Posts Tagged ‘Chris Wellington’
Friday, September 18th, 2015
Regional development corporations are located in each of New Hampshire’s 10 counties and are a valuable resource to businesses. RDCs are another layer of business assistance whose goal is to help companies thrive and prosper. can provide financing for machinery and equipment; business or real estate acquisitions; working capital; gap financing and other business assistance. Today’s 5 Questions’ guest is an old friend of the Division of Economic Development, where he worked for two years before heading up to Grafton County.
 Chris Wellington ~ Grafton County EDC
1. Can you explain a bit about what the GCEDC does for the region, and your role within it?
The Grafton County Economic Development Council is a 501(c)3 economic development organization and is one of 10 regional development corporations (RDCs) in the state. We provide financial solutions and technical assistance to businesses and assist the 39 municipalities in Grafton County with their economic development initiatives and projects.
Over the last five years, GCEDC has provided more than $2.9 million in financing to businesses throughout Grafton County, helping to retain more than 200 full-time jobs and creating 153 additional full-time jobs. All of our work is geared toward job retention and creation, and one of the best ways to create jobs is by supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Most of our initiatives supporting entrepreneurs and the small business community are run through our two business incubators, the Dartmouth Regional Technology Center in Lebanon and the Enterprise Center at Plymouth. GCEDC’s motto is Economic Development through Partnerships and we are very fortunate to partner with Plymouth State University at the ECP and Dartmouth College at the DRTC. Each institution brings so many resources to the table that can be leveraged for the benefit of the business community.
As the CEO of GCEDC, I am responsible for the day-to-day operations and strategic direction of the organization. It’s a very rewarding job where no day is ever the same.
2. You’ve worked in economic development for a number of years, and across many regions of the state. What is it about Grafton County that makes it uniquely attractive for businesses?
Grafton County has all the features and amenities needed for a company in any industry to succeed. The pharmaceutical, high tech and healthcare industries are thriving in the Upper Valley. Northern Grafton County has a strong and growing manufacturing base and the tourism industry reigns supreme in the Pemi Valley. Grafton County’s business landscape is very diverse and no matter what business you’re in, there’s a place for you in the county.
Grafton County is also home to Dartmouth College, Plymouth State University, River Valley Community College and White Mountain Community College, which provide unparalleled access to a skilled and educated workforce. This is all in addition to the county’s scenic beauty and the ability to truly play where you work.
3. You’ve been nominated for Young Professional of the Year for Stay Work Play’s Rising Stars Awards. How are young professionals playing a role in the success of Grafton County’s economy?
Young professionals are making a huge difference throughout the state of New Hampshire and especially in Grafton County. In northern Grafton County, you have young professionals like Lauren Anderson, executive director of the Littleton Area Chamber of Commerce and Courtney Wrigley of NH Listens transforming Littleton into a destination for young professionals.
In the Upper Valley, you have young professionals like Jamie Coughlin, director of entrepreneurship at Dartmouth College; Erikk Anderson, serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Compass Therapeutics and Todd Boucher, founder of Leading Edge Design Group, building businesses, creating jobs and supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
And in the Pemi Valley area, you have PSU graduates Chad Johansen, owner of NH iPhone Repair, and Spirit Seeker, owner of Affirm Community Accounting, taking the leap into entrepreurship and building their businesses at the ECP. At every corner of Grafton County there are young professionals supporting the community and economy. I am very excited for the opportunity to work with these individuals and the many others who support our young professional community.
4. Putting yourself in the shoes of a business considering moving or expanding to Grafton County from out of state, what are two or three things they should consider, or for which they should plan, to make the transition easy? And how does the GCEDC help with those things?
I always encourage businesses to connect with local leadership and the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development. Beno Lamontagne, Michael Bergeron and Cindy Harrington are excellent resources and can help a business in a number of ways, including helping them navigate through the permitting process at the state level. It is also critical to meet with local leaders to make sure you understand the process for operating a business in that particular community. I am fortunate to work in an area of the state where all the communities welcome businesses with open arms, which isn’t always the case in more urban communities.
GCEDC has played a role in helping a number of businesses move or expand into Grafton County and we can provide a wide range of services. Since we provide financing options, we can work with the business to help them access the capital they need to expand. The recruitment and retention of a business is a team effort and GCEDC can’t act alone and be successful when assisting a business looking to relocate or expand. Each business’ needs are different and we would find out what those needs are and with the assistance of our partners, develop a plan that’s unique to those needs so their chances of success are greatly increased.
5. What’s new or exciting on the horizon for GCEDC?
Change is the only constant. Like in business, if you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards and GCEDC is moving forward with force. My predecessor, Mark Scarano, left the organization in a very strong place and my goal is to build on that foundation and provide a greater array of services to municipalities and our small business community.
I am really excited to share that we will soon be undertaking a rebranding effort that includes a new logo and redesigned website. We will also be creating a monthly newsletter to stay more connected to our stakeholders. We can’t help a business if they don’t know about the services we provide. If we can increase our profile throughout Grafton County we will be able to help support more businesses, which is what it’s all about.
Connect with Chris Wellington:
603-536-2011 x10
or toll free at
Tags: 5 Questions, Chris Wellington, Grafton County Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on 5 Questions: Chris Wellington, Grafton County Economic Development Council
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
Spring is in the air and if you’re an entrepreneur, this means one thing — business plan competition season. Over the next two months, entrepreneurs and start-up companies have the opportunity to win over $230,000 in cash and in-kind services through four start up competitions: The Dartmouth Ventures Entrepreneurial Contest, the MYPN Start Up Challenge, the Startup Rochester Business Competition and the Holloway Prize Innovation-to-Market Competition.
Ladies and Gentlemen, start your start-ups …
Dartmouth Ventures Entrepreneurial Contest
On Saturday (April 5), three start-up businesses will vie for $100,000 in cash and prizes at the Dartmouth Ventures Entrepreneurial Contest, open to anyone with a Dartmouth College affiliation. The contest is part of Dartmouth Ventures, an annual conference on entrepreneurship established in 2002.
All attendees of Dartmouth Ventures will have the opportunity to vote for a People’s Choice winner during the Entrepreneurial Contest. The People’s Choice winner will take home $2,500 in cash and additional in-kind services. For information on attending Dartmouth Ventures click here.
Holloway Prize Innovation-to-Market Competition
Similar to the Dartmouth Ventures competition, the Holloway Prize Innovation to Market Competition is hosted by the Paul School of Business at the University of New Hampshire, open to students within the University System of New Hampshire. The Holloway Prize is in its 26th year and has a history of applicants going on to create sustainable and profitable companies.
The most notable entry came from Joe Faro in 1991. He founded Tuscan Brands, Tuscan Market and Joseph’s Pasta, which he sold for $60 million to Nestle. Faro credits part of his success to his participation in the Holloway Prize, which encouraged him to create a business plan that was realistic and sustainable.
The Holloway Prize is worth over $100,000 in cash and in-kind services and championship round begins at 1 pm, May 7 at the Paul College. For more information on the Holloway Competition and the Charles and Miriam Nelson Poster Competition, click here.
MYPN Start Up Challenge
The Manchester Young Professionals Network started the MYPN Start Up Challenge in 2006 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship in the young professional community. The competition is open to New Hampshire start-ups and applications will be accepted until April 18. Over the past five years, $210,000 in cash and in-kind services have been awarded to New Hampshire startups. This year’s winner will receive more than $55,000 in cash and in-kind services.
One of the many start up success stories from the Start Up Challenge is Nearby Registry, which won in 2012. Allison Grappone’s 2009 wedding was the inspiration, when she and her husband channeled the frustration they had when they were unable to support their favorite local businesses through the traditional gift registry model. So like any entrepreneur, Grappone developed a website that enables people to create a registry for wedding, birthdays and other events using small businesses from all over the state. Since winning the Start Up Challenge, Nearby Registry has grown to three full-time staff and is expanding its business into Seattle, Portland, Ore., and Vermont. The company has signed on more than 150 storefronts in New Hampshire and Seattle and has kept over $18,000 and counting in the local economy.
The MYPN Start Up Challenge semi-final event is May 15 and the winner will be announced June 17 at the NHIOP at Saint Anselm College. To learn more about the MYPN Start Up Challenge or submit an application, click here.
Startup Rochester Business Competition
Similar to the MYPN Start Up Challenge, the Start Up Rochester Business Competition is open to New Hampshire startups that have not raised more than $100,000 in funding. Applications will be accepted until April 8.
This is the second year of the competition, which started as a partnership between the Rochester Community and Economic Development Division and the abi Innovation Hub. Last year’s winner, Kinetic Surface Control, is a growing company in Newmarket that develops technology to strip paint and corrosion from metal, concrete, asphalt and other surfaces. This year’s applicants will compete for a $20,000 cash-and-in-kind prize package at the final event on May 8. To learn more about the business competition or submit an application, click here.
New Hampshire is a great place to start and grow a business and these competitions are a perfect complement to the expanding New Hampshire start-up ecosystem, thanks to the incredible – and enthusiastic – efforts of our incubators around the state and the hundreds of start-ups created each year.
Live Free and Start!
Chris Wellington
NH Division of Economic Development
Business Resource Specialist
The Seacoast and Cheshire and Sullivan Counties
Tags: Chris Wellington, Dartmouth Ventures Entrepreneurial Contest, Holloway Prize Innovation-to-Market Competition, Live Free and Start, MYPN Start Up Challenge, New Hampshire, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, startuo competitions, Startup Rochester Business Competition Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Live Free and Start: A Guide to New Hampshire’s $tartup Competitions
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
Business Resource Specialist Chris Wellington, who covers western New Hampshire for the Division of Economic Development, is today’s guest blogger. Ed.
What happens when creative minds start thinking?
In the Monadnock region, Thursday nights get a makeover.
Keene State College is well-known for its liberal arts and teacher preparation programs, but over the past few years it has become a statewide leader for training the next generation of designers, manufacturers, engineers and machinists.
With the creation of the TDS Center in 2012 and the Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing in 2010, Keene State College is on the front line of economic development in the manufacturing sector in New Hampshire. RCAM is a collaborative partnership between the Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce, Keene State College, River Valley Community College, the Keene School District and the business community.
 Team Thursday Knights
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the Manufacturing Enterprise Capstone presentation by 15 Keene State seniors. The Manufacturing Enterprise Capstone is part of the Sustainable Product Design and Innovation major, which is a relatively new, four-year major at Keene State College, which was built on the foundation of the Manufacturing, Design and Technology Education majors that have been at Keene State for decades.
The new SPDI major incorporates a strong emphasis on sustainable design and how it impacts manufacturing and engineering. For the Manufacturing Enterprise capstone project, students are given $500 to come up with an enterprise where they must create, design and develop a product, then market and sell it to their target audience.
 Nights Out Belt Buckle
This year’s class created the entity Thursday Knights Inc. and developed the Knights Out belt buckle. It serves a dual role as a belt buckle and carrying case, which included a personalized engraved front and a money/credit card clip, for the low price of $20. During the presentation, the students explained how they wanted to create a product that allowed students to leave their wallets and purses at home when they went out on ‘Thursday Knights.’
At the start of the semester, students took on a particular role, as they would within any local manufacturing company. Whether they were the materials manager, Lean coordinator, engineer, quality control manager or marketing manager, they had to work in unison with the team to produce the finished product, with the goal of earning a profit at the end of the semester.
“This program provides our students with hands on experience and places them in real world situations that showcase the rewards and challenges of working in the manufacturing industry,” said Professor Christopher Gray.
Aside from the enthusiasm the students expressed throughout the presentation, one of the best aspects of the program is the support and encouragement from the business community. Ray Anderson from Knappe & Koester donated $700 worth of aluminum; NE Metal Finishing provided low cost tumbling and finishing services and additional support in the form of tooling came from True Tool Innovations and Vic Kissel from Maxcess International.
“Support from the business community is vital to the SPDI program and provides our students with valuable contacts once they graduate,” Gray said.
There is a myth in the US that manufacturing is a dying industry, but in western New Hampshire, advanced manufacturing is alive and thriving. Thanks to programs like SDPI, educators like Gray, the support of the business community and eager young students, manufacturing in New Hampshire has a very bright future.
To learn more about the SPDI program and opportunities to collaborate with RCAM and Keene State College please contact Chris Gray at 603-358-2951 or
Chris Wellington
Business Resource Specialist
NH Division of Economic Development
Tags: Chris Wellington, Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce, Keene State College, Knappe & Koester, NE Metal Finishing, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing, River Valley Community College, the Keene School District, True Tool Innovations Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on That’s Knights with a K, as in Keene State College
Monday, January 27th, 2014
We like our morning coffee with a side of newsprint and we especially liked it this morning because of the announcement of this year’s 40 Under 40 class in the New Hampshire Union Leader. is well-represented this year
Two members work right here in the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development and we are very proud of them and their accomplishments and we hope you are, too.
Chris Wellington is one of our business resource specialists and on most days, you can find him out in western New Hampshire, assisting businesses and manufacturers, whether through a visit to understand what they do or providing expertise and resources to help them grow and thrive in the Granite State. Chris is very passionate about his home state, especially about the opportunities in advanced manufacturing and for his peers to realize that it is possible to find and follow their dreams right here, right now.
Carmen Lorentz is already having a great day today, as she begins her brand new job as director of the Division of Economic Development. She, too, is New Hampshire born and bred and comes to us from the Belknap County Economic Development Council.
So today is a good day all the way around as we offer our heartiest congratulations to our team members.
Lorna Colquhoun
Communications Director
Division of Economic Development
Tags: Carmen Lorentz, Chris Wellington, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire Union Leader Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Great Day in the Morning! Congrats to Our 40 Under 40 Class Members
Monday, October 31st, 2011
There’s nothing on a Monday that people enjoy more than good news, so here you go. Our friend Chris Wellington from the City of Manchester Economic Development Office sent us a copy of a release talking about a Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting event to celebrate not one….not two….not three, but FOUR brand new retail businesses in downtown Manchester this week. Way to go Manchester!!
Downtown Manchester Celebrates Retail Resurgence with Four Grand Openings on Nov 3rd
The City of Manchester Economic Development Office in cooperation with Intown Manchester announce there will be a Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting event to celebrate (4) brand new retail businesses in downtown Manchester happening Thursday, November 3rd from Noon – 1 p.m. (schedule below).
A booming restaurant scene in downtown has acted as a catalyst for retail resurgence in downtown Manchester. Several niche retail locations have opened since September, helping to add to the growing unique shopping district within the Central Business Service District. In addition to the businesses to be spotlighted in Thursday’s event, there are three other new retailers who have decided to make downtown Manchester their home including Statement (34 Hanover Street) which sells high-end European/Canadian women’s clothing; Euphoria Emporium (89 Hanover Street) – Manchester’s first oxygen bar and Appcessories (941 Elm Street) who specialize in accessories for Apple products.
The Grand Opening of three more new retail locations as well as the newly opened ’36 Delux’ restaurant will begin promptly at noon Thursday, November 3rd beginning at 36 Delux (36 Lowell Street) followed by Mill Town Market (1053 Elm Street) at 12:15 p.m., Vino Aromas (997 Elm Street) at 12:30 p.m. and ends at Dancing Lion Chocolate (917 Elm Street). Each ribbon cutting will be attended by Mayor Ted Gatsas and representatives from Senator Shaheen and Congressman Guinta’s office.
“There is a downtown retail resurgence and Mill Town Market is proud to be a part of it,” stated Jane Beaulieu, the owner of the Mill Town Market which offers locally-grown gourmet meats and produce as well as locally-made breads and desserts. One of the only items missing from the Mill Town Market is wine. Fortunately Vino Aromas, also celebrating their grand opening on November 3rd, has got you covered. “We offer more than 108 wines from all over the world,” stated Dan Villafranca, owner of Vino Aromas. In addition to buying a bottle of wine, customers can purchase a glass of wine which can be accompanied by a fruit or cheese plate made fresh on-site.
Retail business owners are working with the Open Doors Trolley Tour happening from 5:00-8:00 p.m. on Thursday night to help lure people downtown to take advantage of all the new retail stores. “Art and Chocolate are a perfect match,” stated Rich Tango-Lowry, owner of Dancing Lion Chocolate which sells premium handmade chocolates not available anywhere else in the country. Rich is a true master of chocolate having studied in France and Tuscany. “I want my customers to see what chocolate should be and provide them with a learning experience when they walk in my door,” stated Tango-Lowry. Dancing Lion Chocolates will be offering formal chocolate tastings and wine pairings throughout the year.
“From our perspective, the downtown area is a work in progress. We managed to weather the retail exodus in the late 90’s and then brought in a first class entertainment arena, the ballpark and we became an arts & culture stronghold. As we have seen in other downtowns, restaurants make way for retail. We have experienced a dining boom and have become a dining capital in the Northeast and the success of those restaurants has paved the way for retailers to recognize downtown as a strong business community. We have seen a dramatic influx of new street level businesses in central downtown and I have no doubt that these new businesses are the beginning of a new niche retail market that will only continue to grow,” said Samantha DePrima, Director of Marketing & Public Relations for Intown Manchester.
Whatever you are looking for, downtown Manchester now has you covered. All retail businesses, as well as 36 Delux, will remain open until at least 7:00pm on Thursday, November 3rd and the public is encouraged to attend all four ribbon cutting ceremonies from 12:00-1:00 p.m. For more information regarding the activities schedule for Thursday, November 4th, please call Chris Wellington at 603-624-6505. For a complete list of downtown retail stores, please visit or call 603-645-6285.
Tags: Appcessories, Chris Wellington, City of Manchester Economic Development Office, Congressman Frank Guinta, Dan Villafranca, Dancing Lion Chocolate, Euphoria Emporium, Intown Manchester, Jane Beaulieu, Mayor Ted Gatsas, MillTown Market, Open Doors Trolley Tour, Rich Tango-Lowry, Samantha DePrima, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Statement, Vino Aromas Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Downtown Manchester Celebrates Retail Resurgence with Four Grand Openings on Nov 3rd
Wednesday, April 27th, 2011
Senator Jeanne Shaheen will be the keynote speaker at the first annual Small Business Week Forum hosted by Mayor Ted Gatsas and Manchester’s Economic Development Office. The kick-off event will be held on Monday, May 16th from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Southern New Hampshire University. The Forum will also feature a panel discussion on financing options for small businesses, followed by a Small Business Resource Fair. Manchester’s Small Business Week is presented by Citizens Bank.
 U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen
As a past Governor and current Senator, Jeanne Shaheen understands the important role small businesses play in our City and State’s economy. “Innovative small businesses are the drivers of job creation in Manchester, in New Hampshire, and across the nation,” said Senator Shaheen. “Their creativity and ingenuity are important keys to America’s future economic prosperity and international competitiveness.” During the event, Senator Shaheen will discuss how she and her colleagues in Washington are working to help small businesses grow and prosper in New Hampshire.
“This week-long event celebrates the contributions small businesses make to our city’s economic vitality, and will provide business owners with resources to help them succeed,” said Chris Wellington, City of Manchester, Economic Development Office. “If you own your own business, or are thinking of starting one in Manchester, this is a great opportunity to network and learn.”
The Small Business Week Forum’s panel will include Kimberly Dee, Senior Vice President, Business Banking Group at Citizens Bank; John Hamilton, Vice President of Economic Opportunity and Managing Director, Vested for Growth at the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund; Marilyn Bogue, Acting District Director at the NH Small Business Administration; and Robert Schwartz Jr., a corporate attorney with Devine Millimet.
Other programming events of Small Business Week include small business workshops at Devine Millimet and FairPoint Communications, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Pecha Kucha; tour of downtown office space by Intown Manchester; New Hampshire High Technology Council Entrepreneurial forum; and a networking event hosted by DYN. The week culminates in the Mayor’s Small Business Awards Breakfast which will recognize three businesses that have demonstrated strong business growth, an innovative approach within their business model, and a commitment to community service. For more information about the activities taking place during Small Business Week, visit
The Small Business Resource Fair following the Forum will feature local and statewide business resource organizations that provide assistance and support to small businesses. Representatives from the various organizations will be available to provide information and advice for a number of topics important to small businesses including financing, healthcare options, city regulations, creating a business plan, legal issues, legislative issues, “greening” your business, social media, marketing plans and much more. Registration forms for the Small Business Week Forum are now available online by visiting and clicking on the Small Business Week link.
The Manchester Small Business Week is made possible by presenting sponsor Citizens Bank and supporting sponsors Devine Millimet, DYN Inc, Fairpoint Communications, Public Service of New Hampshire, MVP Healthcare, WEDU and Printer’s Square.
For more information about the programs and events scheduled during Manchester Small Business Week or to register for an event please contact Chris Wellington at 603-624-6505 or visit
Exhibitors for the Small Business Resource Fair scheduled for the kickoff event at Southern New Hampshire University include: Citizens Bank, Devine Millimet, MVP Healthcare, Public Service of New Hampshire, Fairpoint Communications, WEDU, Printers Square, NH Small Business Development Center, NH Division of Economic Development, abi Innovation HUB, NH Community Loan Fund- Vested For Growth, Manchester Young Professional Network (MYPN), Interface Financial Group, City of Manchester Fire Department, City of Manchester Health Department, City of Manchester Building & Planning Department, City of Manchester City Clerk’s Office, Manchester Economic Development Office, SCORE, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Intown Manchester, NH High Technology Council, NH Small Business Administration, Business and Industry Association of NH, StayWorkPlay NH, New Hampshire Businesses For Social Responsibility, and Capital Regional Development Center.
Tags: Chris Wellington, Citizens Bank, Devine Millimet, DYN, FairPoint Communications, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Intown Manchester, John Hamilton, Kimberly Dee, Manchester Economic Development Office, Marilyn Bogue, Mayor Ted Gatsas, MVP Healthcare, New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, New Hampshire High Technology Council, NH Small Business Administration, Pecha Kucha, Printer's Square, Public Service of New Hampshire, Robert Schwartz Jr., Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Southern New Hampshire University, Vested for Growth, WEDU Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Senator Shaheen confirmed as Keynote Speaker for Manchester Small Business Week Forum
Monday, October 11th, 2010
At their “sold out” launch party at Boynton’s Taproom last week, Stay Work Play officially launched their website with help from New Hampshire’s Super Secret Project, event sponsor Citizens Bank, Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas, and attendees including young professionals and leaders from across the state.
 (L to R) Chris Williams, Gray Chynoweth, Cathy Schmidt, Mayor Ted Gatsas, and Kate Luczko enjoy the festivities at Stay Work Play’s Website Launch party at Boynton’s Taproom last week. (Photo credit: Matthew Lomanno Photography)
The event, also a kickoff to a fall NH college campus tour, featured a live performance from The Super Secret Project. The Super Secret Project performed their newest release, “Middle Class in the USA” and also the New Hampshire-themed music video “Granite State of Mind” with a special Stay Work Play twist.
“Last night we started a bit of a revolution,” said Graham Chynoweth, co-chair of the Stay Work Play Board and Vice President of Business Operations & General Counsel at Dynamic Network Services, Inc. “ is revolutionary because it is changing the way New Hampshire looks at itself and what others think of us. NH isn’t just a good place to start a family; it’s a great place to launch careers and start-up companies. It isn’t just a place to go camping; it’s a place to go to concerts. It’s not just a good place to retire; it’s a really cool place to live.”
Planned for the fall and winter, the college campus tour will bring entertainment to a few New Hampshire college campuses to engage students and encourage them to use the Stay Work Play web site at and organization as a resource for launching a career in New Hampshire. Stay Work Play is rapidly building a following on Facebook and Twitter and traffic has been building steadily since the beta launch of the site over the summer. The Stay Work Play website includes hundreds of links to other websites, as well as information, photos, and content that is divided into sections that relate to staying, working, and playing in New Hampshire. Special features include linkages to all of the young professionals networks across the state, to Facebook and Twitter feeds, a living index, and resources regarding jobs in the state, housing, events, and activities.
“The Stay Work Play Initiative is especially important to Manchester since our city is the business capitol of the state and home to 11 colleges and universities, educating more than 15,000 students each year, “ said Chris Wellington, Marketing & Retention Specialist for the Manchester Economic Development Office. “The city looks forward to working with Stay Work Play to help retain these young professionals and provide them with the opportunities they need to prosper both professionally and personally. The greatest challenge facing New Hampshire is the perception that Boston provides the greatest professional opportunities for graduates and young professionals. Stay Work Play will provide the state with a voice to let students know that New Hampshire and Manchester can not only provide graduates and young professionals with the same professional opportunities as Boston but also an unmatched quality of life.”
Over the next several months, the organization plans to add in a customized events calendar, enhance the job search component, launch a video contest, and is partnered with Business NH Magazine for the “Rising Stars” Young Professional Award, an inaugural event that will recognize companies and individuals who excel at addressing the needs of younger workers in New Hampshire. Attendees at this event, being held at Red River Theatre in Concord, will hear keynote speaker Peter Egelston, president of Smuttynose Brewing Company, share his story and advice for NH’s young professionals and entrepreneurs. Plus after the event there will be an exclusive showing of a cult classic movie. The event is being held on November 8th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration can be found at or by calling (603) 626-6354.
Tags: "Stay Work & Play", Boynton's Taproom, Business NH Magazine, Chris Wellington, Citizens Bank, Dynamic Network Services, Graham Chynoweth, Manchester Economic Development Office, Peter Egelston, Red River Theatre, Smuttynose Brewing Company, Super Secret Project, Ted Gatsas Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Stay Work Play Launches Web Site at Gala Party