Posts Tagged ‘Business NH Magazine’
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011
Business NH Magazine host the fifth annual NH’s Top 100 Private Companies Reception at the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord on Monday, October 24 from 5-7 p.m.
The reception features an awards ceremony for the Top 10 Private Companies in NH, the Five Fastest Growing Companies, and 10 Companies to Watch. The winning companies were also profiled in the September issue of Business NH Magazine. More than 400 business people from across NH, including members from all 100 Top Private Companies, are expected to attend.
The Top 10 Companies on this year’s Private 100 List are:
• C&S Wholesale Grocers Inc., Keene
• CCA Global Partners, Manchester
• Sprague Energy Corp., Portsmouth
• Associated Grocers of New England Inc., Pembroke
• Hypertherm, Hanover
• Red River Computer Company Inc., Claremont
• AutoFair, Manchester
• Grappone Automotive Group, Bow
• Atrium Medical Corporation, Hudson
• Hitchiner Manufacturing Co. Inc., Milford
The 2011 Five Fastest Growing Companies are:
• EPE Corporation, Manchester
• North Branch Construction, Concord
• Namtek Corp., Bedford
• Wakefield Solutions, Pelham
• Adaptive Communications, Portsmouth
The 2011 10 Companies to Watch are:
• Leading Edge Design Group, Enfield
• SmartFuel America, LLC, Seabrook
• RevereIT LLC, Nashua
•, Franklin
• The Nagler Group, Bedford
• DYN, Manchester
• The Atom Group, Portsmouth
• Alexander Technology Group, Bedford
• Rustic Crust, Pittsfield
• Whaleback Systems, Portsmouth
The registration fee for the Private 100 Reception is $30. The reception is sponsored by FairPoint Communications, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England, People’s United Bank, Comcast Business Class, Hanover Co-Op Food Stores and Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green PA. To register for the event, visit or contact Business NH Magazine at (603) 626-6354.
Tags: Alexander Technology Group, Associated Grocers of New England Inc., Atrium Medical Corporation, AutoFair,, Business NH Magazine, C&S Wholesale Grocers, Capitol Center for the Arts, CCA Global Partners, Comcast Business Class, DYN, EPE Corporation, FairPoint Communications, Grappone Automotive Group, Hanover Co-op Food Stores, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England, Hitchiner Manufacturing Company Inc., Hypertherm, Leading Edge Design Group, Namtek Corp., North Branch Construction, People's United Bank, Red River Computer Company Inc., RevereIT LLC, Rustic Crust, Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green PA, SmartFuel America LLC, Sprague Energy Corp., The Atom Group, The Nagler Group, Wakefield Solutions, Whaleback Systems Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on NH’s Top 100 Private Companies to be Honored Next Week
Monday, August 1st, 2011
There are just two weeks left to apply for the Rising Stars Awards, which honors young professionals, and the companies and programs that employ and support them. So if you just got back from vacation or finished another project, now is the time to act.
Business NH Magazine is working with Stay, Work Play, the state’s Young Professionals organizations and the NH Division of Economic Development on the 2011 awards ceremony. This award is critical for the NH economy, which depends on the retention and recruitment of young professionals statewide.
There are six Young Professionals Awards. Companies and individuals are invited to apply online, and applying for more than one award is encouraged.
The awards are:
1. The Coolest Companies for Young Professionals will honor one small company, one medium-sized company and one large company, all in NH.
2. The Young Professional of the Year award honors an outstanding professional 40 years old or younger.
3. The Young Professionals Network Program of the Year will honor an innovative program developed by a young professional group.
4. The Stay, Work, Play Leadership Award will be given to an individual, organization, initiative or program in NH that supports young professionals in NH.
Applications are due online only by Friday, August 12. Winners will be honored at a ceremony on Monday, Nov. 7 at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord. Please visit and click on the competitions button for a link to the online applications.
For questions email Associate Editor Erika Cohen at or call 626-6354 x211.
Tags: "Stay Work & Play", Business NH Magazine, Erika Cohen, McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Rising Stars Awards Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Deadline for Rising Stars Awards Extended to August 12
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
Check out this great awards program that we’re partnering on with our friends at Business NH Magazine and Stay Work Play – submit your nominations today!!
Recognize NH’s Rising Stars!!
The Details: Are you a star or do you know a young professional who is? If so, we want to feature that person in Business NH Magazine. We’re looking for nominees for the second annual Rising Stars awards. The awards recognize outstanding young professionals, creative initiatives that keep young professionals working in NH, and the businesses that go the extra mile to recruit and retain them.
Why: Let’s face it, NH needs to attract and keep younger talent. So, Business NH Magazine, Stay Work Play, a nonprofit committed to helping retain 55 percent of the state’s college graduates to stay, work and play in the Granite State, and the NH Division of Economic Development are partnering on a unique competition to highlight the best and brightest professionals 40 and under.
The Process: There will be six awards. The Coolest Companies for Young Professionals recognizes companies˜small, medium and large”that create outstanding workplaces with innovative programs to attract and retain young professionals.” The Young Professional of the Year award honors an exceptional professional 40 years old or younger who is a rising star in his or her field, has demonstrated leadership and who is committed to giving back to the community. The Young Professional Network Program of the Year honors a stand-out program developed by a young professional group that furthers young professionals professionally or socially and helps young professionals become more connected to their communities. The Stay, Work, Play Leadership award goes to an individual, organization, initiative or program in NH that significantly supports the recruitment and retention of young professionals in the state.
The Deadline: Friday July 29. Applications will be accepted online only by going to <> and click on the Competitions button.
Eligibility: 2010 winners are not eligible to compete, but we encourage them to nominate their colleagues. The Reward: Winners will be featured in the Young Professionals Guide in the November issue of Business NH Magazine and feted at an awards ceremony the same month.
Tags: "Stay Work & Play", Business NH Magazine, NH Division of Economic Development Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Casting Call for NH’s Rising Stars
Thursday, May 26th, 2011
On June 2nd the Manchester Young Professionals Network (MYPN) will award $25,000 in cash and in-kind services to the winner of the MYPN NH Start Up Challenge business plan competition. The event is being held at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College on June 2nd at 5:30pm and is free and open to the public.
The event will feature an exclusive opportunity for the two remaining finalists, TRX Sports and Nearby Registry, to deliver an elevator pitch to the audience. The winner will then be announced for the first time in front of the attendees. Guests are encouraged to pre-register at
“The NH Start Up Challenge is emerging as New Hampshire’s signature business plan competition,” said E.J. Powers, Chairman of MYPN. “We were extremely impressed by the quality of business plans submitted and are hopeful that the assistance provided to the winner, courtesy of many generous sponsors, will go a long way in making their business a success.”
The finalists include TRX Sports which has created “FLEYE” a video and GPS products and systems that allow sports enthusiasts to capture their experiences and share them online.
“Participating in the MYPN NH Start Up Challenge has been a tremendous opportunity to network with other successful entrepreneurs and experienced business professionals who can help us grow from a great idea into a great company,” said Cameron Miner, CEO of TRX Sports. “In addition to the great connections and media exposure that we have gained through the Challenge, winning the $25,000 award would be incredibly valuable for us right now. The prize money would enable us to install a FLEYE System at a NH resort this summer, allowing us to get some early exposure and do more testing in preparation for the full launch this winter.”
The other finalist is Nearby Registry, a provider of online gift registry service for independent retailers and service providers. “MYPN’s NH Start Up Challenge triggered me to transfer my long-time local gift registry idea into a tangible business plan that proves the benefit local registry sales will have for Nearby communities,” said Allison Grappone. “The $25,000 from the Challenge will make Nearby Gift Registry a reality, sooner.”
Over 50 entrepreneurs applied and five semi-finalists received scholarships and attended the Stonyfield Farm Entrepreneurial Institute. Along with the scholarship, they also received guidance and support regarding important aspects of their business plan from SCORE mentors. Two finalists, TRX Sports and Nearby Registry were then chosen to present their business plan to the challenge judges consisting of Phil Ryan, Merchants Automotive Group; Kathleen Cook, Bean Foundation; Graham Chynoweth, Dynamic Network Services; Richard (Dick) Kimball, Bigelow & Company; and Steve Webb, TD Bank. The winner will be unveiled the evening of June 2nd.
The 3rd annual MYPN NH Start Up Challenge is a statewide business plan competition designed to encourage entrepreneurship and social innovation. The competition was created in 2008 by MYPN, New Hampshire’s first and largest young professional networking organization with over 3,000 members.
In less than three years, MYPN has awarded over $50,000 to New Hampshire start-ups. The 2010 competition winner was Play @ Work. Their goal is to help busy parents balance family, work and life by providing office space while their young children enjoy a supervised playgroup in a welcoming, child-friendly atmosphere.
The 2009 Start Up Challenge winner was Float Left Labs, a non-profit that assists other non-profits with marketing and web design needs. Float Left Labs has been open for business for over a year and is achieving its goal of providing marketing services to non-profits such as New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, Families in Transition and the Nashua Senior Center.
Public Service of New Hampshire is the presenting sponsor of the MYPN New Hampshire Start Up Challenge. Additional sponsors include FairPoint Communications, DYN Inc., abi Innovation Hub, Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green, Howe Riley and Howe, Business NH Magazine, Anagnost Companies, Montagne Communications, Wells Fargo Advisors, Northwestern Mutual, Merchants Automotive, McLane Law Firm, The Daymark Group, Wiggin & Nourie, Ogden Media and Z food & drink. Additional sponsorship opportunities are still available.
For more information please visit
Tags: Allison Grappone, Anagnost Companies, Bean Foundation, Bigelow & Company, Business NH Magazine, Cameron Miner, DYN Inc., Dynamic Network Services, E.J. Powers, FairPoint Communications, Families in Transition, Float Left Labs, Graham Chynoweth, Howe Riley and Howe, Kathleen Cook, Manchester Young Professionals Network, McLane Law Firm, Merchants Automotive, Merchants Automotive Group, Montagne Communications, MYPN, MYPN NH Start Up Challenge, Nashua Senior Center, Nearby Registry, New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility, New Hampshire Institute of Politics, Northwestern Mutual, Ogden Media, Phil Ryan, Play @ Work, Public Service of New Hampshire, Richard Kimball, Saint Anselm College, Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green, Steve Webb, Stonyfield Farm Entrepreneurial Institute, TD Bank, The Daymark Group, TRX Sports, Wells Fargo Advisors, Wiggin & Nourie, Z food & drink Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on $25,000 to be awarded to New Hampshire Start Up
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011
Business NH Magazine is now accepting applications for the fourth annual Lean & Green competition, which celebrates environmental practices NH companies have undertaken to be more environmentally sound and cost-efficient. Winners will be featured in the 2011 Green Guide, appearing in the August issue. A celebration of the winners will also take place in September.
If your company has innovative environmental practices, used green building practices in your facility or developed products that help companies become more environmentally-friendly and fiscally sound, let us know about it! You could be among the companies selected to receive statewide recognition for your eco-efforts.
Past winners include The Mount Washington Cog Railway in Bretton Woods, the Hanover Consumer Coop in Hanover, Acorn Organic Salon in Dover, Wire Belt Company of America in Londonderry and Monadnock Paper Mills in Bennington.
The deadline to apply is April 22. Applications will be accepted online only
and can be found at and by clicking on the competitions
button. Please contact Associate Editor Erika Cohen at 603-626-6354 or if you have any questions.
Tags: Business NH Magazine, Erika Cohen, Hanover Consumer Coop, Monadnock Paper Mills, Mount Washington Cog Railway, Wire Belt Company of America Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Applications for Lean & Green Competition Open
Thursday, December 16th, 2010
The New Hampshire High Technology Council (NHHTC) Board of Directors has selected Matt Cookson as its new executive director. He has taken over this role from Carol Stephens, who recently stepped down after 12 years of service. Cookson is president and founder of Cookson Stephens Corporation, which was selected by the Board to handle the management of the NHHTC. The NHHTC will be co-locating its offices in downtown Manchester with Cookson Stephens beginning in January 2011.
 Matt Cookson
“At a time when the NHHTC has evolved into the voice of NH’s technology sector, Matt Cookson brings to the Council valuable experience in NH’s business and education communities that will serve member business interests and our number one priority, which is the education of NH’s workforce and future leaders,” said Fred Kocher, president of the NHHTC.
The NHHTC engages, connects and serves member companies in technology-related fields. Since 1983, the Council has supported education, training and economic development efforts that have helped New Hampshire become a leader nationally in technological innovation and entrepreneurship. Some of its premier programming includes the Product of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, and Entrepreneur Forum events, among others.
Cookson Stephens Corp. (CSC) is a strategic communications firm that serves as a valued and integrated extension of client organizations to help them plan, refine, and achieve their communications and organizational objectives. Services focus on public relations, web/social media, and marketing, as well as non-profit services and management. Cookson will be dividing his time between the NHHTC and the work of running the company and managing additional accounts. He has been involved in the NHHTC for many years, most recently as a member of the board and chair of its education committee.
“I am grateful to the Council Board for entrusting me with this leadership role at such an important time for the organization. Technology is a huge economic driver in New Hampshire, and education helps drive technology. I plan to use my experience in both sectors to help advance the organization and assist workforce and economic development goals across the state,” Cookson said. “In addition, I want to thank the City of Manchester for providing financial support through its revolving loan fund to help launch my new company and relocate it to downtown Manchester.”
The NHHTC and CSC will be located on the second floor at 36 Lowell Street, directly above Richard’s Bistro. The space is being completely renovated to accommodate meetings and small events, as well as for office space.
“We are excited to have the High Tech Council become an active and visible part of the Manchester business community, and about CSC relocating to the downtown area. This move serves as a great example of Greater Manchester’s growing role as a technological hub of New Hampshire. The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was established for the express purposes of expanding business in the city, and the loan we made to CSC essentially brought in two business entities for the price of one,” said Jay Minkarah, director of the Manchester Economic Development Office.
Cookson Stephens Corporation was born out of a partnership in 2010 between Matt Cookson and Carol Stephens. This partnership saw Cookson join Stephens’ firm, CC Stephens & Co., as president. In November, Cookson took over the company and changed the name.
Cookson has held several senior level communications positions over the past 25 years, the last 15 in New Hampshire. From 2005-2010, he served as associate vice chancellor for external relations at the University System of New Hampshire.
He has previously worked for New England College, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, PC Connection, and the University of Connecticut. He has also provided consulting services to numerous organizations and worked in government affairs in Connecticut, Washington DC and New Hampshire.
Cookson received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Connecticut and is a 2003 Leadership New Hampshire Associate. In 2009, he was named as one of the “25 Leaders of the Future” by Business NH Magazine. He is also an adjunct faculty member at the University of New Hampshire – Manchester, where he teaches public relations courses.
Tags: Business NH Magazine, Carol Stephens, Cookson Stephens Corp., Fred Kocher, Jay Minkarah, Matt Cookson, New Hampshire High Technology Council, Richard's Bistro Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Cookson Named Executive Director of High Tech Council
Monday, October 11th, 2010
At their “sold out” launch party at Boynton’s Taproom last week, Stay Work Play officially launched their website with help from New Hampshire’s Super Secret Project, event sponsor Citizens Bank, Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas, and attendees including young professionals and leaders from across the state.
 (L to R) Chris Williams, Gray Chynoweth, Cathy Schmidt, Mayor Ted Gatsas, and Kate Luczko enjoy the festivities at Stay Work Play’s Website Launch party at Boynton’s Taproom last week. (Photo credit: Matthew Lomanno Photography)
The event, also a kickoff to a fall NH college campus tour, featured a live performance from The Super Secret Project. The Super Secret Project performed their newest release, “Middle Class in the USA” and also the New Hampshire-themed music video “Granite State of Mind” with a special Stay Work Play twist.
“Last night we started a bit of a revolution,” said Graham Chynoweth, co-chair of the Stay Work Play Board and Vice President of Business Operations & General Counsel at Dynamic Network Services, Inc. “ is revolutionary because it is changing the way New Hampshire looks at itself and what others think of us. NH isn’t just a good place to start a family; it’s a great place to launch careers and start-up companies. It isn’t just a place to go camping; it’s a place to go to concerts. It’s not just a good place to retire; it’s a really cool place to live.”
Planned for the fall and winter, the college campus tour will bring entertainment to a few New Hampshire college campuses to engage students and encourage them to use the Stay Work Play web site at and organization as a resource for launching a career in New Hampshire. Stay Work Play is rapidly building a following on Facebook and Twitter and traffic has been building steadily since the beta launch of the site over the summer. The Stay Work Play website includes hundreds of links to other websites, as well as information, photos, and content that is divided into sections that relate to staying, working, and playing in New Hampshire. Special features include linkages to all of the young professionals networks across the state, to Facebook and Twitter feeds, a living index, and resources regarding jobs in the state, housing, events, and activities.
“The Stay Work Play Initiative is especially important to Manchester since our city is the business capitol of the state and home to 11 colleges and universities, educating more than 15,000 students each year, “ said Chris Wellington, Marketing & Retention Specialist for the Manchester Economic Development Office. “The city looks forward to working with Stay Work Play to help retain these young professionals and provide them with the opportunities they need to prosper both professionally and personally. The greatest challenge facing New Hampshire is the perception that Boston provides the greatest professional opportunities for graduates and young professionals. Stay Work Play will provide the state with a voice to let students know that New Hampshire and Manchester can not only provide graduates and young professionals with the same professional opportunities as Boston but also an unmatched quality of life.”
Over the next several months, the organization plans to add in a customized events calendar, enhance the job search component, launch a video contest, and is partnered with Business NH Magazine for the “Rising Stars” Young Professional Award, an inaugural event that will recognize companies and individuals who excel at addressing the needs of younger workers in New Hampshire. Attendees at this event, being held at Red River Theatre in Concord, will hear keynote speaker Peter Egelston, president of Smuttynose Brewing Company, share his story and advice for NH’s young professionals and entrepreneurs. Plus after the event there will be an exclusive showing of a cult classic movie. The event is being held on November 8th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration can be found at or by calling (603) 626-6354.
Tags: "Stay Work & Play", Boynton's Taproom, Business NH Magazine, Chris Wellington, Citizens Bank, Dynamic Network Services, Graham Chynoweth, Manchester Economic Development Office, Peter Egelston, Red River Theatre, Smuttynose Brewing Company, Super Secret Project, Ted Gatsas Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Stay Work Play Launches Web Site at Gala Party
Monday, August 2nd, 2010
Six NH businesses were chosen as leaders for implementing practices that are both eco-friendly and good for the bottom line in Business NH Magazine’s third annual Lean and Green Awards competition. The awards were given in three categories: Green Practices, Green Building and Green Product, and the winners were selected from numerous applicants by a panel of independent judges.
Green Practices awards were given to four companies that demonstrated sustainable processes resulting in increased energy savings. The winner for small companies (under 100 employees) was The Mount Washington Cog Railway in Bretton Woods. Three companies were awarded in the large category (more than 100 employees): Antioch University New England in Keene as a nonprofit; and Newmarket International in Portsmouth as a for-profit venture. Also, AutoFair in Manchester received an Early Adopter award for installing LED lighting in the parking lot at its AutoFair Honda facility.
The Green Building award, for a building that incorporates sustainability in its design, construction and future operations, while demonstrating savings and efficiency, went to The Nature of Things in Nashua for its new school building.
The Green Product award winner was Kalwall in Manchester for its translucent wall and ceiling systems that harness the power of the sun.
Judges were Alison Degan, co-owner of Acorn Organic Salon in Dover, the 2009 Lean & Green Micro Company Practices Award winner; Margaret Dillon, president of S.E.E.D.S (Sustainable Energy Education & Demonstration Services) in Jaffrey; Dick Henry, executive director of The Jordan Institute in Concord; Joanne Morin, director of the NH Office of Energy and Planning in Concord; Emily Neuman, sustainability coordinator for the Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society in Hanover, the 2009 Lean & Green New Building Award winner; Michael Redmond, vice president for advancement at Crotched Mountain Foundation and Rehabilitation Center in Greenfield, the 2009 Lean & Green Large Practices Award winner; and Thomas Sullivan, owner of Sullivan Construction in Bedford, the 2009 Lean & Green Retrofit Building Award winner.
Award winners will be honored at the Lean & Green Awards reception at The Portsmouth Harbor Events and Conference Center—which aims to be the first LEED-certified events center in the state—from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 14.
The reception will include a keynote speech by Cameron Wake, research associate professor at the University of NH and director of Carbon Solutions New England, on NH’s environmental challenges and possible solutions. Award recipients will share their best practices and guests can enjoy free-range eggs and fair-trade coffee before touring the center’s green features.
The Lean and Green Awards Breakfast is hosted by Business NH Magazine, and sponsored by GT Solar, Public Service of NH and Optima Bank. The cost to attend is $30, and guests can register online at or by calling 603.626.6354.
Tags: Alison Degan, Antioch University New England, AutoFair, Business NH Magazine, Crotched Mountain Foundation and Rehabilitation Center, Dick Henry, Emily Neuman, Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society, Joanne Morin, Kalwall, Lean and Green Awards, Margaret Dillon, Michael Redmond, Mount Washington Cog Railway, Newmarket International, NH Office of Energy and Planning, S.E.E.D.S., Sullivan Construction, The Jordan Institute, The Nature of Things, The Portsmouth Harbor Events and Conference Center, Thomas Sullivan Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on BNH Names “Lean & Green” Award Winners
Friday, June 4th, 2010
Business NH Magazine, the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development and the Stay Work, Play initiative are launching four new Young Professionals Awards competitions.
In order to remain competitive, NH needs to attract and retain younger talent. There have been several initiatives launched focused on that, from the formation of young professionals groups throughout the state to the University System of NH’s 55 Percent Initiative, to a governor’s task force on the retention of young people that led to the establishment of the Stay, Work, Play initiative.
To further spotlight this important issue, Business NH Magazine is working with Stay, Work Play, the state’s Young Professionals organizations and the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development to launch a new awards program recognizing outstanding young professionals, initiatives to keep them here and the businesses that go the extra mile to recruit and retain them.
There are six Young Professionals Awards. Companies and individuals are invited to apply online, and applying for more than one award is encouraged.
1. The Coolest Companies for Young Professionals will honor one small company, one medium-sized company and one large company, all in NH.
2. The Young Professional of the Year award honors an outstanding professional 40 years old or younger.
3. The Young Professionals Network Program of the Year will honor an innovative program developed by a young professional group.
4. The Stay, Work, Play Leadership Award will be given to an individual, organization, initiative or program in NH that supports young professionals in NH.
To apply, visit the “Competitions” link at Applications are due by Thursday, August 12. Winners will be featured in the Young Professionals Guide in the November issue of Business NH Magazine and feted at an awards ceremony in November.
Tags: "Stay Work & Play", Business NH Magazine, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Young Professionals Awards Competition Announced