good business practice, it also adds to your company’s bottom line,” said NHBSR Interim Executive Director Kate Luczko. “This conference will not only help your business to better meet the needs of your clients and employees, it will also provide you with information you need to grow your business in a sustainable way.”
The conference features a lively morning networking session, the presentation of the NHBSR Cornerstone Award, four educational breakout sessions, and an afternoon CEO panel.
These educational sessions, which will offer real world suggestions that are appropriate and applicable to any size company, include “New Hampshire’s Changing Workforce: The Growing Need for Flexibility,” “Successfully Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility into Your Core Strategy and Culture,” “Current Trends in Managing Corporate Citizenship,” and “Managing Sustainability Performance with the Balanced Scorecard.”
At noon, Lisa Hardin Berghaus, Marketing Specialist, Monadnock Paper Mills, NHBSR Board Member and Spring Conference Co-Chair, will introduce Governor John Lynch who will present NHBSR’s annual Cornerstone Award to a company that exemplifies the principles of corporate social responsibility and promotes the concepts of CSR to the greater business community within the state of New Hampshire. The finalists for this year’s Cornerstone Award are: Antioch University, Sequoya Technologies Group, and Northeast Delta Dental.
“NHBSR is delighted to recognize one of our members with this award. It’s a fantastic way to highlight outstanding work in the field of social responsibility and sustainability and provides a important example to our New Hampshire community,” Luczko said.
C&S Wholesale Grocers was the proud recipient of the 2010 NHBSR Cornerstone Award for their efforts in feeding the hungry, promoting environmental awareness and encouraging employee volunteerism.
Here’s a brief overview of this year’s nominees:
Northeast Delta Dental
Northeast Delta Dental specializes in the administration of dental programs. It is their mission to be the leading force in the dental prepayment marketplace by offering quality, versatile and affordable dental programs to benefit their purchasers, subscribers, and participating member dentists. They have created a corporate environment built upon high trust and mutual respect. They are a values-driven company that successfully balances profitability and socially-responsible initiatives. Their leadership team follows the principles of servant leadership, enabling all employees, customers, and stockholders to be free from bureaucratic red tape, to self-actualize, and to have a delightful experience with Northeast Delta Dental.
Antioch University New England
Since its founding in 1964, Antioch University New England (ANE) has supported the tenets of Corporate Social Responsibility, and as its mission, provides transformative graduate study education through scholarship, innovation, and community action for a just and sustainable society. Antioch University New England supports CSR in three ways. Antioch operate the business of running a university using CSR principles, they educate their students in CSR principles, and through many of their student practices and internships, they help businesses and organizations locally and throughout New England recognize and begin to adopt CSR principles.
Sequoya Technologies Group
Sequoya is a managed IT services and software design firm specializing in meeting the needs of small businesses in southern New Hampshire. They’re located in Peterborough and provide IT support throughout the greater Monadnock region, including Keene, Concord, Manchester, and Nashua. They’ve also performedsoftware development projects for clients in New York, Denver, and beyond. They have a dedicated team of technicians, network engineers, and software developers. Sequoya truly believes in the values of a supportive and enjoyable work environment, with many benefits that are unusual for a company of only seven people, including flexible work schedules, paid vacation and sick leave, health insurance for both full-time and part-time staff, and more.
Following the Cornerstone Award Presentation there will be a CEO Panel Discussion, a new feature for the conference. The moderator is Jon Greenberg, Executive Editor at NH Public Radio, and panelists include Gerardine Ferlins, President/CEO of Cirtronics Corporation, Nannu Nobis, founder and CEO of Nobis Engineering, Inc., Doug Vincent, President and CEO of Design Mentor, Inc, Walter Chapin, Co-founder and CEO of Company C, Inc., and John Hamilton, Vice President of Economic Opportunity at the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund. Following the CEO Panel Discussion there will be a short break and the Educational Breakout Sessions from the morning will repeat.
Over twenty-five socially responsible exhibitors will be showcasing their products and services throughout the conference, as well as the Silent Auction and Sustainability Book Store.
This event is made possible by the generosity of many sponsors. Conference Leaders: FairPoint Communications, Normandeau Associates, the New Hampshire Community and Development Finance Authority, Monadnock Paper Mill and Hannaford. Conference Partners; Public Service of New Hampshire, and PAX World. AM Networking sponsor is Nixon Peabody LLP. CEO Panel sponsor is NH Community Loan Fund. Carbon Offset for this event was sponsored by C&S Wholesale Grocers. The Tote-bag sponsors are Northeast Delta Dental and Hypertherm. Design, paper and printing were provided by Baker Salmon Design, Monadnock Paper Mill and RAM Printing. NHBSR web marketing is sponsored by SilverTech.
The cost is $125 for any NHBSR member, $150 for non-members, $50 for non-profits and $30 for students.
For more detailed information about the Spring Conference, please visit or contact Interim Executive Director, Kate Luczko at, (603) 391-7437. For more information about NHBSR, visit our website at
Tags: Antioch University, Baker Salmon Design, C&S Wholesale Grocers, Cirtronics Corporation, Company C Inc., Cornerstone Award, Courtyard Marriott, Design Mentor Inc., Doug Vincent, FairPoint Communications, Gerardine Ferlins, Grappone Conference Center, Hannaford, Hypertherm, John Hamilton, Jon Greenberg, Kate Luczko, Lisa Hardin Berghaus, Monadnock Paper Mills, Nannu Nobis, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, New Hampshire Community and Development Finance Authority, New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, NH Public Radio, Nixon Peabody LLP, Nobis Engineering Inc., Normandeau Associates, Northeast Delta Dental, Pax World, Public Service of NH, RAM Printing, Sequoya Technologies Group, SilverTech, Walter Chapin Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on NHBSR Spring Conference Planned
Monday, May 23rd, 2011
Great to see one of our “First Class Business” honorees being recognized in other venues. Congrats to Lisa Landry and the rest of her team at Print Savvy!!
Print Savvy’s Savvy Workshop is proud to announce that Print Savvy, Inc. was selected as the Mayor’s 2011 Small Business Award winner for Community Service.
Since launching in 1998, Print Savvy has sustained an impressive community service track record with leadership roles in many organizations, including the American Heart Association, Manchester Rotary Club, and the New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility. “We feel that we have many talents, skills and offerings that can benefit non-profit organizations. We share our talents freely”, stated Lisa Landry, President and Founder of Print Savvy. In fact, the Print Savvy employees have provided their expertise in over forty official capacities for non-profit organizations since 1998, not including countless other organizations that received services and savvy know-how informally!
 Print Savvy President and Founder Lisa Landry
The Mayor’s Small Business Awards were created to honor and recognize small businesses within Manchester in three separate categories: Growth, Innovation and Community Service. The winners of all three categories were announced today at the Mayor’s Award Recognition Breakfast held at the Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College. This breakfast was the culmination of the Small Business Week, May 16th-20th, which was designed by the City of Manchester to recognize the small business community and emphasize the Queen City as New Hampshire’s small business capital.
You can read more about Print Savvy and the Small Business Award recipients for Growth and Innovation in the next edition of the NH Business Review.
About Print Savvy and Savvy Workshop
Savvy Workshop is a multi-channel printing and marketing firm servicing a diverse clientele throughout New England and beyond. From concept to creation, as a virtual marketing partner Savvy works closely with clients to offer the most appropriate marketing tools for supporting business growth and development within their individual industries. For more information, visit and
Tags: American Heart Association, First Class Business, Lisa Landry, Manchester Rotary Club, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, Print Savvy, Savvy Workshop Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Print Savvy Recognized for Community Service
Monday, January 10th, 2011
New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility (NHBSR) is proud to announce the launch of their 2011 Sustainability Webinar Series.
The NHBSR monthly Webinar Series offers NHBSR members an innovative opportunity to publicize corporate social responsibility (CSR) best- practices to like-minded businesses in a real-time, interactive forum. The series is uniquely designed to be accessible to the New Hampshire business community and beyond. The convenient and easy to use format enables businesses to connect around CSR issues and learn ways to become more environmentally sustainable, improve workplace culture, support local communities, all while boosting the bottom line. Furthermore, webinars are environmentally friendly. While nothing will ever replace the value of interpersonal exchanges, the webinar series provides a venue to learn and share from each other while lessoning carbon emissions.
“Now in our third year of providing best practices and expertise on corporate social responsibility and sustainability for busy business professionals, NHBSR has developed a great line-up yet of valuable ‘bottom line oriented’ webinars. The 2011 series includes subject matter for a variety of audiences including; human resource directors, marketing professionals, environmental managers and the C-Suite,” said NHBSR Executive Director Molly Hodgson Smith.
The 2011 Webinar Series will kick off this Wednesday, January 12th with Sustainability Strategy for the Long Haul, followed by Promoting Sustainability – Inside and Out on February 9, Nonprofit Board Service: What You Need to Know on March 9, Why Build Green? You Do the Math! on April 13, Empowering (and Connecting) Employees to Work Remotely on May 11, Green Paper, Green Forests on June 8, How to Build a Workplace Culture of Leadership and Engagement on September 14, Management Systems and Sustainability at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters on October 12, Solidifying a Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility and Beyond on November 9, and Corporate Social Responsibility 2.0 and Beyond: The Next Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Leadership on December 14.
Webinars are free to all employees of NHBSR member companies and $25 for non-members. Regular series webinars take place on the second Wednesday of each month at noon. Attendance on NHBSR’s webinars is typically over 25 business professionals including owners, CEO’s, and middle/upper management personnel.
NHBSR is a statewide not-for-profit membership organization that fosters socially and environmentally responsible business, recognizing that people, principles and profits must be linked. To register for a webinar or to learn more about NHBSR, please visit, email Program Director Kate Luczko at or call (603) 391-7437.
Tags: Kate Luczko, Molly Hodgson Smith, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility Launches 2011 Sustainability Webinar Series