Posts Tagged ‘Citizens Bank’
Thursday, December 19th, 2013
This year’s State of Women-owned Businesses report by American Express finds that women-owned firms account for 27 percent of business in the Granite State, employing 6 percent of the workforce and 6 percent of total revenue.
New Hampshire leads New England in terms of its women’s entrepreneurial economic clout, so … hear us roar.
The annual Women & Money Forum is a must-attend for women (and, yes, men are invited, too) looking to chart a prosperous course for their businesses. Hosted by the Center for Women’s Business Advancement at Southern New Hampshire University, this day-long event is worth learning more about it, so executive director MaryAnn Manoogian takes it from here.
We hope to see you Jan. 9.
Cultivating Prosperity
Does the thought of applying for a loan, buying a car, negotiating a contract, or investing your money make you wince? Do you absolutely love the creative side of your business but can’t find time to determine why you are not making enough money to get ahead? When someone asks you about your ‘break-even,’ ‘margins’ or ‘forecasts’ and ‘projections’ for growth, do you cringe?
If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions, than join us on Jan. 9 for the 2nd annual Women & Money Forum at the Center for Women’s Business Advancement at Southern New Hampshire University (CWBA), Southern New Hampshire University’s Robert Frost Hall, 8:30 am – 4 pm.
Workshop topics will be directed to new and seasoned business owners, as well as how to manage your personal finances. We want to make sure New Hampshire small businesses have the tools necessary to succeed. Given that the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy finds that 30 percent of new businesses fail within the first two years and 50 percent survive less than five years, the CWBA, in coordination with the state Treasurer’s Office, the US Small Business Administration and lead underwriter Citizens Bank Foundation have assembled a team of CPAs, bankers, attorneys, financial advisors and other top-notch professionals to share their expertise on a variety of topics.
Workshop topics include How to Negotiate; Social Media for Sales; How to Price Your Goods; How to Price Your Services; Understanding Cash Flow; Top Ten Wage and Hour Mistakes; Registering as a Women-Owned Business; How to Choose a Financial Advisor and Crowdfunding, among many others.
Other sponsors include: Geneia; the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development; New Hampshire Business Review; Labelle Winery; Rath, Young & Pignatelli and Women’s Fund of New Hampshire.
To register, visit or call (603) 629-4697. Registration includes participation in three workshops of your choice, lunch and opportunities to learn from the experts.
A networking wine-tasting, sponsored by LaBelle Winery, will immediately follow the all-day event.
With a little know-how you truly can take control of your business, your finances and your life.
 Listen here to the Women & Money Forum conversation on WTPL FM 107.7, with MaryAnn Manoogian and Chris Way, interim director of the NH Division of Economic Development.
Lorna Colquhoun
Communications Director
NH Division of Economic Development
Tags: Center for Women's Business Advancement, Citizens Bank, Geneia, LaBelle Winery, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, NHBR, Rath, Southern New Hampshire University, Women’s Fund of New Hampshire, Young & Pignatelli Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Women & Money Forum: Start the New Year on the Path to Prosperity
Thursday, January 31st, 2013
All sorts of good, interesting and useful news is crossing our desk this week, so without further adieu:
Hats off to the Hannah Grimes Center over in Keene, which received the first Champion in Action award of 2013, presented by Citizens Bank and WMUR-TV, in the category of strengthening communities. The prize includes a $35,000 grant.
 Hannah Grimes Center: Champion in Action
Hannah Grimes, for which the center is named, was born in 1776 in Keene and lived on a farm in neighboring Roxbury. What she and her family could not produce on their land, they bought and bartered for from friends, keeping the 18th century economy moving and growing.
With her life as inspiration, the organization bearing her name began in 1997 as a retail marketplace for local products. More than 15 years later, it includes a business incubator providing office space for new and emerging businesses to start, grow, thrive and move out on their own.
Hannah Grimes’ Entrepreneurship Program is a six-month intensive program focusing on raising current businesses to the next level of operation. Graduates of the program report an average sales increase of 68 percent in one year.
The original Hannah Grimes Marketplace continues to grow and now supports more than 270 local artisans, cooks and farmers. The center recently established a partnership to strengthen and support the area’s growing regional food system, which will help improve farm income, create jobs in the food production industry, and stimulate economic productivity and food self-sufficiency in the region.
The Champions in Action program was launched in 2002 by Citizens Bank and WMUR to support nonprofit organizations in their efforts in local communities.
Congratulations to everyone at Hannah Grimes.
We’ve been talking trade a lot here at the Division of Economic Development because there is so much interest in the opportunities the world over has for New Hampshire companies.
For companies that have made the leap overseas, the International Trade Resource Center has a terrific seminar coming up on Feb. 13, International Marketing: Putting Your Best Face Forward. It’s a full day of tips including how to increase website traffic and using social media in other parts of the world.
Speakers include Nancy Clark, president of Glen Group in North Conway; Allen Voivod of Epiphanies Inc., in Gilford, and Wendy Pease of Rapport International in Sudbury, Mass.
Cost is $95 and includes breakfast and lunch. Go ahead and click over to register here.
(We’ll wait for you to come back.)
It’s lights, camera, action next week for an Amherst company, which will be featured on the popular television series, World’s Greatest, which is produced by How2Media.
Vibrac is a small manufacturer marking its 53rd year and it makes the world’s most sensitive torque measurement instruments, used in aerospace, military, defense, medical, bearing and the automotive industry.
We are especially pleased with this recognition, as our folks at the New Hampshire Procurement Technical Assistance program has worked with Vibrac. The piece is set to air Feb. 4 and 11.
“Very importantly, they are not resting on their longevity,” said GordonFreeman, executive producer of the show. “They continue to launch new product lines of precision measurement instruments to help multiple industries. That makes them a company we like to feature on World’s Greatest. We think their story will be meaningful to our viewers.”
We think so, too. Click on the media link above to see where it will air near you.
We’re heading over to the 8th annual Small Business Day next Friday, Feb. 8. Brought to you by the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, the half-day event will take a look at federal health care reform, financing strategies for your small business, the new LLC act and an update on policy issues from legislators.
Gov. Maggie Hassan will also attend.
Cost is $15 and you need to register. Call 224-5388×116 or click here.
Lorna Colquhoun
Communications Director
NH Division of Economic Development
Tags: Allen Voivod, Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, Citizens Bank, Epiphanies Inc., Glen Group, Hannah Grimes Center, How2media, International Trade Resource Center, New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center, Rappaport International, Small Business Day, VIbrac, WMUR, World's Greatest Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Economic Potpourri
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011
“Growth Through Collaboration” is the theme of the Ninth Annual Governor’s Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit to be held Wednesday, December 7th from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Center of New Hampshire Radisson Hotel in Manchester.
 Lynn Tilton, Chief Executive Officer and Principal of Patriarch Partners, LLC will speak on “How to Save American Manufacturing” at the 9th Annual New Hampshire Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit on December 7th at the Center of New Hampshire Radisson Hotel in Manchester.
The annual event is presented by the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership and the New Hampshire High Technology Council and will bring together state and national leaders of business and industry who, in thought-provoking presentations and workshops, will focus on how New Hampshire’s high tech and manufacturing industries can stimulate growth through collaboration.
“Manufacturing and high tech sectors continue to be very important to New Hampshire’s economy,” Gov. John Lynch said. “We have a successful economic strategy in place here in New Hampshire that has allowed us to be a national economic leader. That is why it is important we continue to work together to ensure we are making the right investments as a state to strengthen our economy for the future.”
Speakers at the summit will include Lynn Tilton, Chief Executive Officer and Principal of Patriarch Partners, LLC; economist Dennis Delay of the New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies; and Roger Kilmer, Director of Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), a program of the U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology. Tilton, whose company bought and reopened the former Fraser Papers paper mill in Gorham in May as Gorham Paper and Tissue, will speak on “How To Save American Manufacturing;” while “Smart Manufacturing/High Technology – NH’s Leading Economic Sector” will be the subject of Delay’s address. Kilmer, the keynote speaker at the summit luncheon, will address “Becoming a Next Generation Manufacturer.”
Three one-hour workshops will be offered concurrently and presented twice during the morning session by a panel of industry experts: “Supply Chain Development and Collaboration,” “Developing the Future Workforce in NH Advanced Manufacturing” and “Technology-Driven Market Intelligence.”
Sponsors for the event include Citizens Bank, BAE Systems, Chapter #327/Southern New Hampshire of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, New Hampshire Business Review, the New Hampshire Department of Education, Southern New Hampshire Chapter #253 of the Association for Operations Management, TradePort USA and the New Hampshire Machining Association.
Cost for the summit is $95 per person. For more information, contact Zenagui Brahim at 603-226-3200 or email To register online, go to Phone registrations should be directed to Christine Ducharme at the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire at 224-5388, ext. 113.
Tags: BAE Systems, Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, Center of New Hampshire Radisson Hotel, Chapter #327/Southern New Hampshire of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Christine Ducharme, Citizens Bank, Dennis Delay, Governor's Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit, Lynn Tilton, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies, New Hampshire Department of Education, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire High Technology Council, New Hampshire Machining Association, New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Patriarch Partners, Roger Kilmer, Southern New Hampshire Chapter #253 of the Association for Operations Management, TradePort USA, U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology, Zenagui Brahim Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on 9th Annual Governor’s Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit to Focus on “Growth Through Collaboration”
Friday, October 28th, 2011
Thirteen businesspeople were honored Thursday night at the New Hampshire Business Review’s ninth annual Business Excellence Awards, which recognize the efforts and achievements owners and operators of companies with 100 employees or fewer.
More than 300 people attended the Oct. 27 event, which was held at the Radisson in Manchester.
NHBR also announced two inductees into the Business Excellence Hall of Fame, which singles out people whose entire careers have been marked by a consistent and impressive record of accomplishments, both in their chosen fields, in their communities, and across the state and beyond. These honorees were selected by a separate panel of judges.
The 2011 Hall of Fame inductees were Howard Brodsky, co-founder of CCA Global Partners, one of the largest privately held companies in the United States and one of the largest cooperatives in the world, and the Singer Family, owner of Merchants Automotive Group, a multifaceted, $200 million auto company, including a long-term fleet leasing division that is one of the largest in the Northeast.
“Each of the businesspeople who receive these honors has a different story to tell,” said Sharron McCarthy, president of McLean Communications and publisher of NHBR. “But what they have in common is determination, industriousness and the ability to come up with innovative solutions that have allowed their businesses to survive and thrive, regardless of economic conditions, and a commitment to serving their communities.”
Jeff Feingold, editor of NHBR, said, “We would like to salute all of the nominees, the people who nominated them and the winners themselves for their contributions toward making New Hampshire a great place to do business.”
Emcee was Erin Fehlau, WMUR’s weekday morning and noon news anchor. A portion of the proceeds from the evening benefited Court Appointed Special Advocates, or CASA, which advocates for New Hampshire children in the state’s court system in cases of neglect and abuse.
The winners of the 2011 NHBR Business Excellences Awards were:
Excellence in Business Services — Guy Sylvester, Absolute Resource Associates, Portsmouth
Excellence in Construction (tie) — Jerry Kingwill, Cobb Hill Construction, Concord; Jason Foster, Foster’s Professional Painting Plus LLC, Claremont
Excellence in Financial Services — Michael L’Ecuyer, Bellwether Community Credit Union, Manchester
Excellence in Health Care — Paula Gagne, Regency Nursing Care, Manchester
Excellence in Hospitality — Emeran Langmaid, A&E Custom Coffee Roastery, Amherst
Excellence in Media & Marketing — Erik Dodier, PixelMEDIA Inc., Portsmouth
Excellence in Nonprofits — Brian Young, Nashua Center for the Multiply Handicapped
Excellence in Professional Services — Thomas Brueckner, Senior Financial Resources Inc., Nashua
Excellence in Real Estate — Dick Anagnost, Anagnost Investments Inc., Manchester
Excellence in Retail (tie) — Sy Mahfuz, Persian Rug Galleries, Nashua; Lynda Nelson, Quest Martial Arts Academy, Barrington
Excellence in Technology — Cheryl Gamst, CCS New England, Nashua
The judges for the 2011 NHBR Business Excellence Awards were:
Chris Bernard, vice president, business banking relationship manager, Citizens Bank
Steve Boucher, communications manager, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development
Mary Collins, state director, New Hampshire Small Business Development Center
Bob Esau, executive vice president of Wealth Management, Laconia Savings Bank
Greta Johansson, New Hampshire district director, U.S. Small Business Administration
Patrick F. McDermott, economic and community development manager, Public Service of New Hampshire
Dr. Russ Ouellette, managing partner, Sojourn Partners, Bedford
Michele Petersen, vice president of operations, abi Innovation Hub, Manchester
Joe Reilly, cofounder and president, Centrix Bank
Chip Underhill, executive director of public relations and external affairs, Pinkerton Academy, Derry
Sponsors of the event were FairPoint Communications, Laconia Savings Bank, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England, J Maze Design, Public Service of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Merrimack Street Volvo, WGIR-AM 610 and New Hampshire Public Television.
On behalf of all of us at the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, thanks to our friends at the New Hampshire Business Review for a great awards celebration and congratulation to the winners and nominees!!
Tags: Anagnost Investments Inc., Bellwether Community Credit Union, Bob Esau, Brian Young, Business Excellence Awards, Business Excellence Hall of Fame, CASA, CCA Global Partners, CCS New England, Centrix Bank, Cheryl Gamst, Chip Underhill, Chris Bernard, Citizens Bank, Cobb Hill Construction, Dick Anagnost, Dr. Russ Ouellette, Emeran Langmaid, Erik Dodier, Erin Fehlau, FairPoint Communications, Foster's Professional Painting Plus LLC, Greta Johansson, Guy Sylvester, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England, Howard Brodsky, J Maze Design, Jason Foster, Jeff Feingold, Jerry Kingwell, Joe Reilly, Laconia Savings Bank, Lynda Nelson, Mary Collins, McLean Communications, Merchants Automotive Group, Merrimack Street Volvo, Michael L'Ecuyer, Michele Peterson, Nashua Center for the Multiply Handicapped, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire Public Television, New Hampshire Small Business Development Center, NHBR, Pat McDermott, Paula Gagne, Persian Rug Galleries, Pinkerton Academy, PixelMEDIA Inc., Public Service of New Hampshire, Quest Martial Arts Academy, Radisson, Regency Nursing Care, Senior Financial Resources Inc., Sharron McCarthy, Singer Family, Sojourn Partners, Sy Mahfuz, Thomas Brueckner, U.S. Small Business Administration, WGIR-AM 610, WMUR Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Winners Honored at 9th Business Excellence Awards
Monday, July 11th, 2011
When Grammy-winners Alison Krauss and Union Station take the stage at Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion on Friday, August 5th, bluegrass will meet green at Greenerpalooza. The fourth annual celebration of energy efficiency and green efforts in New Hampshire, Greenerpalooza is co-sponsored by Public Service of New Hampshire and Citizens Bank in coordination with the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, the Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion and media sponsor New Hampshire Business Review.
 This year's Greenerpalooza headliner Alison Krauss and Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas.
“Greenerpalooza shows why Greenopia ranked New Hampshire one of the ten greenest states in the nation,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Communications and Legislative Director Steve Boucher, citing the ranking of states that takes into account air and water quality, recycling rates, LEED buildings, green, per capital emissions and other factors. Boucher expects 5,000 to 6,000 fans at this year’s event. “Just as music brings people together to support worthy causes, Greenerpalooza brings together dozens of ‘green’ businesses from around the state in an eco-village on Meadowbrook’s midway. These businesses showcase ways residents can ‘go green’ by adopting more environmentally-friendly practices and by using green products and services produced right here in New Hampshire.”
Public Service of New Hampshire was a founding sponsor of the event. The state’s largest electric utility, PSNH has increased its share of renewable energy to include the highest percentage of any major utility in New England. According to Pat McDermott, PSNH’s Economic & Community Development Manager, “We see Greenerpalooza as a terrific way to build awareness of issues like recycling and making energy efficiency improvements. They’re simple, cost effective ways to make a big difference in protecting the environment. We’ve seen the impact at PSNH: Since 2003, our customers have reduced air emissions by more than 4.5 million tons by participating in PSNH’s portfolio of energy-efficiency programs. That’s equivalent to the annual emissions of more than 850,000 cars. Plus these programs have saved customers more than $1 billion.”
Co-sponsor Citizens Bank believes that encouraging sustainability fits in well with their corporate mission.
“At Citizens Bank, we believe a good bank takes seriously its commitment to the communities it serves, which is why we are honored to once again partner with the NH Division of Economic Development and PSNH to showcase eco-friendly initiatives at Greenerpalooza this summer,” said Citizens Bank President Joseph J. Carelli.
The Music and the Message
Boucher says Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, which prides itself on being environmentally conscious, is the ideal venue for Greenerpalooza. Meadowbrook offers artists the option of producing completely green stage shows by using a biodiesel-fueled generator that’s capable of producing enough power for even the biggest national touring acts. The venue’s food service uses recyclable/compostible cups and plates made from corn, while the office uses recycled materials for as many office supplies as possible. Meadowbrook even reserves its first parking lot for attendees who carpool with at least four people per vehicle.
“What makes Meadowbrook unique is this beautiful location on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee,” explains Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion Marketing Director Chris Lockwood. “It gives us a real appreciation for the environment. That’s why incorporating green practices and technology just makes sense to us.”
Each year, Meadowbrook has booked international stars known for their environmental activism to play Greenerpalooza. Past acts have included Sheryl Crow and Colbie Caillat (2010), Jackson Browne and Shawn Colvin (2009), and Crosby, Stills and Nash (2008). This year’s headliner, Alison Krauss and Union Station, who released their acclaimed new record, “Paper Airplane,” in April, are long-time environmental advocates. Krauss, who has won 26 Grammy awards, is well-known for playing benefit concerts for environmental causes, including for the Natural Resources Defense Council in support of their work against mountaintop-removal coal mining, which has had a devastating effect on communities in Appalachia. The second stage act, the Adam Ezra Group, are also activists, contributing 25% of their touring to benefit causes in communities across the country and worldwide.
Tickets to Greenerpalooza, which includes entry into the eco-village, are available online at To learn more about the latest happenings with Greenerpalooza, visit the Greenerpalooza IV Facebook page at A limited number of vendor slots for green businesses are still available for $200; please contact Dawn Escabi at or 603-271-2591.
Tags: Alison Krauss and Union Station, Chris Lockwood, Citizens Bank, Colbie Caillat, Crosby Stills and Nash, Dawn Escabi, Greenerpalooza IV, Jackson Browne, Joe Carelli, Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Natural Resources Defense Council, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Pat McDermott, Public Service of New Hampshire, Shawn Colvin, Sheryl Crow Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Greenerpalooza IV: Celebrating the Greening of the Granite State
Wednesday, April 27th, 2011
Senator Jeanne Shaheen will be the keynote speaker at the first annual Small Business Week Forum hosted by Mayor Ted Gatsas and Manchester’s Economic Development Office. The kick-off event will be held on Monday, May 16th from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Southern New Hampshire University. The Forum will also feature a panel discussion on financing options for small businesses, followed by a Small Business Resource Fair. Manchester’s Small Business Week is presented by Citizens Bank.
 U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen
As a past Governor and current Senator, Jeanne Shaheen understands the important role small businesses play in our City and State’s economy. “Innovative small businesses are the drivers of job creation in Manchester, in New Hampshire, and across the nation,” said Senator Shaheen. “Their creativity and ingenuity are important keys to America’s future economic prosperity and international competitiveness.” During the event, Senator Shaheen will discuss how she and her colleagues in Washington are working to help small businesses grow and prosper in New Hampshire.
“This week-long event celebrates the contributions small businesses make to our city’s economic vitality, and will provide business owners with resources to help them succeed,” said Chris Wellington, City of Manchester, Economic Development Office. “If you own your own business, or are thinking of starting one in Manchester, this is a great opportunity to network and learn.”
The Small Business Week Forum’s panel will include Kimberly Dee, Senior Vice President, Business Banking Group at Citizens Bank; John Hamilton, Vice President of Economic Opportunity and Managing Director, Vested for Growth at the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund; Marilyn Bogue, Acting District Director at the NH Small Business Administration; and Robert Schwartz Jr., a corporate attorney with Devine Millimet.
Other programming events of Small Business Week include small business workshops at Devine Millimet and FairPoint Communications, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Pecha Kucha; tour of downtown office space by Intown Manchester; New Hampshire High Technology Council Entrepreneurial forum; and a networking event hosted by DYN. The week culminates in the Mayor’s Small Business Awards Breakfast which will recognize three businesses that have demonstrated strong business growth, an innovative approach within their business model, and a commitment to community service. For more information about the activities taking place during Small Business Week, visit
The Small Business Resource Fair following the Forum will feature local and statewide business resource organizations that provide assistance and support to small businesses. Representatives from the various organizations will be available to provide information and advice for a number of topics important to small businesses including financing, healthcare options, city regulations, creating a business plan, legal issues, legislative issues, “greening” your business, social media, marketing plans and much more. Registration forms for the Small Business Week Forum are now available online by visiting and clicking on the Small Business Week link.
The Manchester Small Business Week is made possible by presenting sponsor Citizens Bank and supporting sponsors Devine Millimet, DYN Inc, Fairpoint Communications, Public Service of New Hampshire, MVP Healthcare, WEDU and Printer’s Square.
For more information about the programs and events scheduled during Manchester Small Business Week or to register for an event please contact Chris Wellington at 603-624-6505 or visit
Exhibitors for the Small Business Resource Fair scheduled for the kickoff event at Southern New Hampshire University include: Citizens Bank, Devine Millimet, MVP Healthcare, Public Service of New Hampshire, Fairpoint Communications, WEDU, Printers Square, NH Small Business Development Center, NH Division of Economic Development, abi Innovation HUB, NH Community Loan Fund- Vested For Growth, Manchester Young Professional Network (MYPN), Interface Financial Group, City of Manchester Fire Department, City of Manchester Health Department, City of Manchester Building & Planning Department, City of Manchester City Clerk’s Office, Manchester Economic Development Office, SCORE, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Intown Manchester, NH High Technology Council, NH Small Business Administration, Business and Industry Association of NH, StayWorkPlay NH, New Hampshire Businesses For Social Responsibility, and Capital Regional Development Center.
Tags: Chris Wellington, Citizens Bank, Devine Millimet, DYN, FairPoint Communications, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Intown Manchester, John Hamilton, Kimberly Dee, Manchester Economic Development Office, Marilyn Bogue, Mayor Ted Gatsas, MVP Healthcare, New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, New Hampshire High Technology Council, NH Small Business Administration, Pecha Kucha, Printer's Square, Public Service of New Hampshire, Robert Schwartz Jr., Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Southern New Hampshire University, Vested for Growth, WEDU Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Senator Shaheen confirmed as Keynote Speaker for Manchester Small Business Week Forum
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
It was a real pleasure for the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development to be a sponsor of last night’s New Hampshire Business Review “Business Excellence Awards” at Southern New Hampshire University. This was a great celebration of New Hampshire’s best and brightest companies and the good folks at NHBR were rewarded for their hard work with a packed room.
Special congrats are in order for “No Bull Business Blog” guest blogger Dr. Russ Ouellette of Sojourn Partners who was recognized with an award in the “Business Services” category. Way to go Russ!!
Here’s a recap of last night’s festivities:
New Hampshire Business Review honored 14 individuals at the 2010 Business Excellence Awards, which recognize the efforts and achievements owners of businesses with 100 employees or fewer.
More than 50 nominations in 13 categories were received, making the job of the 14 judges that much more difficult.
More than 300 people attended the Oct. 20 event, which was held at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester.
Because of the extraordinary number of accomplished candidates, NHBR also named a tie in the Retail category and finalists in several other categories.
NHBR also announced two inductees into the Business Excellence Hall of Fame, which singles out people whose entire careers have been marked by a consistent and impressive record of accomplishments, both in their chosen fields, in their communities, and across the state and beyond. These honorees were selected by a separate panel of judges.
“Each of the businesspeople who receive these honors has a different story to tell,” said Sharron McCarthy, president of McLean Communications and publisher of NHBR. “But what they have in common is determination, industriousness and the ability to come up with innovative solutions that have allowed their businesses to survive and thrive, regardless of economic conditions, and a commitment to serving their communities.”
 NHBR Editor Jeff Feingold
Jeff Feingold, editor of NHBR, said, “We would like to salute all of the nominees, the people who nominated them and the winners themselves for their contributions toward making New Hampshire a great place to do business.”
Emcee was Charlie Sherman, host of WGIR-AM’s morning news talk program.
A portion of the proceeds from the evening benefited Court Appointed Special Advocates, or CASA, which advocates for New Hampshire children in the state’s court system in cases of neglect and abuse.
The winners of the 2010 NHBR Business Excellences Awards were:
 "Business Services" winner Dr. Russ Ouellette
• Excellence in Business Services — Russ Ouellette, Sojourn Partners LLC, Bedford
• Excellence in Construction — G. Hayden McLaughlin, Belknap Landscape Co., Inc., Gilford
• Excellence in Financial Services — Frank Teas, The Nashua Bank
• Excellence in Health Care — Joshua Siegal, M.D., Access Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics, Exeter
• Excellence in Hospitality — Carol Sheehan, The Red Arrow 24 Hr. Franchising Inc., Manchester
• Excellence in Media & Marketing — Linda Fanaras, Millennium Integrated Marketing Inc., Manchester
• Excellence in Nonprofits — Peter Kelleher, Partnership for Successful Living, Nashua
• Excellence in Professional Services — Jonathan Halle, Warrenstreet Architects, Concord
• Excellence in Real Estate — Quentin Keefe, Regency Mortgage Corp., Manchester
• Excellence in Retail (tie) — Susan Lozier Robert, Frederick’s Pastries, Amherst; Curt Jacques, West Lebanon Feed & Supply
• Excellence in Technology — Jason Alexander, Alexander Technology Group, Bedford
The 2010 NHBR Business Excellence Hall of Fame Inductees were:
• Alex Ray, founder, Common Man Family of Restaurants
• Lew Feldstein, former chairman, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
The judges for the 2010 NHBR Business Excellence Awards were:
• Jennifer Boulanger, loan officer at Capital Region Economic Development Corp. in Concord and former executive director of the Belknap County Economic Development Council based in Laconia
• Robin Comstock, president and CEO, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce
• Roy Duddy, interim director, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development
• Lou Guevin, former chairman, Junior Achievement of New Hampshire
• Julie Gustafson, president and CEO, Amoskeag Business Incubator, Manchester
• Richard Hanson, professor, accounting and taxation, Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester; executive director, Institute for Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, SNHU
• Mahboubul Hassan, professor, economics and finance, SNHU
• Lise Howson, vice president and business banking relationship manager, Citizens Bank
• Witmer Jones, New Hampshire district director, U.S. Small Business Administration
• Dave Juvet, senior vice president, Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire
• Patrick F. McDermott, economic and community development manager, Public Service Company of New Hampshire
• Tim Sink, president, Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce
• Ashley Smith, business editor, The Nashua Telegraph
• Chip Underhill, senior marketing manager, FairPoint Communications, Manchester
Sponsors of the event were FairPoint Communications, Laconia Savings Bank, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England, Public Service of New Hampshire, J Maze Design, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Merrimack Street Volvo, WGIR-AM 610, New Hampshire Public Television and Southern New Hampshire University. — NEW HAMPSHIRE BUSINESS REVIEW
Tags: Alex Ray, Alexander Technology Group, Ashley Smith, Belknap Landscape Co., Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire, Capital Region Economic Development Corp., Carol Sheehan, CASA, Charlie Sherman, Chip Underhill, Citizens Bank, Common Man Family of Restaurants, Curt Jacques, Dave Juvet, FairPoint Communications, Frank Teas, Frederick's Pastries, G. Hayden McLaughlin, Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England, J Maze Design, Jason Alexander, Jeff Feingold, Jennifer Boulanger, Jonathan Halle, Joshua Siegal M.D., Julie Gustafson, Junior Achievement of New Hampshire, Lew Feldstein, Linda Fanaras, Lise Howson, Lou Guevin, Mahboubul Hassan, Merrimack Street Volvo, Millenium Advertising, Nashua Telegraph, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire Public Television, Partnership for Successful Living, Pat McDermott, Peter Kelleher, Public Service of New Hampshire, Quentin Keefe, Regency Mortgage Corp., Richard Hanson, Robin Comstock, Roy Duddy, Russ Ouellette, Sharron McCarthy, Sojourn Partners, Southern New Hampshire University, Susan Lozier Robert, The Nashua Bank, The Red Arrow, Tim Sink, U.S. Small Business Administration, Warrenstreet Architects, West Lebanon Feed & Supply, WGIR-AM, Witmer Jones Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Winners Celebrated at 8th Business Excellence Awards
Monday, October 11th, 2010
At their “sold out” launch party at Boynton’s Taproom last week, Stay Work Play officially launched their website with help from New Hampshire’s Super Secret Project, event sponsor Citizens Bank, Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas, and attendees including young professionals and leaders from across the state.
 (L to R) Chris Williams, Gray Chynoweth, Cathy Schmidt, Mayor Ted Gatsas, and Kate Luczko enjoy the festivities at Stay Work Play’s Website Launch party at Boynton’s Taproom last week. (Photo credit: Matthew Lomanno Photography)
The event, also a kickoff to a fall NH college campus tour, featured a live performance from The Super Secret Project. The Super Secret Project performed their newest release, “Middle Class in the USA” and also the New Hampshire-themed music video “Granite State of Mind” with a special Stay Work Play twist.
“Last night we started a bit of a revolution,” said Graham Chynoweth, co-chair of the Stay Work Play Board and Vice President of Business Operations & General Counsel at Dynamic Network Services, Inc. “ is revolutionary because it is changing the way New Hampshire looks at itself and what others think of us. NH isn’t just a good place to start a family; it’s a great place to launch careers and start-up companies. It isn’t just a place to go camping; it’s a place to go to concerts. It’s not just a good place to retire; it’s a really cool place to live.”
Planned for the fall and winter, the college campus tour will bring entertainment to a few New Hampshire college campuses to engage students and encourage them to use the Stay Work Play web site at and organization as a resource for launching a career in New Hampshire. Stay Work Play is rapidly building a following on Facebook and Twitter and traffic has been building steadily since the beta launch of the site over the summer. The Stay Work Play website includes hundreds of links to other websites, as well as information, photos, and content that is divided into sections that relate to staying, working, and playing in New Hampshire. Special features include linkages to all of the young professionals networks across the state, to Facebook and Twitter feeds, a living index, and resources regarding jobs in the state, housing, events, and activities.
“The Stay Work Play Initiative is especially important to Manchester since our city is the business capitol of the state and home to 11 colleges and universities, educating more than 15,000 students each year, “ said Chris Wellington, Marketing & Retention Specialist for the Manchester Economic Development Office. “The city looks forward to working with Stay Work Play to help retain these young professionals and provide them with the opportunities they need to prosper both professionally and personally. The greatest challenge facing New Hampshire is the perception that Boston provides the greatest professional opportunities for graduates and young professionals. Stay Work Play will provide the state with a voice to let students know that New Hampshire and Manchester can not only provide graduates and young professionals with the same professional opportunities as Boston but also an unmatched quality of life.”
Over the next several months, the organization plans to add in a customized events calendar, enhance the job search component, launch a video contest, and is partnered with Business NH Magazine for the “Rising Stars” Young Professional Award, an inaugural event that will recognize companies and individuals who excel at addressing the needs of younger workers in New Hampshire. Attendees at this event, being held at Red River Theatre in Concord, will hear keynote speaker Peter Egelston, president of Smuttynose Brewing Company, share his story and advice for NH’s young professionals and entrepreneurs. Plus after the event there will be an exclusive showing of a cult classic movie. The event is being held on November 8th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration can be found at or by calling (603) 626-6354.
Tags: "Stay Work & Play", Boynton's Taproom, Business NH Magazine, Chris Wellington, Citizens Bank, Dynamic Network Services, Graham Chynoweth, Manchester Economic Development Office, Peter Egelston, Red River Theatre, Smuttynose Brewing Company, Super Secret Project, Ted Gatsas Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on Stay Work Play Launches Web Site at Gala Party
Monday, October 4th, 2010
A recent study by the Center for Women’s Business Research shows that women now own 40 percent of private firms and that women-owned businesses generate about $3 trillion in revenue and employ 16 percent of the workforce, making them significant players in the national economy.
In order to help spur the creation of new women-owned businesses and supporting existing firms, the New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, Public Service of New Hampshire and Women Inspiring Women will host the New Hampshire Conference for Women on Friday, October 29, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at SERESC Conference and Training Center, 29 Commerce Drive, Bedford, NH.
“This is a great opportunity to not only celebrate the many outstanding female business leaders in the state, but to also encourage budding female entrepreneurs to make their business dreams a reality in the Granite State,” said New Hampshire Division of Economic Development Interim Director Roy Duddy.
The day will include five educational sessions, exhibitors and networking and begins with the “Learn, Grow and Succeed” panel discussion featuring Cathy Schmidt, President of Citizens Bank NH, Beth Roberts – VP, Northern New England, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Teresa Rosenberger – NH State President of Fairpoint Communications and Deb Titus – Managing Director of Dale Carnegie NH. It will be moderated by Leslie Sturgeon of Women Inspiring Women.
Other sessions include “Turning a Transition into a Triumph” with Nancy McCabe, “Developing Your Personal Power” with Lauran Star Raduazo, and “Make More Time for You: End the Overwhelm” with Rosemary Tator. The day concludes with “Girl Talk: An Inspirational Conversation with Sharron McCarthy,” who is President of McLean Communications and serves as the publisher of New Hampshire Magazine, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Home Magazine and Parenting NH Magazine.
As a result of a generous contribution from the NH Division of Economic Development and Public Service Company of New Hampshire, the registration price is only $25 and includes lunch. NH Business Review is serving as the media sponsor for the event. Reservations are needed and space is limited. Contact Women Inspiring Women at (603) 744-0400 or visit for more information and to register.
According to Leslie Sturgeon, founder and president of Women Inspiring Women, “This will not only be a day of inspiration, education and transformation but a day filled with fun surprises, exhibitors, door prizes and great networking as well.”
Women Inspiring Women was founded in 2007 in the Lakes Region by Sturgeon to give women of all ages and backgrounds an opportunity to get together at educational, fun and inspirational events on a monthly basis. Since that time the organization has expanded to Concord, Nashua, Manchester, Bedford and the Seacoast, hosts bi-weekly events, and quickly become the state’s largest organization for women’s empowerment, personal development and networking.
Tags: Beth Roberts, Cathy Schmidt, Center for Women's Business Research, Citizens Bank, Dale Carnegie NH, Deb Titus, FairPoint Communications, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Lauran Star Raduazo, McLean Communications, Nancy McCabe, New Hampshire Business Review, New Hampshire Division of Economic Development, New Hampshire Home Magazine, New Hampshire Magazine, Parenting NH Magazine, Public Service of New Hampshire, Rosemary Tator, Roy Duddy, SERESC, Sharron McCarthy, Teresa Rosenberger, Women Inspiring Women Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on New Hampshire Conference for Women Scheduled
Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
New Hampshire’s Super Secret Project will help Stay Work Play, Inc. kick off their website launch party and college tour, sponsored by Citizens Bank. The event, which is free to the public, will be held at Boynton’s Taproom in Manchester on Thursday, October 7, 2010.
The kickoff event will feature a live performance of the New Hampshire-themed music video “Granite State of Mind” by the Super Secret Project. Invited dignitaries include Governor John Lynch and Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas. In addition, there will be ample networking opportunities with young professionals and leaders from across the state.
“We believe that a bank should contribute to the growth and vibrancy of its communities, said Cathleen A. Schmidt, president of Citizens Bank. “We are excited to partner with Stay Work Play to help encourage more college students to stay, work and play in New Hampshire after graduation. The Stay Work Play website features all of the opportunities that the granite state has to offer to the young workforce today and serves as a reliable networking portal.”
Planned for the fall and winter, the college campus tour will bring entertainment to a few New Hampshire college campuses to engage students and encourage them to use the Stay Work Play web site at and organization as a resource for launching a career in New Hampshire. Stay Work Play is rapidly building a following on Facebook and Twitter and traffic has been building steadily since the beta launch of the site over the summer. The Stay Work Play website includes hundreds of links to other websites, as well as information, photos, and content that is divided into sections that relate to staying, working, and playing in New Hampshire. Special features include linkages to all of the young professionals networks across the state, to Facebook and Twitter feeds, a living index, and resources regarding jobs in the state, housing, events, and activities.
“As an organization, we have some great momentum right now and really look forward to the launch party, college road trip, and gaining more feedback so we can make the Stay Work Play website and other outreach efforts as effective and meaningful as possible,” said Chris Williams, co-chair of the Stay Work Play Board and President of the Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce.
Stay Work Play is a non-profit organization established in 2009 to build off the work of the 55% Initiative, an effort originally launched by the University System of New Hampshire to help encourage more college students to stay work and play in the state after graduation. The effort gained additional support through the work of the Governor’s Task Force on Young Worker Recruitment and Retention, which recommended the creation of an independent organization to lead an effort to serve younger workers in the state and create a web portal that could serve their informational and networking needs.
Over the next several months, the organization plans to add in a customized events calendar, enhance the job search component, launch a video contest, and assist with an event that will recognize companies and individuals who excel at addressing the needs of younger workers in New Hampshire.
Stay Work Play was incorporated in 2009 by the heads of the University System of NH, the Business and Industry Association of NH, the NH High Tech Council, the NH College and University Council, and the NH Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED). Its charter partners, Fidelity Investments, Delta Dental, Comcast, SilverTech, and DRED provided initial support to develop the site, and the organization is now supported through sponsors of the website. More information on the organization and on sponsorship opportunities can be found on the website, For details on the event,, or contact Executive Director, Kate Luczko,, (603) 860-2245.
Tags: Boynton's Taproom, Business & Industry Association of NH, Cathleen Schmidt, Citizens Bank, Comcast, Delta Dental, Fidelity Investments, Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce, Kate Luczko, NH College and University Council, NH Department of Resources & Economic Development, SilverTech, Stay Work Play Inc., Super Secret Project, Ted Gatsas, University System of NH Posted in NH Business Matters | Comments Off on SWP to Host Web Site Launch Party